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Cosmic Rays (11) Sites:
» Athens Neutron Monitor
Observing cosmic ray neutrons. Background information, explanation of worldwide monitor network, detector description, publications, links. http://cosray.phys.uoa.gr/ » CHICOS - California HIgh school Cosmic ray ObServatory
An active research array for the detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The events CHICOS is designed to observe are single subatomic particles slamming into the Earth's atmosphere with the energy of a brick falling from a rooftop. It is a collaborat http://www.chicos.caltech.edu/ » Cosmic Ray Puzzle Solved
Increased estimates of extragalactic magnetic fields may explain why possible HE CR sources, like AGN M87, do not align with observed CR directions. http://focus.aps.org/story/v5/st16 » High Resolution Fly's Eye Experiment (HiRes)
Large air fluorescence cosmic ray detector. http://www.cosmic-ray.org/ » Homebrew Cosmic Ray Muon Detector
Schematics and diagrams for the Geiger-Mueller detectors and electronics. Information on cosmic rays, variations and other forms of detection such as scintillation. http://www.cosmicrays.org/ » ICRC 1995
24th International Cosmic Ray Conference in Rome, Italy, August 28 - September 8, 1995. http://www.roma1.infn.it/ICRC95/icrc95.html » Nuclei Cooperate to Produce Single Particle
Ultrahigh energy photons striking matter can transform into rho mesons through an interaction that involves many nuclei simultaneously, a phenomenon that may affect the detection signatures of high-energy particles from space. http://focus.aps.org/story/v24/st6 » Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory
Aims to observe the highest-energy cosmic rays. http://www.auger.org/ » WIZARD Experiments
Space-borne experiments like PAMELA, SilEye, NINA and balloons. Downloadable results, articles and pictures. http://wizard.roma2.infn.it/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 17:56:48
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |