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» A Model of Reality Open in a new browser window
   This new theory is a physics breakthrough that completely rewrites fundamental modern physics with reality-based principles.
» A New Approach to the Origins of Matter Open in a new browser window
   Interstellar space designated by the term ether is not empty and uniformly occupies an infinite space.
» A New Light in Physics Open in a new browser window
   Proposes new theories about light, elementary particles and the basic forces of nature and provides a solution to the mystery of "wave-particle duality".
» A New Principle of Motion Open in a new browser window
   Making abstraction of time, this site gets rid of inconsistencies in physics.
» A Novel Nuclear Reactor Open in a new browser window
   A completely novel and radically different type of nuclear fusion reactor.
» A Short Theory of Time Open in a new browser window
   Argues that time is motion.
» A Unified Field Theory Open in a new browser window
   A mathematical description of nature based on the geometry of Space-Time. General Relativity,Energy-Stress tensor, a set of current densities and Quantum mechanics for Spin 1 Bosons. Space-Time dimensions calculated and not put in by hand.
» A Unified Force Theory Open in a new browser window
   A simple theory that explains light, radioactiivity, chemical bonds, dual slit experiment, quantum and wave nature of electrons, and other phenomena without new subatomic particles
» Aether: The Physicalist's God Open in a new browser window
   Book by Laurent R. Duchesne in which he attempts to reconcile a centuries old notion of wholeness in space and time with established scientific theories.
» Aetherometry Open in a new browser window
   Attempts to explain the experimental and theoretical foundations of the new science of Aetherometry, or the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS).
» Allan's Time Interval Metrology Enterprise Open in a new browser window
   New Unified Field Theory shows relationship between gravity, mass, energy density, weak and strong nuclear force fields; evidence and discussion.
» Alternative Science Research Open in a new browser window
   Alternative science research such as on free energy, space travel, quasi quantum computer, magnet motors and time travel.
» An Explanation of the Nature of Light Open in a new browser window
   Offers a hypothesis that light is a wave that must travel though a medium.
» Ashmore's Paradox Open in a new browser window
   The Hubble constant is a combination of the parameters of the electron and the planck constant.
» Atomic Structure and the Pascal Triangle Open in a new browser window
   Explores a connection between electron shell numbers on the one hand and pyramidal, tetrahedral and triangular numbers on the other.
» Awakening to Truth Open in a new browser window
   Online book explaining the fundamental flaws of modern science and unearthing the design and principles on which nature is constructed and functions.
» Big Bertha Thing Open in a new browser window
   High energy particle physics research project, results and software. Outlandish particle periodic table. Scientific cartoons. Spam attack stategic studies. Documentation on 1st and 2nd battles of cyberspace. Astrophysics net ring.
» Charles Vind's Web Page Open in a new browser window
   A collection of articles that speculate on the fundamental nature of space, matter, energy, as well as the mysteries of human consciousness.
» Classical Mechanics Open in a new browser window
   New dynamics which establishes the existence of a new universal force of interaction, called kinetic force.
» Cosmos: Another View Open in a new browser window
   An explanation of some physics concepts in terms of simple ordinary principles.
» Creation of Momentum Open in a new browser window
   With this model, momentum is created during the interaction between radiation and matter, without the prior existence of momentum in the radiation.
» Creative Science and Research Open in a new browser window
   Fuelless engines and generators, built and tested by inventor Rick Harrison. Product information on plans and kits that are available for sale.
» Dampened Oscillator as a Model for the Material Fractal Open in a new browser window
   Unified theory using dampened oscillator statistics in physics, chemistry, and biology.
» Dark Matter: Our Universe is a Negative Charge Open in a new browser window
   Sam Sade provides an individual interpretation on the structure of the Universe.
» Dinosaur Extinction - The Gravitational Hypothesis Open in a new browser window
   An original, serious and well-argued theory by F.Malmartel explaining dinosaur extinction, especially why dinosaurs disappeared when reptiles survived.
» Discussing Modern Thermal Physics Open in a new browser window
   Essays by Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D. Professor of Radiology at Ohio State University.
» Distance, Time and Space Open in a new browser window
   Time and space are fiction - only distance is reality.
» Dr. Evan's Theories Open in a new browser window
   Dr Evan explains his theories on such things as dimensional shifts, time travel and light speed travel.
» Empirical Relativity Open in a new browser window
   Proposes the theory of Empirical Relativity which reveals an equivalence between two fundamental components of physical reality, mass and distance.
» Energy Misdefined Open in a new browser window
   New mathematical test of energy definition shows that original concept was incorrect.
» Esoteric Physics Open in a new browser window
   Presents an alternative view of the universe based on the concept of an all pervading fluid-like hyperdimensional aether.
» Faraday Laboratory Co. Open in a new browser window
   Includes descriptions of time machines, torsion field generators and accelerators, and the table of contents for the magazine "New Energy Technologies".
» Fathomless Open in a new browser window
   An alternative approach to the question of the nature of energy, space and time. The definition of each leads to a suggested theory of a "Moving space."
» Flux Particle Theory Open in a new browser window
   James Clifford Cranwell puts forward his theory that the Universe is made from just one type of particle.
» Foundation Physics Open in a new browser window
   This work is based on an elementary particle, the P-Particle, and includes amongst other topics, discussions of relativity, origin of background radiation, nature of black holes and the nature of light.
» Fundamental Physical Constants Open in a new browser window
   The Dovada four dimensional atomic model, fundamental physics constants successfully defined from first principles.
» Fundamental Proof of Static Nuclear Structure Open in a new browser window
   This paper details a conclusive proof of static nuclear structure. A theory on the electrons is also presented which is derived from the theories of Planck and Einstein.
» Fundamentals of New Physics and of the Universe Picture Open in a new browser window
   Two hypothesises which resolve the inconsistent experimental material and problems accumulated by modern science.
» Fuzzy Entropy Open in a new browser window
   Thermodynamic classification of life, and suggestions for possible applications in unified field theory. Provides descriptions of models, formulas, references and contact details.
» Gonzalo A. Moreno's Physics Papers Open in a new browser window
   Discusses the nature of energy and matter in its relation with space-time, its relation with relativity, and unified strengths.
» Hypothesis on Matter Open in a new browser window
   Guy Myhre proposes an alternative approach which provides simple and logical explanations for all physical phenomena related to matter.
» Hypothesis on Time Open in a new browser window
   Theory that suggests a new concept on the appreciation and measurement of time.
» Hypothetical Collisions of an Ideal Solid Open in a new browser window
   A modern atomist theory of the physical universe.Alternative theory that overturns Einstein's Theory of Relativity and returns physics to Classical Mechanics with absolute space and time.
» Ideas in Electro-magnetics Open in a new browser window
   A simple electrostatic model of the neutron strong force, why electrons cannot decay into the nucleus, and the Big Bang versus Einstein.
» Irreversible Systems Open in a new browser window
   A New Dynamics, with Newtonian Dynamics as a special case. Applicable in insect flight, and astrophysics.
» KeelyNet Open in a new browser window
   A loose network of alternative science researchers, experimenters, interested people and groups who communicate freely and share information.
» Less than Hypothetical Physics Open in a new browser window
   Personal ideas on light, prime numbers and space-time.
» Living Universe Open in a new browser window
   Quantum origin of the Universe. This model proposes that the Big-Bang model and the Steady-State model are complementary.
» MOND: Modified Newtonian Dynamics Open in a new browser window
   Overview of a controversial scientific theory proposed by Moti Milgrom as a solution to the missing mass problem in extragalactic astronomy.
» Matter Open in a new browser window
   An alternative concept, provided by Nainan K Varghese, which postulates that all physical phenomena are based on just one type of fundamental particle.
» Mirror Matter Theory Open in a new browser window
   Fundamental particles, such as the electron and proton, have left-handed interactions and do not respect mirror symmetry. This experimental fact motivates the idea that a set of mirror particles exist.
» Mirror Matter: The Invisible Universe Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this theory which asserts that each type of fundamental particle has a "twin brother". Ordinary photons, for example, can interact with ordinary electrons, but never with mirror electrons or mirror photons.
» Mountain Math Software Open in a new browser window
   Free software and free speculation.
» Nasty Little Truth About Spacetime Physics Open in a new browser window
   Debunks the idea that we are moving through time toward the future or any other direction. Nothing can move in spacetime. Time does not change.
» Natural Philosophy Alliance Open in a new browser window
   Groups of scientists from around the world that are challenging beliefs in mainstream physics and astronomy.
» Nothing That Matters Open in a new browser window
   A theory in which space has a structure of its own - made up of massless photon like particles.
» On Beyond Darwin Open in a new browser window
   Book by J.N.Patterson Hume on his theory that the physical universe also creates its own environment that lends to all the behaviors that have to this date been stated as Laws of Physics.
» Parallel Universes Open in a new browser window
   Recent discoveries in quantum physics and in cosmology shed new light on how mind interacts with matter.
» Perceptions: Spinning-Top Effect of Precession Open in a new browser window
   Check of 'spinning-top' Earth and its changes - and revealing hitherto unexplained cause of 'precession.'
» Physics Forum Open in a new browser window
   Unmoderated forum devoted to discussing physics and physical theory.
» Physics Myths and Physics Facts Open in a new browser window
   Flaws in concepts and theories of modern physics.
» Physics and Humanity Open in a new browser window
   R. van Spaandonk offers views on several topics and describes a new model of the hydrogen atom electron that purports to demonstrate the equivalence of the magnetic field energy and kinetic energy of the electron.
» Physics of the Mysterious Open in a new browser window
   Arkadiusz Jadczyk is a theoretical physicist and provides his thoughts on channelling, time travel and the paradigm shift.
» PhysicsNews1 Journal Open in a new browser window
   An on-line journal dedicated to the verification and improvement of Classical Physics into Universal Physics with the approval of a logical, impartial and distant, non-accelerating observer.
» Project Q-Day 2000 Open in a new browser window
   Presentation of thesis of National Science Project. Innovations developed in field of computers, magnetic power technology, and physics.
» ProtoQuant Open in a new browser window
   Nicolae Mazilu discusses old and new problems of physics, astronomy and astrology, adopting a philosophic stance.
» Pulsoid Theory: A Paradigm Shift Open in a new browser window
   The pulsoid theory is a complete theory that rationalizes the natural environment. Provides information on the elliptical constant, at the crux of pulsoid theory, resurrects string theory and resuscitates loop quantum gravity.
» Pyramid Portal Open in a new browser window
   Dr. G. Pat Flanagan provides information on pyramids, pyramid systems and pyramid energy, and a place for people to share their pyramid experiences and experiments.
» Pythagorean Physics Open in a new browser window
   Todd Mathews Kelso introduces this theory which postulates the existence of a basic unit of matter, the Pythagorean atom. It considers both time and space to be absolute and motion a function of space and time.
» Quantum Consciousness by James Forberg Open in a new browser window
   This book on disk by Jim Forberg details the new physics of the unlimited human mind: Metaphysics, Hypnosis.
» Quantum Smarandache Paradoxes Open in a new browser window
   These paradoxes are based on the antitheses visible/invisible, stable/unstable, determinancy/indeterminancy, certainty/uncertainty.
» Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on research into finding a method of using the quantum vacuum as a potential energy source.
» Rotor Systems Open in a new browser window
   A perpetual motion system based on spiral tracks in the ether. Site in English and German.
» Science Forum of Debates Open in a new browser window
   Alternative physics articles and discussions.
» Science Site Open in a new browser window
   The secret of gravity is revealed in a new theory. Learn how fields move faster than the speed of light.
» Shade Tree Physics Open in a new browser window
   Articles on Newtonian physics applied to astronomy and cosmology. Emphasis on works of Walter Ritz. Anisotropic quasar redshift histograms. Index of early bremsstrahuung journal articles. Commentaries and URLs dealing with Velikovsky.
» Smarandache Hypothesis and Quantum Smarandache Paradoxes Open in a new browser window
   Smarandache hypothesis that there is no speed barrier in the universe, and the quantum Smarandache paradoxes about certainty/uncertainty, visible/invisible, stable/unstable.
» Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics Open in a new browser window
   The SAA aims to provide the public with information about Autodynamics, a theory discovered by Dr. Ricardo Carezani while investigating a conceptual flaw in Einstein's theory.
» Space Explained Open in a new browser window
   Explanation of formation of matter is expounded from space-time on the basis of the opened geometrical dimension for all physical constants.
» Space Plasmas and Radiation Processes Open in a new browser window
   Inconsistencies in present theories and alternative solutions.
» Spatial Dimensionality Open in a new browser window
   Discussion of alternative view of space and time.
http://whatisgravity.com/Special and General Relativity Analogies.pdf
» Special and General Relativity Analogies Open in a new browser window
   Online book by Bob Ticer challenging the consistency of theories in modern physics with regard to gravity, special relativity, general relativity and quantum physics.
   http://whatisgravity.com/Special and General Relativity Analogies.pdf
» Spiral-Field-Theory Open in a new browser window
   The new theory contains only radiation. Particles consist of mono-rays in form of spiral-field-cords; which bent extremely itself; comes together to a circle; and is fusing phase-exactly to a ring-process.
» Stardrive Open in a new browser window
   Super cosmos, Hawking's nutty universe, physics of exotic propulsion, destiny matrix and the world crystal.
» String Hypothesis of Physical Fields Open in a new browser window
   Andrija Radovic examines this theory.
» Structure of Electron: An Important Scientific Discovery Open in a new browser window
   An exploration of the structure of the atom, electric fields and magnetic fields, explanation of light, light emission and light absorption, chemical reactions and the wave nature of matter.
» Structure of the Atom Open in a new browser window
   Article by Joseph George discussing atomic structure and proposing that electrons in a non-excited atom are motionless.
» Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Open in a new browser window
   A master index of SVP web pages. Some very interesting links and files, including some from publications of the 1800's on various "scientific" theories.
» TRUTON Open in a new browser window
   The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature
» The Cosmic Time Hypothesis Open in a new browser window
   CTH has far-reaching consequences for cosmology and elementary particles physics, especially the big bang theory, cosmological constants, vacuum energy, unification of natural forces and earth expansion.
» The Dilemma Facing Science Open in a new browser window
   How the universe was created and what science must overcome to make the observation.
» The Fourth Dimension Open in a new browser window
   In different passages of his dialogues, Plato showed deep mathematically-based physical insights. Regrettably most readers overlooked these statements.
» The General Principles of Reality Open in a new browser window
   Theoretical physics ebook derives a significant discovery that shakes the foundation of science and physics and unifies quantum and relativistic physics in an exact relationship.
» The Incunabula Papers: Ong's Hat and other Gateways to New Dimensions Open in a new browser window
   The on-line account of renegade researchers who broke the dimensional barriers and were pursued by the "powers that be" because of it. Told through the person of investigative reporter Joseph Matheny who discovered their story years later.
» The Josef Hasslberger Page of Physics, Economy and New Energy Open in a new browser window
   Themes on this page include Vortex as a basic physical mechanism, a new look on Thermodynamics, and Action at a Distance. A new co-ordinate system based on tetrahedral geometry is proposed.
» The Nature of Existence Open in a new browser window
   A detailed, ex nihilo model of the universe is developed as the geometric embodiment of a simple integer count. Causes are generated for data - of the type accepted by the consensus of informed opinion - in experimental physics, astronomy, astrophysics an
» The Physics of Happening Open in a new browser window
   Scanning the timelines of events having a life of their own exposes some of their mysterious evolving structures. Phil Henshaw
» The Physics of Time Speed Open in a new browser window
   The local rate of passage of time is presented as the universal cause for all motion. Correlations with other elements of modern physics are also suggested.
» The Professor S.X.K Howusu Foundation for Natural Philosophy Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to the completion of the work started by Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrodinger, the bringing up to date of theoretical and mathematical physics.
» The Quest for Gravity Control Open in a new browser window
   Gravitycontrol.org has been created to search for the team or individual who can demonstrate gravity control on demand.
» The Regenerating Universe Theory Open in a new browser window
   Full explanations for the accelerating universe, and how galaxies convert galactic masses into particle/wave energies, which cause the expansion of universe, also complete description of universe structure and regeneration.
» The Swedish Association for New Physics Open in a new browser window
   A non-profit association aiming to be a forum for research at the border of or outside established scientific paradigms.
» The Theory of Field Interaction Open in a new browser window
   T.B.Bon presents a novel, coherent, conceptual perspective on a variety of interactive physics areas including field structure, momentum, photons and particles, quantization, relativity and redshift. Downloadable as a pdf file.
» The Theory of Infinites Open in a new browser window
   Online book that attempts to reconcile current scientific conflicts with an alternative explanation of infinity and time.
» The Twin Universe Open in a new browser window
   Corrections to the fundamental laws of thermodynamics force the existence of twin universes. Explains quantum wave-particle duality, anti-gravity and time-reversal effects of cosmological dark-energy.
» The Vectorial Theory of the Universe Open in a new browser window
   Basing on the hyperspace conception attempt of the explanation what is the movement in surrounding us three-dimensional space. Description of the inert mass as the attribute of the space.
» The Yoctotechnology Website Open in a new browser window
   A site about Yoctotechnology. Not much yet as this topic is completely theoretical at the moment.
» Theoretical Dialectical Journal Open in a new browser window
   A new form of physics based on dialectics.
» Theories with Problems: by Keith Mayes Open in a new browser window
   Examination of theories in physics from the Big Bang to Quantum Theory, time travel, superluminal speed and Time itself.
» Theory of Reciprocity Open in a new browser window
   The theory which reconciles the phenomenon of 'Existence' with the principles of logic.
» Things I Don't Understand Open in a new browser window
   Questions and practical tests of anomalies that seem to go against the laws of physics.
» Time Travel Open in a new browser window
   Discusses various aspects of time travel including paradoxes and the existence of causality.
» Time Will Tell Open in a new browser window
   An essay about the nature of time.
» Time and Gravity Control, Free Energy Open in a new browser window
   Experimental proposals, projects and theories.
» TimeScience Pages Open in a new browser window
   Time quantizing, time sensing, autoadaptation-theorem and the algorithm of life. A new universal theory described, by Erich Bieramperl.
» Topoi for Physics Open in a new browser window
   The adoption of Topos theory in certain areas of physics, specifically quantum logic and quantum gravity, might help shed light on how to solve some of the unanswered questions that arise in physics.
» UEF Theory Open in a new browser window
   Analyses of outstanding physics problems in many disciplines - with some surprising results.
» Unconventional Physics Open in a new browser window
   Models of energy density quantification and of eternal oscillating universe.
» Unified Theory of Fields and Matter Open in a new browser window
   A revolutionary theory has been proposed by N. A. Liashko that represents a new view of physics.
» Universal Relativity Open in a new browser window
   Shrinking theory of the universe and consequences of the relativity of the speed of light, distance, size, mass and time.
» Vic Mansfield Open in a new browser window
   Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Colgate University. Includes an archive of his published papers and essays on subjects concerning physics and metaphysics.
» Voidal Symmetry Open in a new browser window
   Proposes that at the begining of all existence there existed and still exists a Voidal Paradox that is in fact a dense matrix of dimensional reality. This matrix is the "blueprint" of all reality.
» Weird Science (Bill Beaty's Homepages) Open in a new browser window
   Weird Research, Anomalous Physics
» What is Time? Open in a new browser window
   In this article it is proposed that time is the presence of motion and forces and is caused by the expansion of space.
» What's Happened to Physics? Open in a new browser window
   Blog from Ray Dickensen discussing the present state of physics.

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Last Updated: 2009-06-03 16:04:40

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