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Structural Engineering (72)


See Also:

» 4M Open in a new browser window
   Developer of structural analysis software including professional CAD, architectural design, structural analysis and design, building services design (HVAC, electrical and plumbing) and other software applications.
» AFHTech Open in a new browser window
   Offers free online structural software providing analysis on concrete, steel and water channels.
» ASDIP Structural Design Open in a new browser window
   Software structural design of building components such as footings, beams, columns, walls, and corbels. Fully compatible with Windows platforms.
» Alashki Engineering Constructions (AEC) Open in a new browser window
   Structural design, analysis and software solutions. Programs for advanced analysis and design of reinforced concrete elements subjected to axial force and axial or bi-axial bending moments. The main software is 'Gala Reinforcement'
» Anatoly Klevitsky: Structural Design Tools Open in a new browser window
   Offers tools developed by a professional engineer with more than 25 years of experience in bridge design. Includes Excel spreadsheets, Excel custom functions, MicroStation macros and Rcolumn.
» Applied Science International Open in a new browser window
   ASI is focused on creating software tools for structural engineers and architects that will better design, organize and analyze structures.
» Atlantic v2.0 Open in a new browser window
   Shareware software for 3D analysis and design of steel framed structures
» AutoCAD Civil 3D Open in a new browser window
   Uses building information modeling (BIM) to help evaluate more what-if scenarios earlier in the design process and get transportation, land development and environmental projects done faster and more efficiently.
» Autodesk Open in a new browser window
   Supplier of structural engineering solutions including structural software, CAD design software and modeling solutions. Also provides training, video tutorials and downloads.
» AxisVM Structural Analysis Software Open in a new browser window
   Finite element analysis software for structural civil engineers offering linear, nonlinear and buckling analysis.
» BridgeArt.net Open in a new browser window
   Provides resources for structural engineers including a database of structural engineering software, structural wiki, industry news monitoring and design spreadsheets.
» Computers & Structures, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Windows-based software for structural and seismic engineering. Products include SAP, ETABS, and SAFE. Site offers trial versions and technical papers for downloading.
» Daniel T. Li, Engineering International Open in a new browser window
   Offers a large range of free Excel spreadsheets for concrete, steel, masonry and wood design, and lateral analysis.
» DevStruc Open in a new browser window
   Developer of BeamDesign, software for the design of flexural members of cold-formed steel, following AISI specifications.
» ENGLTHA: Nonlinear Structural Dynamics Software Open in a new browser window
   Free educational software program for SDOF nonlinear earthquake structural dynamics with a library of 20 ground records. Linear problems can also be analyzed.
» Engissol Open in a new browser window
   Offers software solutions for dynamic 2D frame analysis, static 2D frame analysis and 2D truss analysis. Kernel files are also offered to developers.
» Eriksson Technologies, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Bridge engineering and structural engineering analysis and design software.
» Extreme Loading for Structures Open in a new browser window
   A non-linear structural analysis software tool that allows structural engineers to study static and dynamic loads such as those generated by blast, seismic events, impact, progressive collapse and wind.
» FRAME3DD Open in a new browser window
   Free open-source software program for static and dynamic structural analysis of 2D and 3D frames and trusses with elastic and geometric stiffness.
» FrameSolver 2D Open in a new browser window
   FrameSolver 2D for Windows is an easy-to-use engineering program for modeling and analyzing planar frames, trusses and multi span beams.
» Free Open in a new browser window
   Blog with free software tutorials, lectures and setups.
» GT STRUDL Structural Design & Analysis Software Open in a new browser window
   Integrates graphical modeling, static/dynamic/nonlinear/ push-over analyses, steel and reinforced concrete design, finite element analysis, and database management into a single system for MS/Windows.
» GTS Cadbuild Limited Open in a new browser window
   Structural Analysis and design software including finite elements, steel and concrete design.
» ICAB Finite Element Analysis Open in a new browser window
   Dynamic and static analysis and design of structures.
» Inducta Engineering Open in a new browser window
   Software for engineers. Includes slab, column, footing, raft, spiral stairs, beam and slab support modules.
» Integrated Engineering Software Open in a new browser window
   IES creates software tools for structural engineering, analysis and design.
» JKL Consult Software Open in a new browser window
   Offers SDOFpro, software used in the design of beams and slabs subject to a dynamic blast load.
» John F. Butts & Associates Open in a new browser window
   Truss Design Software for the design and estimating of light gauge steel trusses. FAQs and resource links.
» LARSA Open in a new browser window
   Structural and earthquake engineering software.
» LatPro Open in a new browser window
   Lateral engineering software utilizes a graphic user interface that allows a step-by-step engineering model of seismic and wind forces to analyze and design shear walls, straps and holdowns for light-frame structures.
» Limcon V3 Connection Design Open in a new browser window
   Software for design of structural steel connections. Connections may be checked against AISC, LRFD and other design codes.Description of program capabilities and features. Downloadable Demo.
» LinPro Open in a new browser window
   A freeware tool for the linear static analysis of plane frames for Windows, with a graphical user interface.
» MIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Provides structural engineering software for structural analysis and structural design. Project examples and animations. Trial version and manuals for download.
» MSTower, Mast and Pole Open in a new browser window
   a specialised program for the structural analysis, checking, design and management of steel towers, masts and poles used in the communications, telecom, broadcasting and power transmission industries.
» MasterKey: Steel Design Open in a new browser window
   Offers 3 interactive programs providing comprehensive design of steel sections to BS 5950 and EC3.
» Meca Consulting Open in a new browser window
   Structural Engineering software for wind, plate, and shell design.
» Mechatools Technologies Open in a new browser window
   Numerical and analytical engineering tools for computing section properties, dynamic structures (bridge) under moving loads and open thin-walled composite beams.
» Microstran Open in a new browser window
   Software for structural analysis and design of steel and concrete structures, such as bridges, transmission towers, buildings, trusses, beams, columns, and frames.
» Mordred Open in a new browser window
   Tool for mechanical engineering. It calculates forces and angular momenta of statically determined systems.
» NISA: Civil Applications Open in a new browser window
   Offers CAD based solutions to a wide variety of problems encountered in the analysis and design of reinforced concrete and steel structures.
» Newsoft s.a.s. Open in a new browser window
   Structural engineering software for AEC applications. Structural and earthquake engineering. Download Shareware.
» PC Engineers Open in a new browser window
   Software for structural design.
» Posten Engineering Systems Open in a new browser window
   Post-Tensioned and Reinforced Concrete Design Software
» Proe-warsztat Open in a new browser window
   Pro/Engineer is a much used CAD software in the industry. This fan site has articles on Pro/E, tutorials, tips and tricks. In English and Polish.
» Prokon Structural Analysis and Design Open in a new browser window
   Design software for steel members and connections; reinforced concrete sections, slabs, and detailing. Evaluation downloads available.
» QuakeFrame Software Open in a new browser window
   Software for structural engineers including RC-PADD, a special-purpose program for the structural design of reinforced concrete building structures and the subsequent detailing.
» RAM International Open in a new browser window
   Structural design software for post tensioning, concrete design, steel design, and finite element analysis. Downloadable trial software, web-based training and support.
» RISA Technologies Open in a new browser window
   General-purpose structural engineering software for Windows.
» ROHR2 SIGMA Pipe Stress Analysis Software Open in a new browser window
   The makers of ROHR2 - Pipe stress analysis software, SINETZ -calculation of Flow Distribution, Pressure Drop and Temperature Loss in Piping Networks, SPRINK -Calculation of Pressure Drop in Sprinkler Systems Detailed program descriptions, Demo-CDs Also of
» Ralf Martin Hansen, Dipl.-Ing. Open in a new browser window
   Windows-based static analysis of two- and three-dimensional frames. Free for non-commercial use.
