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Mitigation Banking (16) Sites:
» Critical Habitats Wetland Banking Process
A consulting firm that offers service in wetland permit acquisition, banking, and wetland creation. Also, includes a guide to the wetland mitigation process and the steps involved in developing a mitigation bank. http://www.criticalhabitats.com/ » Katy-Cypress Wetlands Mitigation Bank
The Katy-Cypress Wetlands Mitigation Bank is located 20 miles northwest of Houston, TX where 130 acres of upland prairie has been converted into wetlands. http://www.kcwetlands.com/ » King County Wetland Mitigation Banking
Describes the concept of mitigation banking, and presents the rules and regulations governing this activity in King County, Washington, USA. http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/waterandland/wetlands/mitigation-banking.aspx » Middle Peninsula Environmental Properties, Inc.
Information regarding compensatory wetland mitigation and a wetlands mitigation bank available in Gloucester County, Virginia, USA. http://www.middlepeninsulaenvironmentalproperties.com » Middle South Platte River Wetland Mitigation Bank
Includes an overview of wetland mitigation banking and details about this bank in Colorado. http://www.coloradowetlandbank.com/ » Mile High Wetlands Group, LLC
Wetlands mitigation bank in Colorado, aims to create and enhance a sufficient acreage of wetland to meet the expected demand for credits within its service area. http://www.wetlandbank.com/ » Mitigation Bank
General information about wetlands mitigation under US law. Describes the establishment of and plans for the Big Cypress and Treasure Coast mitigation banks (wetlands restoration projects) in Florida. http://www.mitigationbank.com/ » Mitigation Banking Fact Sheet
This US EPA website provides a national level description of the history and need for mitigation banking as well as an overview of the process for establishing a mitigation bank. http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/facts/fact16.html » MitigationCredits.com
Information on wetlands and off-site mitigation banking in Georgia. Includes introductory articles about mitigation banking as well as a news blog. http://mitigationcredits.com » Newkirk Environmental
Wetland and stream mitigation banks in South Carolina. http://www.newkirkenvironmental.com/ » Restoration Systems Environmental Mitigation
An environmental mitigation and stream and wetland restoration company with working mitigation sites in North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland and Virginia. http://www.restorationsystems.com » Seven Branches Farm Mitigation Bank
The Seven Branches Farm Mitigation Bank is a commercial stream mitigation bank of approximately 38.5 acres. The bank is located in Forsyth County, GA and serves the Upper Chattahoochee Watershed (HUC - 03130001). http://sbf-llc.com » The Wetlandsbank Group
Wetland and conservation banking firm. Seeks partnerships with public or private entities to design, permit, develop, market, operate and purchase mitigation banks. Also sells mitigation credits on behalf of others. http://www.wetlandsbank.com » Vernal Pool Technologies.LLC
Northern California Mitigation Banking - North of San Francisco. Wetlands, vernal pools, riaparian, trees, plants, animals, habitat - full service with site review, delineation http://www.wetlandservices.com/ » Wetlands Solutions Mitigation Bank
About wetlands mitigation and a 1404-acre wetlands bank that provides the Mississippi Gulf Coast (Jackson, Harrison, Hancock, George, Stone, and Pearl River counties) with mitigation banking and mitigation credits. http://www.wetlandssolutions.com/ » Wildlands: Ecosystem and Mitigation Banking
Provides information on mitigation banks and offers mitigation services in the west coast region, Pacific northwest and the southeast. http://www.wildlandsinc.com/ecosystem This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 17:59:47
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |