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Consultants (32) Categories:
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» Alternative Futures Associates
AFA provides futures research services to business and industry. Using such methods as vision coaching, scenario development, environmental scanning and forecasting, and futures workshops, they provide futures studies on topics ranging from healthcare and http://www.altfutures-afa.com/ » Amber Network - Creative Coaching and Leadership Development
Leadership workshops and training programs for businesses and organizations; focused on multiple leadership skills including foresight. http://www.ambercoaching.com/ » Annimac Consultants
Futurist Anni Macbeth provides seminars, workshops, keynotes, and essays; current and archived newsletters and articles exploring forecasts, ideas about the future, and life coaching based on current and emerging trends of change. http://www.annimac.com.au/ » Center for The 21st Century
A business futurist consulting lead by Carolyn Corbin, offering keynote speeches, executive briefings, customized research, seminars. http://www.c21c.com » Christensen Associates Management Consultants, Inc.
Offers seminars and workshops in futures research, project management, product development, and manager development. Located in Playa del Rey, California. http://www.camcinc.com/ » Creating At Will
Describes services offered by Laurie Sheppard in life coaching, individual change management and strategic planning, and career development; includes client testimonials, workshop descriptions, and books. http://www.creatingatwill.com » David Pearce Snyder
Contains current papers, interviews, letters, lecture descriptions, publications, and reprints; each focused on a different change trend. http://www.davidpearcesnyder.com/ » Foresight Culture
Insights on how organizations can effectively and successfully keep their eyes on the future. By futurist John Mahaffie. http://www.foresightculture.com » Future Management Group
Internationally active group of experts on future management in enterprises, organizations and government administrations http://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/ » Future Speak
Coordinates requests between organizations and futures speakers and facilitators for lectures, briefings, workshops, and conferences; lists sample forecasts. http://www.futurespeak.com/ » Futurist.com
Offers keynote speeches, seminars, scenario building and preferred future workshops; site contains many articles on future trends, ideas on business, space, and science fiction. http://www.futurist.com/ » Global Future Forum
A fee-based service linking futurists, decision-makers, and business leaders in order to inject foresight into decision-making and expand available foresight tools; organizes conferences, research reports and projects, and workshop; site offers some links http://www.thegff.com/ » Global Options
Offers resources related to futures studies, peace studies, systems studies, conflict resolution, and spirituality; essays, course descriptions, course modules and workshops, and an introduction to futures studies available on site. http://www.csudh.edu/global_options/ » Infinite Futures: Foresight Training and Facilitation
Includes futures research-based presentations, essays, course syllabi, research tools, and group process exercises to enhance foresight in communities, organizations, and individuals. http://www.infinitefutures.com/ » Jim Pinto
Consultant with expertise in industrial automation offers technology foresight, business strategies, angel investing, and merger and acquisition services; site features extensive essay collection and annotated bibliography. http://www.jimpinto.com/ » Joseph Coates Consulting Futurist, Inc.
Offers services including consulting, articles, workshops and speeches about the study of the future; extensive online resources list. http://josephcoates.com » Karl Albrecht International
Lectures and workshops to improve thinking, leadership, and awareness of emerging change; includes lecture and workshop descriptions, books, videos, and downloads of powerpoint slides. http://karlalbrecht.com/ » Leading Futurists LLC
Services include research on emerging issues of change, scenario building, keynote speeches, workshops, and strategy formulation; "Insight" essays on futures thinking. Principals: Jennifer Jarratt and John Mahaffie. http://www.leadingfuturists.biz/ » Marcel Bullinga
Offers presentations and workshops focused on emerging Internet trends and their impacts on organizations; site contains article reprints and description of "Future Check" workshops. http://www.marcelbullinga.nl/ » Pinyon Partners
An innovation, market strategy, and futures consultancy practicing in low-carbon energy, education, space markets, and intelligent transportation. http://www.pinyonpartners.com » Planet-TECH Associates
Designs community and policy innovations for social, economic, and environmental progress; creates interactive websites for community learning and decision-making; and builds on-line futures learning environments linking public school classes globally to http://www.planet-tech.com/ » Prospektiker
Basque futures consulting firm specializing in economic development and local and urban planning using trends-based impact assessment and strategy formation. http://www.prospektiker.es/ » Roger Dennis - Technology Strategy and Research
Technological forecasting, research, and strategy services focused on the computer and telecommunications sectors; contact information and link to example work on client's site. http://www.rogerdennis.com/ » Social Technologies
Offers services in technology foresight, forecasting, scenario planning, vision, creativity, and leadership; includes examples of typical "Global Lifestyle" briefs. http://www.socialtechnologies.com/ » The Domani Group
Research, training, and design services in issues management, forecasting, and scenario-based planning; conducts focus groups and Delphi analyses of organizational stakeholders regarding critical issues; site includes clear descriptions of approach, proce http://www.domanigroup.com/ » The Futures-Lab
Forecasting and foresight for businesses, emphasizing creativity and the unexpected for purposes of branding, reinvention, and strategic positioning; on-line resources include program descriptions, articles, book reviews, and "news from the future." http://www.futures-lab.com/ » The Vision Center for Futures Creation
A Swedish consulting and training company specializing in studies of the future; includes a futurist "learning style inventory," articles, an on-line newsletter (free registration required), and book and organizational resources. http://www.framtidsbygget.se/ » Toffler Associates, Inc.
An executive advisory firm formed by Alvin and Heidi Toffler. Helps companies and governments create their future through the appropriate strategic approach. Main office in Massachusetts, USA. Company profile, services, team, and contact information. http://www.toffler.com/ » Van der Werff Global
Concentrates on global trends that affect business and the future of the workplace. Offers critical trends listed by sector, a strategic planning model, articles, and an annotated bibliography. http://www.globalfuture.com/ » Weiner, Edrich, Brown, Inc.
Firm founded in 1977 identifies and evaluates emerging issues of change for strategic management. Services include research, workshops, and speaking; the "From Our Files" section offers synopses of past trend reports. http://www.weineredrichbrown.com/ » Z + Partners
Specializes in emerging futures and forecasting as bootstraps to ideation, design innovation, and branding; articles, interviews, book reviews and weblog available on-line. http://www.zpluspartners.com/ » Z_punkt
A consulting firm focusing on strategic future issues and corporate foresight. http://www.z-punkt.de/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-10-18 00:58:15
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |