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Organizations (33)

See Also:
Editor's Picks:

» International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Central intergovernmental agency for scientific co-operation in the nuclear field, for the worldwide application of nuclear safeguards and verification measures covering civilian and military nuclear programs. Provides news and information on the various
» Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Policy organization of the nuclear energy and technologies industry. Participates in both the national and global policy-making process. Includes information about the nuclear industry, including details of nuclear plant security, policy and terrorism rel


» ANS: Decommissioning, Decontamination & Reutilization (DD&R) Open in a new browser window
   Division of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) with purpose of promoting the technologies of nuclear facility decommissioning.
» American Nuclear Society (ANS) Open in a new browser window
   Scientific and educational organization in the field of nuclear science. Includes resources on nuclear technology, nuclear medicine, nuclear energy, food irradiation, and nuclear techniques used in manufacturing and processing industries.
» Australian Nuclear Forum Open in a new browser window
   Association of nuclear professionals to support the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology in Australia. Includes policy and information papers.
» Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Open in a new browser window
   Australian national nuclear research and development organisation. Describes the organization, its research facilities and research activities in areas including nuclear physics, radiopharmaceuticals and neutron science.
» Belgian Nuclear Society (BNS) Open in a new browser window
   Academic society for the advancement of nuclear technology in Belgian. Includes activities, goal, programs, FAQ and general information on nuclear energy.
» Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) Open in a new browser window
   Agency established under the bilateral agreement between Brazil and Argentina for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Responsible for the application of a full scope nuclear safeguards system (SCCC). [English, Spanish, Portuguese]
» Bulatom Open in a new browser window
   Bulgarian atomic forum providing news and views on the Bulgarian nuclear industry. Includes events calendar, organization and contact information. [English, Bulgarian]
» Canadian Nuclear Association Open in a new browser window
   The CNA is a non-profit organization which promotes the development and growth of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes. Includes annual conference info, member roster and educational resources. [English/French]
» Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Open in a new browser window
   Nuclear energy and materials regulatory commission regulating the nuclear installations in Canada. Includes mission statement, activities and publications.
» Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) Open in a new browser window
   Act as a forum for the exchange of information relating to nuclear science and technology in Canada. Includes bulletin, event calendar, education resource, history and contact information. [English, French]
» Center for Reactor Information (CFRI) Open in a new browser window
   Organization whose membership comprises mainly retired professionals, providing nuclear related information and services to the public, students, media and others. Includes membership and contact information.
» Dutch Young Generation (DYG) Open in a new browser window
   Section of the Dutch Nuclear Society with puprose of stimulating the development of young professionals in the nuclear sector. Includes objectives, activities and contact information. [Dutch, English]
» ENS - Young Generation Network (YGN) Open in a new browser window
   Section of the European Nuclear Society (ENS) supporting the technology and know-how transfer between young and experienced nuclear professionals. Includes strategy, goals and contact information.
» European Nuclear Society (ENS) Open in a new browser window
   Information on the activities of the European Nuclear Society (ENS) which has members from industry, power stations, research centers and authorities, working for the advancement of nuclear energy for peaceful applications.
» German Atomic Forum Open in a new browser window
   Private non-profit association of companies, institutions and private individuals supporting the peaceful utilisation of nuclear power. Includes news, publications and information on Germany's nuclear industry and technology. [German, English]
» Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) Open in a new browser window
   European commission joint research center. Includes research programs, structure, facilities, publications, location and contact information.
» International Atomic Energy Agency Open in a new browser window
   The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) serves as the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field, and as the international inspectorate.
» Netherlands Nuclear Society (NNS) Open in a new browser window
   Organization that aims to enhance the interest in nuclear technology and improve the exchange of information and experience among its members. Includes information about the society, its activities and goals. [English, Dutch]
» Nuclear Institute Open in a new browser window
   Society for nuclear energy, bringing together scientists and engineers to exchange best practice and disseminate information about nuclear sciences. Includes meeting and event calendar, publications and contact information.
» Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center Open in a new browser window
   Scientific and technical organization, provides technical support to the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA).
» OECD - Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Open in a new browser window
   International agency within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Includes organization goals, achievements, list of member countries and discussion of the main areas of expertise. [English, French]
» OECD - The Halden Reactor Project Open in a new browser window
   International network in the areas of nuclear fuel reliability, integrity of reactor internals, plant control and human factors. Includes news, participant list, goals, program and objectives.
» Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Open in a new browser window
   Swedish government regulatory body that supervises all nuclear activities in Sweden. Includes activities, publications and contact information. [Swedish, English]
» The Nuclear Institute: Young Generation Network Open in a new browser window
   Section of the Nuclear Institute which aims to stimulate the development of young professionals in the nuclear sector. Includes objectives, activities and contact information.
» U.S. DOE - Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology Open in a new browser window
   Office of the U.S. Department Of Energy (DOE). Includes agency goals, achievements, nuclear news, report of the Nuclear Energy Advisory Board (NEAB), public documents, fact sheets, statements and congressional testimony.
» U.S. NRC: Research Activities Open in a new browser window
   Research activities conducted by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Provides information about nuclear reactor safety research, nuclear materials safety research, radioactive waste safety research, computer codes and meetings.
» United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) Open in a new browser window
   Responsible for the decommissioning of its nuclear reactors and other nuclear liabilities used for the UK nuclear energy program. Includes technical and safety information, publications and press releases.
» World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) Open in a new browser window
   Unites all nuclear electricity operators in the world to facilitate the exchange of operating experience for a safe and reliable operation of their nuclear power plants. Includes mission statement, organisation, member list, programmes and publications.
» World Nuclear Association (WNA) Open in a new browser window
   Global industrial organisation that seeks to promote the peaceful worldwide use of nuclear power as a sustainable energy resource for the coming centuries. Provides comprehensive, news and information on all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, particularly
» World Nuclear University Open in a new browser window
   Foundation with purpose of coordinating and supporting the strengths of established institutions in nuclear learning. Includes goals, mission statement, member list and contact.
» World's Nuclear News Agency (NucNet) Open in a new browser window
   Global public communication network offering news about important insights and developments in the nuclear field. Includes plant data, news database, media and member room. [English, German, French, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, Japanese, Russian]

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Last Updated: 2010-08-09 08:37:28

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