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Research Groups and Centers (24)

See Also:

» 7*M Research Group at Arizona State University Open in a new browser window
   This diverse research group's interests center on meteorites, mercury geochemistry, microprobe analysis, mineralogy and other associated fields. Includes details of current projects, publications, facilities and personnel.
» Biogeochemistry and Isotope Geochemistry Group Open in a new browser window
   At the Department of Environmental Geosciences, Universität Wien, Austria. Undertaking research into biogeochemical processes in sedimentary and weathering environments, in aquatic and terrestrial systems.
» Biomineralization (Paris-Sud U.) Open in a new browser window
   Research programs, laboratory equipment and staff, and contact information for this facility in the Earth Sciences Department.
» Division of Geochemistry: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Open in a new browser window
   Researchers seek to understand Earth’s environments by studying its history and the processes that have governed these environments, using chemical and isotope analyses of samples of air, water, biological remains, rocks and meteorites
» Environmenal Geochemistry Research Open in a new browser window
   At the Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, USA. Includes details of the people and the varied research projects in which they are involved.
» Environmental Geochemistry Group Open in a new browser window
   At the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz, Germany. Undertaking basic and applied research into speciation and transformation of trace metals and metalloids during biogeochemical processes in both natural and anthropogenic environments.
» Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory (U. of Aalborg, Denmark) Open in a new browser window
   Physical inorganic and organometallic chemistry applied to environmental and geological systems. Descriptions of current research projects and interests, along with a page of laboratory publications. Provides contact information for collaboration inquirie
» Environmental Geochemistry and Geomicrobiology Open in a new browser window
   At the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, UK. Research is focused on the characterization of mineral-water-organic matter reactions in surface and subsurface environments.
» Geochemistry Group: Instituto de Geofisica: Mexico Open in a new browser window
   The Group carries out geochemical and isotopic studies in several regions of Mexico. Includes details of the different projects and the staff in charge of each. In English and Spanish.
» Geochemistry Research Group Open in a new browser window
   At Kalmar University, Sweden. Research is focused on how major and trace elements are redistributed and transported in the environment, how they end up in streams and ground waters, and how they are taken up by plants and animals.
» Geochemistry Research Group: University of Bristol Open in a new browser window
   Research into understand natural processes on a range of temporal and spatial scales, specialising in the use of isotopic tracers to understand the nature and chronology of cycling between the major reservoirs of the Earth.
» Geological Survey of Japan Geochemistry Department Open in a new browser window
   Elemental and isotopic research on rocks and minerals from terrestrial and extraterrestrial sources, organic and gaseous components, and groundwater. Lists available analytical equipment and a database for geochemical reference samples.
» Isotope Geochemistry Group and Cosmochemistry: Manchester University, UK Open in a new browser window
   Laboratory-based geochemical research into the early evolution of the solar nebula, the generation of planetary bodies, ore deposit formation, and petroleum reservoirs. Provides contact information, current projects, and a list of laboratory instruments.
» Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory (U. of Maryland) Open in a new browser window
   Description of the general laboratory, analytical equipment, and facilities for sample preparation. Includes summaries of active research areas, staff, and publications arising from research in this laboratory.
» Mantle Geochemistry Research Group Open in a new browser window
   At the Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, UK. Undertaking research into the composition, dynamics and evolution of the mantle and the origin of the magmas that it produces across the spectrum of tectonic settings.
» National Oceanography Centre, Southampton: Geochemistry Open in a new browser window
   Research is focused on two main themes, quantifying geochemical exchanges between Earth reservoirs and quantifying, forecasting, and mitigating the effects of climate change, pollution, global consumption and geohazards on society.
» Organic Geochemistry Group Open in a new browser window
   At the Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. The Group is using molecular biomarkers to study geoscientific problems in various disciplines ranging from biogeochemistry and geobiology to microbiology.
» Organic Geochemistry Unit Open in a new browser window
   At the School of Chemistry, Bristol University, UK. Research is focused on understanding the biogeochemistry of modern-day and ancient environments and the way that it is affected by natural processes and the actions of mankind.
» Petroleum and Environmental Geochemistry Group Open in a new browser window
   At the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK. Includes details of the Group, the research being undertaken and publications.
» Petrology and Geochemistry Research Group Open in a new browser window
   At the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong. Undertaking research into the processes and timing of crust and mantle evolution, the reconstruction of paleo-environments and mineral exploration.
» Satish Myneni's Environmental Geochemistry Group Open in a new browser window
   At the Department of Geosciences, Princeton University. Research is focused on understanding the interactions between mineral oxides and organic macromolecules, which interact with each other and the atmosphere, water, and biota continuously.
» Schoonen's Aqueous Geochemistry Lab Open in a new browser window
   At Stony Brook University, USA. Research focuses on understanding geochemical and environmental processes at the molecular scale. Includes a database of infrared and Raman spectra of minerals and rocks.
» Terrestrial Geochemistry Open in a new browser window
   At the Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge University, UK. Main areas of research are weathering, erosion and climate change, ocean ridge hydrothermal fluxes and CO2 sequestration.
» Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Open in a new browser window
   Devoted to the study of chemical processes in the ocean and chemical fluxes to and from the oceans. Staff lists, facilities, talk schedules, and research summaries.

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Last Updated: 2010-07-03 15:52:23

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