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Impacts and Indicators (70)


See Also:

» Assessment of Knowledge on Impacts of Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   A detailed report for the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) into the effects of dangerous anthropogenic interference on ecosystems, food production, water, and socio-economic systems. Studies include: processes causing loss of biodiversity a
» BASC - Understanding Climate Change Feedbacks Open in a new browser window
   Examines processes in the climate system that can either amplify or damp the response to changes forced by external factors. An e-book version of the publication from the Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (BASC), produced by the National Academies
» Climate Change Linked to Civilization Collapse Open in a new browser window
   National Geographic News story about the hypothesis that past climate variations led to the collapse of civilizations, with speculation on the implications for our society's future.
» Climate Change Threatens a Million Species with Extinction Open in a new browser window
   Detailed press release reporting a study of biodiversity-rich regions. Computer models project the future movements and distributions of many species of plants, birds, animals, and insects, in response to changing conditions. From the School of Biology, U
» Effects of Climate Change on Protected Areas Open in a new browser window
   WWF paper that examines recent research and provides evidence that the types of environmental changes predicted in climatic models are now taking place. Studies the implications to habitats, ecosystems, species, and local food webs, in areas that are root
» Global Climate Change and Biodiversity Open in a new browser window
   Summary report from an international conference presenting papers on topics that cover a cross-section of the planet's major biomes: forests, marine, high latitudes and montane, managed landscapes and coasts.
» Global Warming and Hurricanes Open in a new browser window
   Examines the likely changes in worldwide hurricane activity in the 21st century. Includes graphs and diagrams, links to theoretical papers, and a research report.
» Global Warming: Early Warning Signs Open in a new browser window
   Map illustrates fingerprints and harbingers including observed consequences as indicated by periods of unusually warm weather, coastal flooding, and changes in glaciers and polar regions.
» Gulf Stream Shutdown Open in a new browser window
   Abrupt climate change, global warming and the environment. If the Gulf Stream slows down or stops, what could be the effects? Websites, articles, books and forums.
» Habitat: Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   An overview of the growing evidence of the sensitivity and vulnerability of natural and human systems, including brief descriptions of threats encountered by specific species: golden toad, western toad, salmon and trout, polar bears, arctic fox, chinstrap
» Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - Working Group 1 : The Scientific Basis of Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   Analyses a body of observations of all parts of the climate system; catalogues increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases; assesses the processes and feedbacks which govern the climate system.
» Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - Working Group 2 : Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability Open in a new browser window
   Assesses the scientific, technical, environmental, economic and social aspects of climate change. Includes assessment report, publications and schedule of meetings.
» International Year of the Ocean: Impacts of Global Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   A document prepared by various participating US Government agencies as a background discussion paper for this declaration. Considers the influence of the ocean in three parts: seasonal to interannual effects; decadal to centennial effects; and with an emp
» Methane Clathrate Outgassing and Anoxic Expansion in Southeast Asian Deeps Due to Global Warming Open in a new browser window
   Paper by Pat Wilde and Mary Quinby-Hunt asserting that the warming of southeast Asian oceans could release colossal burst of greenhouse gases.
» National Academy of Sciences - Global Warming Facts and Our Future Open in a new browser window
   An introduction to the subject, designed for teenagers and adults. Examines the greenhouse effect, carbon cycle, causes and effects, predictions, and responses to change. Includes teaching activities, links, and suggestions for further reading. From the M
» National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Project FOE03103 Open in a new browser window
   A modeling case study by Friends of the Earth. Examines and assesses the effects of specific emissions from a particular enterprise, ExxonMobil, on atmospheric concentrations, changes in radiative forcing, changes in global mean surface temperature, and c
» National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC): State of the Cryosphere Open in a new browser window
   Information on the status of sea ice, freshwater ice, snow, glaciers, and permafrost. Includes data sets with search facility, details of projects and research, news articles, and links to data providers.
» Ocean and Climate Change Institute: Abrupt Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's study of the role of ocean circulation in climate regulation, and research into changing salt levels.
» Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution (OSDPD) Open in a new browser window
   Graphical presentation from the US Government National Environment Satellite, Data, and Information Service. Includes charts for sea surface temperatures, aerosol optical thickness, coral bleaching hotspots, precipitation, volcanic ash, and a snow and ice
» Science Daily: Earth and Climate News Open in a new browser window
   A daily news update of the latest research into climate change. Includes links to archived articles about ecology and environmental science.
» Simulation of Recent Southern Hemisphere Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   Observed climate trends simulated in an atmospheric model. Evidence that anthropogenic emissions of ozone-depleting gases have had a distinct effect on climate at Earth's surface as well as at stratospheric levels.
» Temperature Trends: Atmospheric (Satellite MSU - RSS) Open in a new browser window
   One of two conflicting analyses of atmospheric temperatures derived from satellite observations. Browse images and download data. From Remote Sensing Systems, in collaboration with the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory.
» Temperature Trends: Surface (CRU) Open in a new browser window
   Land and sea surface temperature anomalies, analysed by the Climate Research Unit, Norwich, UK. Includes scientific papers, dataset terminology, file formats, data for downloading, answers to frequently asked questions, and links to related web sites, gri
» Temperature Trends: Surface (GISS) Open in a new browser window
   Global Historical Climate Network data, analysed by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Includes background information, table data, individual station data, graphs, maps, animations, and references.
» Tropical Cyclones and Global Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   A Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Examines the natural variability, possible trends, frequency, and intensity of severe weather activity in tropical coastal regions, and explores the potential for change in greenhouse conditions.
» World View of Global Warming Open in a new browser window
   Photographic documentation of climate change around the world. Focuses on effects such as shrinking glaciers, coral bleaching, insect and animal range changes, phenology, and rising sea level.

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