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Graph Drawing (37) Editor's Picks:
» graphdrawing.org
Information source for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users working on all aspects of graph visualization and representation. http://graphdrawing.org/ Sites:
» AGD - Algorithms for Graph Drawing
AGD offers a broad range of existing algorithms for two-dimensional graph drawing and tools for implementing new algorithms. It is a product of a cooperation of groups in Halle, Köln, and Saarbrücken supported by the DFG in the program "Design, Analysis http://aragorn.ads.tuwien.ac.at/AGD/ » AbuGraph
AbuGraph is a Java application for graph drawing and visualization. It can be used by another program by using a TCP connection. This enables viewing of a graph data structure which is part of another application. http://abugraph.sourceforge.net » Annas
Annas is a Java framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of graph theory. http://code.google.com/p/annas/ » BabelGraph
Social network analysis, visualization and simulation tool. The software is open source, written in C++ and OpenGL. http://www.babelgraph.org/ » CCVisu: A Tool for Force-Directed Graph Layout
CCVisu is a light-weight Java tool for force-directed graph layout and visual clustering. The layout is minimized using the algorithm of Barnes and Hut, and several energy models are supported. The resulting layouts are provided in text format, as VRML or http://mtc.epfl.ch/~beyer/CCVisu/ » Carrier-class network topology swing components
TWaver is a complete suite of Java graphic components for telecommunication operations support systems (OSS). http://www.servasoftware.com » ChartGo
Free resource that lets users create bar graphs, line graphs or pie charts quickly and easily. http://www.chartgo.com » Found in Space
Provides a 3-dimensional relation display. It uses data of nodes and edges in order to visualize and better understand complex, relational business data. http://continentalsoftware.com/found-in-space/ » GDToolkit - a Graph Drawing Toolkit
GDToolkit (also known as GDT) is a Graph Drawing Toolkit designed to efficiently manipulate several types of graph, and to automatically draw them according to many different aesthetic criteria and constraints. http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/~gdt/ » GRINEdit - "KAYUKA" Tools
Open source visualization tools and library for graphs, relations, interactions and networks. http://www.nishiohirokazu.org/grinedit/ » GUESS: The Graph Exploration System
An Open Source program written in Jython to visualize graphs and perform operations on them. Provides a Jython based scripting language with syntactic sugar for operating on graphs. http://graphexploration.cond.org/ » GoDiagram - .NET and Java diagram components
Add custom interactive diagrams to .NET and Java user interfaces, including networks, workflows, flowcharts, org charts, and design tools. Optional automatic layout and instruments. http://www.nwoods.com/ » GoVisual
GoVisual-API is a library of layout algorithms that can be integrated into C++, .NET or Java applications. Includes advanced layout for UML diagrams and cluster diagrams. http://www.oreas.com » Graph Drawing Contests
Provides information about past and present contests held in conjunction with the annual Symposium on Graph Drawing. http://www.graphdrawing.de » Graph Drawing Resources
Links to research groups and software. http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/rt/gd.html » Graph Drawing Software
Draws automatically large, directed graphs in high quality. It includes a graph editor, navigation features, an API for use by other programs and is available for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris in English and German. http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/graph-visualization/ » Graph Magics
A tool for graph theory, having a generator and offering various algorithms: shortest paths, network flows, maximal clique, optimal coloring etc. http://www.graph-magics.com » Graph Sketcher
A Mac OS X shareware program for plotting and sketching 2D graphs and diagrams. http://www.graphsketcher.com » Graph Visualisation Experiments
Attempts to apply force-directed layout (by Touchgraph) on various datasets, including dmoz.org categories and web site link structures. http://kisd.de/~marian/graphvis/ » GraphViz
Open source graph (network) visualization project from AT&T Research. Has directed and undirected graph layout; many features for concrete diagrams, drivers for web and other graphics formats, and a plug-in architecture for GUIs and scripting language http://www.graphviz.org/ » Graphlet
A toolkit for graph editors and graph algorithms. Unix and Win32 binaries for free download. http://infosun.fmi.uni-passau.de/Graphlet/ » HyperGraph
HyperGraph visualizes hyperbolic trees and graphs. It is used to show topic maps, sitemaps or hierarchies. http://hypergraph.sourceforge.net/ » ILOG JViews Graph Layout Package
ILOG JViews Graph Layout Package simplifies complicated diagrams. The package rearranges complex graph data sets into clear on-screen drawings. Core information represented by nodes and links is much easier to understand. http://www.ilog.com/products/jviews/diagrammer/ » LinLogLayout
A light-weight tool for force-directed graph layout and graph clustering (community detection). Includes reusable Java classes (LGPL license) for optimizing various energy models (including LinLog) and the modularity measure. http://code.google.com/p/linloglayout/ » Mascopt
A set of java tools for network and graph optimization problems. It features basic graph algorithms and graphical user interfaces. Mascopt is under LGPL license. http://www-sop.inria.fr/mascotte/mascopt » Nodes3D
Nodes3D is an open-source, platform independent, interactive 3D graph visualization system based on C and OpenGL. http://brainmaps.org/index.php?p=desktop-apps-nodes3d » OGDF - The Open Graph Drawing Framework
OGDF is an open-source C++ library containing a wealth of data structures and algorithms for graph drawing, including sophisticated features like SPQR-trees, planarity tests, graph planarization, and orthogonal layout. http://www.ogdf.net » PIGALE - Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm Library and Editor
PIGALE is a graph editor and an algorithm library essentially concerned with planar graphs. Written in C++ and interfaced with the Qt library, it is particularly intended for graph theoretical research. PIGALE is released under GPL. http://pigale.sourceforge.net/ » Pajek - a Package for Large Network Analysis
This program runs under Windows NT/9x and provides some analysis tools for large networks and graph-drawing capabilities. http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/pajek/ » The Open Source Java Graph Library
JGraph is a freely available Java Graph Component for the visualization and layout of graphs. http://www.jgraph.com/ » Tom Sawyer Software
Graph analysis and data visualization software that helps build applications to visually present critical information from all types of relational data. Free demonstration available. http://www.tomsawyer.com/ » Tulip
System dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs. It manages graphs with a number of elements (nodes and edges) up to 500,000 on a personal computer. It features 3D visualization and modification. GPL. http://www.tulip-software.org/ » Walrus - Graph Visualization Tool
Walrus is a tool for interactively visualizing large directed graphs in three-dimensional space. By employing 3D hyperbolic geometry to display graphs under a fisheye-like distortion, it provides a display that simultaneously shows local detail and the gl http://www.caida.org/tools/visualization/walrus/ » aiSee Graph Layout Software
aiSee automatically calculates a customizable layout of graphs specified in GDL (graph description language). aiSee supports 15 basic graph layout algorithms, recursive subgraph nesting, fish-eye views and easy printing. It has been optimized to handle la http://www.aisee.com/ » gteditor
A graph editor and tool for sketching graphs and performing some common graph operations developed in Java. http://code.google.com/p/gteditor/ » yFiles - the Java Graph Drawing Library
yFiles is an extensive Java class library that provides algorithms and components for analyzing, viewing and layouting graphs, diagrams and networks. http://www.yworks.de/en/products_yfiles_about.htm This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 17:55:00
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |