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Research Groups and Centers (43)


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» Active Materials Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Research and development of smart materials, piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, magnetostrictive composites, and health monitoring and microelectromechanical systems.
» Boston College, EMXRD Facility Open in a new browser window
   The electron microscopy and X-ray Diffraction facility offers services to the academic and industry communities and informs about facilities, services and hourly user fee rates.
» Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research Open in a new browser window
   The Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research is an interdisciplinary research organization with the mandate to develop, support and co-ordinate all materials research-related activities at McMaster University
» Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research in Materials (CIMAT) Open in a new browser window
   Presents its main activities, including a list of publications. [Santiago, Chile]
» Central Leather Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   CLRI is a governmental organization dedicated to research, development, education and training in the Indian leather industry. Extensive list of services and publications. Links to related sites.
» Centre for Advanced & Renewable Materials (CARM) Open in a new browser window
   A consortium of four Research Centres offering leading edge research and development to industry. CARM represents a single point of contact for the BioComposite centre, Opto-electronic Materials Chemistry Laboratory and chemistry department of Bangor Univ
» Centre for Material Forming (CEMEF) Open in a new browser window
   Solid and fluid mechanics, metal and polymer physics and chemistry.
» Centre for Material and Fibre Innovation (CMFI) at Deakin University Open in a new browser window
   Specializing in conducting studies on biomaterials, textiles, metals, modeling, nanotechnology, and polymers. Page includes events and current projects. Located in Australia.
» Composite and Intelligent Materials Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   University of Nevada, Reno, researches in the field of advanced intelligent materials, such as magnetorheological fluids and their applications.
» Computational Materials Science at McMaster University Open in a new browser window
   Computational Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE) Website at McMaster University. Research topics: Phase Field Methods, Phase Field Crystal Method, Phase Transformations, Paper Physics, Steel Scrap Melting, Disordered Materials
» Corrosion and Protection Centre, University of Manchester, UK Open in a new browser window
   An internationally recognised centre in teaching and research in the field corrosion science and technology. Page lists current research projects, facilities, and PhD internships available.
» Dannalab Open in a new browser window
   A contract research company offering XRD services with target on high-tech and life science materials is based at the MESA+ Research Institute in Enschede, The Netherlands. Presents details on services and methods.
» Device Materials Group Open in a new browser window
   Research programme on magnetic and superconducting materials, oxides, nitrides and carbides. Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge.
» Edison Material Technology Center (EMTEC) Open in a new browser window
   Research, development and commercialization of materials and manufacturing technology.
» Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research Open in a new browser window
   Research and development in the field of materials, especially high-performance ceramics, polymers and composites as well as on concrete, wood and biocompatible materials.
» Federal Laboratory Consortium Open in a new browser window
   Promote and strengthen technology transfer nationwide. 700 major federal laboratories and centers and their parent departments and agencies are FLC members.
» Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing and Advanced Materials (IFAM) Open in a new browser window
   Works on sintering and composite materials and powder metallurgical technologies. Information on research fields and testing services.
» Fundación ITMA: Materials Technological Institute Open in a new browser window
   The Steel and Metallic Materials Technological Centre is focused on applied research in the metal industry. The Non-Metallic Materials Technological Centre is focused on research into ceramic and refractory materials, plastic and building materials and th
» Georgia Tech Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   The applied research arm of the Institute provides information on its work and the capabilities of its laboratories.
» Institute for Building Materials Open in a new browser window
   Research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, is focused on different forms of matter including concrete and other brittle disordered materials, wood, steel and stainless steel.
» Institute for Building Materials and Materials Chemistry Open in a new browser window
   The University of Siegen, Germany, works in the interdisciplinary area of building and material chemistry.
» Institute for Superhard Materials Open in a new browser window
   The Institute is engaged in the development of processes for production and application of synthetic diamond, cubic boron nitride and other superhard materials, high-density high-tech ceramics, and cemented carbides.
» Israel Institute of Technology: Dynamic Fracture Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Research is focused on the mechanics and physics of high rate deformation and fracture. Includes details of activities and people, movies and publications.
» Labor Dr. C. H. Weischer - Biomedical Innovation Open in a new browser window
   Laboratory offers services in material and environmental research by means of electron microscopy and scanning force microscopy, image analysis, scientific consulting and seminars. Bonn, Germany.
» Laboratory of Amorphous Materials Physics Open in a new browser window
   Experimental research group based in Palermo, Italy, and working in the field of amorphous materials.
» Leather Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Provides research, education, and services directed at expanding the leather tanning and finished leather products industries in the United States.
» Materials Science Institute of Madrid Open in a new browser window
   Contains general information, departments, equipment of the laboratories and currently research topics. [Madrid, Spain]
» Materials Technology Institute Open in a new browser window
   Technology development organization representing private industry, performing generic studies on materials of construction used in the process industries. Information about membership and projects, and newsletter archive.
» Materials and Electrochemical Research Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Company in Arizona whose research areas include advanced composites and coatings, fullerenes and nanotubes, porous materials, and energy conversion systems (batteries, fuel cells, gas storage).
» Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials Group Open in a new browser window
   Department of Materials at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland. Undertaking research into functional ceramics, structural ceramics, colloidal chemistry for ceramic processing and modelling materials behaviour using the CALPHAD approach.
» North Carolina State University: Ade Research Group Open in a new browser window
   Undertaking research into fabrication and materials, synchrotron methods and device physics. Includes people, techniques and publications.
» Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Materials Science and Technology Division Open in a new browser window
   Conducts fundamental and applied materials research for basic energy sciences programs and a variety of energy technologies, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, transportation, conservation, fossil energy, fusion energy, nuclear power, and spac
» R. Vogel Research Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Investigation of non-Newtonian fluids, suspensions, dispersions and mixtures of fluids and bulk materials by rheological analysis and identification tests.
» Ray C. Broce Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Geotechnical Laboratory at the University of Oklahoma
» Sheffield Hallam University: Materials and Engineering Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Research at MERI covers a broad range of topics including thin films and sensors, physical vapour deposition, semiconductor characterisation, theory of semiconductor materials and optics, and photovoltaics.
» Synchrotron X-ray Topography Laboratory, SUNY Stony Brook Open in a new browser window
   Undertaking research into advanced materials that are being developed for high technology applications.
» Texas Materials Institute Open in a new browser window
   Graduate education and research in materials science and engineering. Includes overview, research areas, personnel profiles and facilities.
» Textile and Leather Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   National institute for research and development of the Romanian textile and leather industries. News, technical articles, products and services. English and Romanian.
» The Davy Faraday Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   A research laboratory of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, working in the science of complex materials with important properties.
» Trinity College Dublin, Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials Open in a new browser window
   The course deals with subjects such as fractal growth, crystal structure and adsorption. Information for prospective and current students.
» U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Materials Sciences Open in a new browser window
   Materials research in the field of energy technologies, comprising metallurgy, ceramics, solid state physics and materials chemistry. Contains details about the program, staff, user facilities and news.
» UK Centre for Materials Education Open in a new browser window
   The Centre promotes good and innovative learning and teaching practices, as informed by research, in the disciplines related to, and using, materials.
» University of Arizona: Arizona Materials Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into glass materials, novel materials chemistry, advanced ceramics and composites.

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Last Updated: 2010-07-27 14:24:23

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