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Digital Signal Processing - DSP (84)

See Also:

» AbVolt Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides electronic consulting, product design, and prototype manufacturing services. Includes company profile and details on products and solutions. Based in Tulsa, OK.
» Adaptyv Open in a new browser window
   Includes articles, downloads, and products concerning the design of digital signal processing systems.
» AlgoTron Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides modem data pump and telecom related DSP software modules. Based in the UK.
» Analog Devices, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Information on Analog Devices range of DSP products.
» Analog and DSP Open in a new browser window
   Signal processing news and information for design engineers involved with Analog and DSP semiconductors. Includes related articles, tutorials and downloads.
» Arescon Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP applications and supplies advanced signal processing program modules. Based in Canada.
» Argus Associates Open in a new browser window
   Custom design and development of embedded products with special emphasis on those products that are most efficiently implemented using DSP techniques, such as telecommunications applications.
» Arius DSP, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Frederick, MD based producer of solutions for PC/104 DSP; includes product descriptions and specifications, as well as related links.
» Aspex Semiconductor Open in a new browser window
   A fabless semiconductor company delivering ultra-high performance software programmable processors based on a unique parallel architecture.
» Audio DSP Pages Open in a new browser window
   Papers, tutorials, FAQs and links on audio DSP.
» Audionica Open in a new browser window
   Provides software development for real-time, DSP and embedded systems. Based in Italy.
» Barco Silex Open in a new browser window
   An ASIC, FPGA and DSP microelectronic design house specializing in VHDL, system-on-chip and intellectual property. Based in Belgium.
» Bayer DSP Solutions Open in a new browser window
   Provides consulting and development services for DSP hardware and software. Based in Germany.
» Berkeley Design Technology, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   BDT offers consulting services and in-depth user's guides analyzing Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology.
» Bitmetrix Technology Open in a new browser window
   Provides consulting services for DSP applications, calibration of electronic equipment and instrumentation. Based in Canada.
» BittWare, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Provides a range of boards based on the SHARC DSP.
» Bores Signal Processing Open in a new browser window
   Provides a range of training, eBooks and free on-line courses in DSP. Based in the UK.
» CDA Systems Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides custom designed industrial DSP hardware/software solutions. Support for DeviceNet, Ethernet and Profibus. Based in Canada.
» CEVA, Inc Open in a new browser window
   A leading licensor of DSP cores and integrated applications to the semiconductor and electronics industry.
» CUED Signal Processing Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Cambridge University Engineering Department Signal Processing Laboratory. Based in the UK.
» ChipWrights, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   A fabless semiconductor company specializing in the design, development and marketing of a new class of DSP-based devices called visual signal processors (ViSPs). These are aimed at the digital image and video markets.
» Communication Automation Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Provider of DSP and processor boards, audio, data and telecommunications solutions.
» Conquest Integrated Technologies India Open in a new browser window
   Provides software solutions and services for DSP, VOIP, speech technology, image processing and embedded systems, digital imaging, digital video and communication, compression techniques , security networking, and parallel processing. Company offices in t
» D3 Engineering Open in a new browser window
   D3 Engineering is a DSP engineering design company specializing in hardware, algorithms, and software for wireless, imaging, compression, audio, encryption, JPEG, MPEG, DSL, GSM, motors, controls and TI DSP's.
» DSP Algorithms Open in a new browser window
   Signal processing consultancy from algorithm development to assembly optimization, with emphasis on audio DSP.
» DSP Engineering Open in a new browser window
   The Journal of maths-intensive computing.
» DSP Engineering - Yahoo Club Open in a new browser window
   Active forum of engineers discussing Digital Signal Processing topics.
» DSP FAQs Open in a new browser window
   Frequently asked questions on Digital Signal Processing.
» DSP Interchange for Weaksignal Communication and SETI Open in a new browser window
   Information on the use of DSP to track satellites and search for small intensity radio signals, including possible signals from outer space.
» DSP Related Open in a new browser window
   A few DSP related discussion groups covering many Digital Signal Processing topics.
» DSP Store Open in a new browser window
   A community site for engineers and professionals in the DSP industry with algorithms, software, news and articles, with links to major manufacturers.
» DSP Valley Open in a new browser window
   DSP Valley is a technology network organisation, focusing on the design of hardware and software technology for DSP systems. DSP Valley groups members are universities, research institutes and industrial companies.
» DSP Virtual Conference Open in a new browser window
   A master index to DSP technical white papers resources, available both on and off the internet.
» DSP-Wave Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP training and consultancy, and have a range of filter design packages available. Based in the UK.
» DSPCon, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Information about the company's hardware and software lines, which provide COTS-intensive data acquisition systems to the aviation, aerospace, defense, automotive and mining industries.
» Dalanco Spry Open in a new browser window
   Produces DSP and Data Acquisition hardware and software for PC based and embedded applications.
» Danville Signal Processing, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Develops and sells standard and custom products for communications, audio, and instrumentation applications. Includes product and application descriptions, documentation, developer's module.
» Delphi Communication Systems, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Describes available embedded software and hardware design services for wireless applications.
» Design And Reuse Open in a new browser window
   Catalog of IPs, virtual components, cores, software and design centers for designing system-on-chip technology.
» Digital Signal Processing Forum Open in a new browser window
   A forum for the discussion of Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, DSP software, FPGA and related topics.
» Digital Signal Processing Research Group UCD Open in a new browser window
   The principal research areas of the DSP group at University College Dublin are algorithms for biomedical and audio-visual signal processing. Based in Ireland.
» Encore Software Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Find out about technological solutions in DSP based modems and speech codecs, and embedded systems. Based in Karnataka, India.
» Entegra Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Suppliers of DSP and Data Acquisition products, DSP and FPGA boards, System Simulation Tools, DSP training courses and Consultancy in DSP, Data Logging and Telecoms.
» European Association for Signal, Speech and Image Processing Open in a new browser window
   EURASIP aims to improve communication between groups and individuals that work within the field of Signal Processing in Europe and elsewhere, and to exchange and disseminate information in the field all over the world.
» Freescale Semiconductor, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Information on Digital Signal Processors from Freescale Semiconductor (Motorola).
» GAO Research, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Supplier of DSP communication software. Based in Canada.
» Highland Communications Technologies Open in a new browser window
   DSP technologies in communications and related areas. Products are semiconductor IP cores and software modules, including Viterbi decoder and Reed-Solomon encoder/decoders.
» Hunt Engineering Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides FPGA and DSP hardware with TMS320C6000 processors and I/O interfaces. Based in the UK.
» Hyperstone AG Open in a new browser window
   The unified RISC/DSP architecture provides a fast RISC processor for data and control functions and a powerful DSP unit for efficient algorithm execution.
» ICS Design Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP IP cores and custom Matlab toolboxes to verify the mathematical model and the HDL implementation against the theoretical model.
» Innovative Integration Open in a new browser window
   Provides state-of-the-art, applied, data acquisition and DSP solutions to a wide spectrum of industries.
» Interactive Digital Filter Design Open in a new browser window
   This is an interactive filter design package, for designing digital filters.
» Ittiam Systems Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP algorithms, software and boards for wireless, wireline, audio/speech and video/imaging applications. Based in India.
» Leaff Engineering S.r.l. Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP solutions and algorithms. Based in Italy.
» Mango DSP Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   A manufacturer of DSP solutions and multi-processing embedded systems for video security, video conferencing, medical imaging, machine vision.
» MicroLAB Systems Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   MicroLAB Systems provides DSP hardware and software for telecommunication, speech and audio signal processing, instrumentation and data acquisition.
» Microstar Laboratories, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Processor boards with onboard DSP commands for PC-based, real-time data acquisition, digital signal processing and control systems.
» Momentum Data Systems, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Signal processing sub-systems and design support to reduce risk, cost and time-to-market in converging digital audio and video markets.
» Numerix Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP, signal and image processing software and libraries for defence, intelligence, analysis and telecommunications applications. Based in the UK.
» Pentek, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Comprehensive source for off-the-shelf digital signal processing (DSP), software radio and data acquisition system design products.
» Research Center Module Open in a new browser window
   A supplier of high-end DSP architectures, silicon IP, mixed-signal ASICs, embedded computers and application software for DSP and artificial neural networks.
» Rincon Research Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Suppliers of Digital Signal Processing products and services for the United States Defense and Intelligence communities.
» SPECTRUM: A Student Tool for Digital Signal Processing Open in a new browser window
   A freeware Macintosh program for post-run digital signal processing.
» Sarsen Technology Open in a new browser window
   Services offered by technical representative and distribution company. Includes careers information and location details. Based in the UK.
» Signal Processing Information Base Open in a new browser window
   Project of Rice University sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society and the National Science Foundation to catalog Internet DSP resources.
» Signal Processing Solutions Open in a new browser window
   A manufacturer of DSP programmable filter modules and systems.
» Signal Processing using C++ (SPUC) Open in a new browser window
   A collection of efficient and reusable DSP building block objects (for digital communications simulation) written in C++.
» Signatec, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   High-speed PCI-based products and systems for digital signal processing, data acquisition, waveform playback and mass storage.
» Signion Systems Pvt Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides a range of DSP hardware and software products. Based in India.
» Smart Vision Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP system designs, multi-DSP designs and algorithms optimized for the Texas Instruments DSP family.
» Soft dB, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   A company providing DSP boards and software development tools for DSP applications. Based in Canada.
» Spectral Design Open in a new browser window
   Develops software and algorithms for audio signal processing. Provides information about company services and products.
» Spectrum Digital, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   A provider of development tools for DSPs and high performance microcontrollers. Online ordering is available.
» Spectrum Signal Processing Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP hardware and software solutions, specialising in Software Defined Radios (SDR). Based in Canada.
» Spirit Corporation Open in a new browser window
   A supplier of DSP voice and communication software products.
» Texas Instruments Open in a new browser window
   Designer and supplier of digital signal processing solutions and semiconductor products. Includes corporate and investor data, products, and employment.
» The Kalman Filter Open in a new browser window
   Some tutorials, references and research on the Kalman filter.
» The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing Open in a new browser window
   A textbook of DSP techniques by Steven W. Smith, 1997, 640 pages. You can download the book for free. Clear explanation and low math.
» Traquair Data Systems, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Provides DSP, Imaging, FPGA, IEEE 1394 FireWire and Ethernet Solutions for OEM and Industrial Applications.
» Trionyx Signal Processing Open in a new browser window
   Provides consulting services for embedded DSP systems, specialising in audio and telecommunications. Based in the UK.
» Two Pi Open in a new browser window
   Offers signal processing services for sound, hearing and speech. Includes company profile and details on products and solutions. Based in Austria.
» Vocal Technologies Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Offers DSP software for wireless, cellular, modem, fax and telephony.
» Z Domain Technologies, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Find out about courses including DSP Without Tears and Digital Communication Without Tears; includes class overview, seminar locations, and purchase information.
» dspGuru Open in a new browser window
   A center for DSP information exchange, to promote resource-sharing among DSP designers.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 18:00:27

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