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Books (33)

See Also:
Editor's Picks:

» Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   By K. Eric Drexler; Anchor Books, 1986, ISBN 0385199732. With a Foreword by Marvin Minsky, this is the first and still the classic book on nanotechnology. [Foresight Institute, Online]


» Amazon.com Books: Nanotechnology Open in a new browser window
   Lists books for sale on the topic of the Nanotechnology. Includes descriptions of individual books, reviews and purchase information.
» Chemistry at the Beginning of the Third Millennium Open in a new browser window
   Edited by Luigi Fabbrizzi, Antonio Poggi; Springer-Verlag, 2000, ISBN 0387989889. Accessible treatment of molecular design, supramolecules, nanotechnology and beyond; 15 chapters by specialists. [Publisher website.]
» Designing the Molecular World: Chemistry at the Frontier Open in a new browser window
   Philip Ball; Princeton University Press, 1996, ISBN 0691029008. Accessible survey of new results in many major fields allied with chemistry: molecular electronics, artificial enzymes, smart polymer gels. [Princeton University Press]
» Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology Open in a new browser window
   Description, picture, links. [Anchor]
» Future Trends in Microelectronics: The Nano Millennium Open in a new browser window
   Edited by Serge Luryi, Jimmy Xu, Alex Zaslavsky; John Wiley and Sons, 2002, ISBN 0471212474. Based on ideas, discussions arising from 3rd Future Trends in Microelectronics (FTM) workshop series, summer 2001. [publisher website]
» Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms Open in a new browser window
   By Wil McCarthy; Basic Books, 2003, ISBN 046504428X. Programmable matter, via quantum dots, will someday change our lives. Author visits labs of major firms, talks to researchers developing this extraordinary technology. [SFF Net]
» Integrated Chemical Systems: A Chemical Approach to Nanotechnology Open in a new browser window
   By Allen J. Bard; Wiley-Interscience, 1994, ISBN 0471007331. Systematic, real world approach to nanosystems, many actual examples, scores of figures and photo illustrations. [John Wiley and Sons]
» Introduction to Nanotechnology Open in a new browser window
   By Charles P. Poole, Jr., Frank J. Owens; John Wiley and Sons, 2003, ISBN 0471079359. Broad, practical overview of topic, gives researchers coverage of developments in nanotechnology outside their fields. [publisher website]
» MEMS and NEMS: Systems, Devices, and Structures Open in a new browser window
   By Sergey Edward Lyshevski; CRC Press, 2002, ISBN 0849312620. Multidisciplinary, forms basis for MEMS, NEMS synthesis, modeling, analysis, simulation, control, prototyping, fabrication. [CRC Press]
» Molecular Engineering of Nanosystems Open in a new browser window
   By Edward A. Rietman; Springer-Verlag NY, 2001, ISBN 0387989889. Technical introduction. It is growing possible to manipulate biotic tissues and materials the size of individual cells, organelles, molecules. [Publisher's description.]
» Nano-Society - Pushing the Boundaries of Technology Open in a new browser window
   This book puts a spotlight on some of the scientists who are pushing the boundaries of technology and it gives examples of their work and how they are advancing knowledge one little step at a time. The book shatters the monolithic term "nanotechnology" in
» NanoSPRINT - Visual Science Open in a new browser window
   Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, with a first volume dealing with carbon nanotubes, their properties, peculiarities and applications.
» Nanoelectromechanics in Engineering and Biology Open in a new browser window
   By Michael Pycraft Hughes; CRC Press, 2002, ISBN 0849311837. Nanotechnology depends on abilities to manage nanoscale objects via interactions of electric fields, nanoparticles, ambient molecules. [CRC Press]
» Nanomedicine, Volume 1: Basic Capabilities Open in a new browser window
   By Robert A. Freitas Jr.; Landes Bioscience, 1999, ISBN 157059645X, volume 1 of 3. About applying nanotechnology to medicine. [Online]
» Nanosystems Book Review Open in a new browser window
   By Chris Worth. K. Eric Drexler's textbook reviewed, followed by much interesting, lively debate. [Slashdot]
» Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation Open in a new browser window
   By K. Eric Drexler; John Wiley and Sons, 1992, ISBN 0471575186. Large, pioneering technical and mathematical text, may be author's greatest contribution to this field. [publisher website]
» Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Applications Open in a new browser window
   Reviews the current state-of-the-art research and development of different nanomaterials (nanostructured catalytic membranes, nanosorbents, nanocatalysts and bioactive nanoparticles) and their application in water treatment, purification and disinfection.
» Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea Open in a new browser window
   By Mark Ratner, Daniel Ratner; Prentice Hall PTR, 2002, ISBN 0131014005. For non-technical readers, simple, brief, survey, little math; shows how topic works, what's new and next, why it may be next $1 trillion industry. [Prentice Hall PTR]
» Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies Open in a new browser window
   Edited by Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons, Burkhard Raguse; CRC Press, 2002, ISBN 0849311837. Accessible to nonspecialists, engineers, scientists outside the field, even undergraduates. [CRC Press]
» Nanotechnology: Molecular Speculations on Global Abundance Open in a new browser window
   Edited by B.C. Crandall; MIT Press, 1996, ISBN 0262531372. Accessible to wide audience, with references to technical literature, shows wide range of uses of nanotechnology. [MIT Press]
» Nanotechnology: Research and Perspectives Open in a new browser window
   Edited by B.C. Crandall, James Lewis; MIT Press, 1992, ISBN 0262031957. Overview of presently understood paths to molecule scale engineering. [MIT Press]
» Our Molecular Future: How Nanotechnology, Robotics, Genetics and Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Our World Open in a new browser window
   By Douglas Mulhall; Prometheus Books, 2002, ISBN 1573929921. Examines vast potential of new technologies to help us cope with many problems. Site has table of contents, excerpts, news release. [Prometheus Books Publishers]
» Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Open in a new browser window
   By Riichiro Saito, Gene Dresselhaus, Mildred S. Dresselhaus; Imperial College Press, 1998, ISBN 1860940935. Introductory textbook for graduate students, researchers in condensed matter and solid state physics. [publisher website]
» Porous III-V Semiconductors Open in a new browser window
   Online book covering the fabrication and optical characterization of porous semiconductor structures using electrochemical etching as a nanostructuring technique.
» Review of Nanocosm Open in a new browser window
   By Chris Phoenix. This anti-Drexler book reports on nanotech but suffers from many technical inaccuracies and distortions of work of nanotech pioneers. [KurzweilAI.net]
» Semiconductors for Micro- and Nanotechnology: An Introduction for Engineers Open in a new browser window
   By Jan G. Korvink, Andreas Greiner; John Wiley and Sons, 2002, ISBN 3527302573. Textbook on properties and behavior of semiconductors, how to use them to design and make micro- and nano-systems. [publisher website]
» The First Immortal Open in a new browser window
   By James L. Halperin; Del Rey, Random House, 1998, ISBN 0345420926. Fictionally explores nanotechnology's impact on the human future, special focus on cryonics, life extension. Has author forum, news, information, opinion poll. [Random House]
» The Forge of Mars Open in a new browser window
   By Bruce Balfour; ACE-Oryx, 2002, ISBN 0441009549. Futuristic thriller explores nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, colonizing Mars. Site has science news, author bio, reader's guide, links, Mars photos. [Scribbling Gargoyle Entertainment Corp.]
» The Investor's Guide to Nanotechnology & Micromachines Open in a new browser window
   By Glenn Fishbine; John Wiley and Sons, 2002, ISBN 0471443557. First investment guide to fast emerging industry. In 2000, government and private investment topped $1 billion, should grow exponentially in future. [John Wiley and Sons]
» The Next Big Thing Is Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the Future of Your Business Open in a new browser window
   By Jack Uldrich, Deb Newberry; Crown Publishing Group, 2003, ISBN 1400046890. Introductory lay treatment, very useful for understanding day-to-day and business implications. [Random House]
» Thicker Than Blood Open in a new browser window
   A science fiction thriller set in the near future. It is about the introduction of nanotechnology into contemporary American society.
» Unbounding the Future: The Nanotechnology Revolution Open in a new browser window
   By K. Eric Drexler, Chris Peterson, Gayle Pergamit; William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1991; Quill (reprint), 1993, ISBN 0688125735. Clear, nontechnical introduction to molecular manufacturing: what it is, and may make possible, dangers and opportunities.

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Last Updated: 2010-03-16 16:08:04

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