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Air Dispersion Modeling (194)


Editor's Picks:

» Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   An open source Wiki devoted to atmospheric dispersion modelling. Offers technical articles.


» AQM Resource Centre Open in a new browser window
   The Air Quality Management (AQM) Resource Centre is maintained at the University of the West of England in Bristol, England. It provides much useful information, including brief descriptions of many British and USA air dispersion models.
» Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling Liaison Committee (ADMLC) Open in a new browser window
   ADMLC's main aim is to review current understanding of atmospheric dispersion for application in authorization or licensing of discharges to the atmosphere from industrial, commercial or other sites. ADMLC is concerned with long-term controlled releases a
» Atmospheric Dispersion of Chemicals (E-mail Discussion List) Open in a new browser window
   Atmospheric Dispersion of Chemicals is an e-mail discussion list where people working in the field of atmospheric dispersion modeling can exchange experiences.
» Certified Consulting Meteorologists Open in a new browser window
   Provides directories by state and by speciality of the Certified Consulting Meteorologist members of the American Meteorological Society, many of whom specialize in air pollution dispersion modeling analyses and studies.
» Directory of Atmospheric Transport and Diffusion Consequence Assessment Models Open in a new browser window
   An extensive directory (March 1999 issue) of atmospheric dispersion models produced by the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology (OFCM), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
» Environmental Software and Modelling Group, Technical University of Madrid Open in a new browser window
   Conducts research in modelling and prediction of air quality.
» European Environmental Agency: Urban Air Dispersion Models Open in a new browser window
   A discussion of the algorithms used in urban air dispersion models such as: area source and elevated point source models; street canyon and highway sub-models; plume rise; converting one averaging time to another ... all contained in an annex of a report
» Finnish Meteorological Institute Open in a new browser window
   The activities of the Air Quality Research department at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) include atmospheric dispersion modeling for: urban air quality, regional and long-range transport, and accidents involving hazardous materials.
» Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion Open in a new browser window
   Includes published peer reviews, complete table of contents, and information about how to obtain copies of the book. Also includes technical articles.
» Indian Institute of Technology Open in a new browser window
   The Centre for Atmospheric Sciences is a research and consultancy group within the Indian Institute of Technology at Delhi, India that offers atmospheric dispersion modeling.
» Literature References on Mesoscale Meteorology Open in a new browser window
   A comprehensive list of literature references on mesoscale meteorology compiled by Dr. Ming Xue, many of which relate to various aspects of air dispersion modeling.
» NOAA's Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) Open in a new browser window
   Within the U.S.'s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the ARL conducts research on the transport, dispersion, transformation, and removal of atmospheric pollutants - leading to the development of air quality and dispersion models. The
» National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center Open in a new browser window
   Located at the University of California's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (NARAC) is a national emergency response service for real-time assessment of incidents involving accidental relea
» Omni - Air Pollution Modeling In Practice Open in a new browser window
   Omni is a demonstrator site for disseminating modeled and monitored air pollution data in an accessible form. Details of methodology are included. The data covers the London, England area.
» Pollution Meteorology and Dispersion Open in a new browser window
   Publicizes the book "Air Pollution Meteorology and Dispersion" ... a review of the basic theories, models, experiments, and observations of pollutant dispersal in the atmosphere.
» Regulatory air dispersion models in Australia Open in a new browser window
   Reviews and guide (provided by the University of New South Wales in Australia) to regulatory air dispersion models used in Australia for odour dispersion modelling and impact assessment.
» Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative (SAMI) Open in a new browser window
   The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Alpine Geophysics, are teamed to support an air quality assessment of the Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative, an organization formed by Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,
» StadtKlima: The International Association For Urban Climate Open in a new browser window
   A list of air quality and air pollution dispersion models with descriptions, details and contacts for obtaining further information. Most of the listed models were developed in Germany, and the StadtKlima Association is headquartered at the University of
» The GAIA Air Dispersion Model Database Open in a new browser window
   A database of 27 different air dispersion models. Each model entry includes: a description, where to obtain the software, the original authors, and literature references pertaining to the model. Sponsored by a consortium of 10 countries in Europe, Africa,
» U.S. EPA's Support Center for Regulatory Air Models Open in a new browser window
   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency uses this site to provide information on the many dispersion models supporting regulatory programs required by U.S. law. All of the EPA's dispersion models and their Users' Manuals can be downloaded cost-free from
» Wikipedia: Air Dispersion Modeling Open in a new browser window
   Offers technical articles about air dispersion modeling.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 18:00:00

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