» Response-2000 Open in a new browser window
   Sectional analysis program that calculates the strength and ductility of a reinforced concrete cross-section subjected to shear, moment, and axial load. Includes news, sample input files, and program manual.
» SAFI Open in a new browser window
   A structural analysis, design and evaluation program for steel and concrete structures and buildings, bridges, towers, prestressed girders, steel calculator, concrete and footing calculator. Free demo and videos.
» SCIPIO B-2D Open in a new browser window
   Finite element software for two-dimensional beam, truss, or frame analysis.
» STAAD Pro Open in a new browser window
   Structural analysis and design software for 3D model generation, finite element analysis and design of steel and concrete structures.
» STRAP Open in a new browser window
   Structural engineering software featuring concrete and steel design (including cold formed), dynamic and seismic analysis, and bridge analysis. By ATIR Engineering Software.
» Sap2000 Open in a new browser window
   Integrated software for structural analysis and design. Provides information on the software and its uses for modeling and design, and its applications.
» Soft Tech Engineers Open in a new browser window
   STRUDS structural design and analysis software, SEPL-Tank for design of rectangular tanks, and SEPL-RetWall for design of retaining walls.
» SourceForge: cba Open in a new browser window
   This program calculates members and reaction forces of a continuous beam. Graphical output can be done via gnuplot or spreadsheet application.
» Space Gass Open in a new browser window
   Windows-based structural analysis and design program for 2D and 3D frames, trusses, grilages and beams.
» Spreadsheet Solutions for Structural Engineering Open in a new browser window
   Robust engineering spreadsheets. Continuous beam analysis, RC column interaction diagram, section properties, AISC bolt group and weld group analysis, friction and setting losses in prestressing tendons and others.
» Spreadsheets for Structural Engineering Open in a new browser window
   Focuses on the use of Microsoft Excel in structural engineering and construction. Provides spreadsheets and links to others sites where spreadsheets and other free software can be obtained.
» StruWare Software Open in a new browser window
   Offers a number of programs for structural engineers. Short description, pricing and download information.
» Structural Analysis Software Open in a new browser window
   Advanced structural analysis software, P-Frame for 2D frame/truss analysis and S-Frame for full 3D P-Delta non-linear finite element analysis.
» Structural Engineering Designer Open in a new browser window
   Is an engineering application that provides its users with shape, material, load and environmental models. Description of programme with examples, screenshots and a FAQ.
» Structural Engineering Software Microstran Open in a new browser window
   Software for analysis and design of steel and reinforced concrete framed structures - building structures, bridges, towers, guyed masts, cable structures.
» Structural Soft, LLC Open in a new browser window
   Lateral and framing design software for wood and cold formed steel buildings with CAD interface. Framing tools for green building construction. Building information modeling of light frame construction.
» Structural engineering software Open in a new browser window
   Description and demonstration of available software for reinforcement bars and mesh schedules and analysis of punching shear.
» Tekla Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Software which supports modeling, detailing, fabrication, and project management in a collaborative environment, with focus primarily on steel and concrete structures.
» Tension Structures Open in a new browser window
   The purpose of this site is to publicize information about design and analysis of tension structures.g cable roofs, membrane structures. Articles, software and books.
» Tools for Staad Open in a new browser window
   StaaDXF program modifies DXF exported file of analyzed model in ISDS/STAAD. With StaaDXF one get labels of beams and elements written in local X-axis direction, in one of main local plane XOY or XOZ. There is possibility to modify text size, and so to avo
» iSAP: Online Design Center Open in a new browser window
   iSAP is an online analysis and design platform, a completed FEA software with a SAP2000 interface.
» pcaStructurePoint Open in a new browser window
   Suite of productivity tools for design of reinforced concrete slabs, columns, walls, beams, and mats. Sponsored by the Portland Cement Association. Product information, pricing, and trial versions are available.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 18:00:30

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