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Software (37) Categories:
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» Environmental Software House
Offers up-to-date, comprehensive selections of high quality software applications currently available, organised by categories: Air Pollution, Environmental Management Systems, Risk Assessment, Groundwater Resources, Waste Management, Wastewater Treatment http://www.environmental-center.com/software.htm » Environmental, Health and Safety Software Service
Searchable database of commercial software and freeware products for a wide range of environmental applications. http://www.ehssoftserve.com/ » GaBi-Software
Life Cycle Assessment (LCE/ LCA) software system for economic, ecological, and technical decision support in sustainable production and product design. http://www.gabi-software.com/ » Gamma Design Software
Provides description of geostatistics including examples of software useful for quantifying spatial relationships and drawing maps. Relevant to geologists, GISers, ecologists, hydrologists, and remediation engineers. http://www.geostatistics.com/ » GeoAnalysis, Inc.
Offers specialized software and consulting services for environmental database management, project analysis, and groundwater modeling. http://www.geoanalysis.com/ » GeoEnviron
Environmental health dataÂbase management system dedicated to manÂaging data gathered from routine inspections, complaint investigations and monitoring activiÂties. http://www.geoenviron.eu » GreenWare Environmental Systems Inc.
Environmental management system, performance monitoring and reporting software, including greenhouse gas emissions, and auditing software. http://www.greenware.com/ » Kisters
Offers software solutions for water resources and air quality management, and the energy market. http://www.kisters.de/english/html/homepage.html » Locus Technologies
Offers on-demand software to organize environmental data and information, and to manage water footprint and greenhouse gases. http://www.locustec.com » Regulatory Software Services, Inc.
Develops and markets software for PCB record-keeping, waste tracking and EPA regulatory compliance. http://www.pcbcompliance.com/ » Risk Identification of Soil Contamination - RISC
A framework and model to predict potential risks, using expertise on presence and behaviour of contaminants in soil. Downloadable demo. Developed by the Van Hall Institute in Groningen, The Netherlands. http://www.risc-site.nl/ » SEVIEW
Integrated package incorporating SESOIL, AT123D and BIOSCREEN -- everything needed to perform contaminant transport and fate modeling. Model results can be used to establish site-specific cleanup levels in soil and groundwater. http://www.seview.com/ » Scientific Software Group
Distributor of a wide range of environmental software, including groundwater, surface water, bioremediation, air pollution, and geotechnical applications. http://www.scisoftware.com/ » Tero Consulting Ltd
Offers environmental maintenance management software, Web Work CMMS. http://www.tero.ca » Verteego
Offers software applications for companies and local governments to help them to make their business more sustainable and communicate their sustainable practices. http://www.verteego.com » Wastedge
Provides web-based software for the operational needs of waste businesses to help them streamline their operations. http://www.wastedge.com/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2010-07-04 00:45:18
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |