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» Cady Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage as compiled by Thomas E. Cady and includes a searchable index.
» Cain Open in a new browser window
   Photograph albums, family history, pedigree trees. Includes surnames Dormaier, Garland, Klicker and Remmen.
» Calderwoods of Killydonnelly Open in a new browser window
   Researching the family line from County Antrim, Northern Ireland; compiled by Alan Calderwood.
» Calderón Ancestry Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Jose M. Calderon Ortiz including origins and links to associated research.
» Callicoat Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history compiled by Deanna and Ellis Callicoat. Includes family recipes, photographs and related information.
» Campton Open in a new browser window
   Features the lineage of Ray Campton; dedicated to the memory of Woodrow Wilson Campton (1914-1971).
» Cantrell Family Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage of John Cantrell including tree and photographs.
» Caradonna and Sheridan Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors and descendants of Gaspare Caradonna (b.1800) Vita, Siciliy and James Sheridan (b.1830) from Ireland. Compiled by Nancy Caradonna.
» Carfra Pivaral Family Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors of Michelle and Susanna Carfra. Includes related surnames as well as transcripts of interviews and articles.
» Carlin, Mats Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage from Sweden and Norway. Includes ancestors from Denmark, Germany, Estonia and Bohemia.
» Carman/Bryan Family Since 1982 Open in a new browser window
   Harold Carman Snr and wife Bettye Sue Bryan seek the ancestors and descendants of James Warren Carr (1839-1907).
» Carothers Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage of JoAnn Carothers including both paternal and maternal lines.
» Carson Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of William Carson including the lineages of Haining, Thom and Cuthbert. Features a history of the clan in Scotland and Ireland.
» Cash-McConnon-Callahan-Sullivan-O'Connell Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history of Irish families from Cork, Kerry, Monaghan, and Offaly. Also includes those who immigrated to Haverhill, Massachusetts USA, early 1880s.
» Casto Connections Open in a new browser window
   Bringing together various lineages across America and the rest of the world. Includes a newsletter devoted to the ancestral research of all Castos.
» Cathey Open in a new browser window
   Family history compiled by Thomas R. Cathey of Manassas, VA USA. Includes family trees, memorial records, photographs, and related surnames.
» Caveys Family Worldwide Society Open in a new browser window
   Researching the name and its global application.
» Cawthorn, Scott and DeSilva Palmer Family History Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage of Ann McClean.
» Cazzell Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of William Cazzell, born in Virginia circa 1780-1783; married Judith Lewis in 1826 in Floyd, KY circa 1885-1890. Died circa 1900 in Greenupsburg.
» Cecil and Dickerson Open in a new browser window
   Family history and photographs of the Cecil and Dickerson families that settled in Polk County, Arkansas. Surnames include Cecil, Barton, Dickerson and Morrow.
» Chabot Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history of Jacki Chabot featuring the surnames Bobbitt, Cline, Dillinger and Kidd.
» Chadeayne Family Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of Jean Chadeayne, a French Huguenot who came to America in the late 1600s.
» Chadwell Open in a new browser window
   Communication exchange for those interested in the name and its worldwide application.
» Chaffey Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors of Lloyd Stuart Chaffey III and family. Includes family tree, surname index, and coat of arms.
» Champie Family History Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage as compiled by Sigrid Nord-Champie. Features stories, photographs and associated links.
» Chandlers of Coweta County Georgia Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of William Clark Chandler as compiled by James Francis McCoomb from Newnan, GA USA.
» Chase Family Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage, photographs, family pages and reunion information.
» Chatley Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history of Francis Chatley and Rebecca Spear of Beaver County, PA USA.
» Chatten Open in a new browser window
   Single name study including the variants Chatton and Chattin in the UK.
» Cheek Family Open in a new browser window
   Researching the lineage from of Alleghany County, NC USA, including descendants of Richard Cheek and Jennie Andrews.
» Chenevey Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Paul Chenevey including Helmeczi and other related families in the USA, Canada, and Europe.
» Childs Open in a new browser window
   Descendants and ancestors of Allison F. Childs. Many of the families are of the Washington, Maryland or Virginia areas.
» Chillas Roots Open in a new browser window
   Recording the origins of the Chillas families of Scotland. Compiled by Roy Flett.
» Churchman Open in a new browser window
   Descendants chart and biography pages for more than 7,200 family members, dating from 1682 when John Churchman came to Pennsylvania from England with William Penn.
» Chute Family Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral database featuring the US branches and their origins.
» Cipko Open in a new browser window
   Research of the Cipko, Viles, Bashor, and Walters family lines compiled by Kelly Cipko. Includes list of famous relatives, family tree, coat of arms, and photographs.
» Clarkson Family Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of Lee Clarkson of Heaton Norris, Stockport; compiled by Spencer Clarkson.
» Cleary and Luck Ancestry Open in a new browser window
   Researching the Lucks of Heathfield, the Reddens of Kent and the Clearys of Tipperary.
» Clegg Family Tree Open in a new browser window
   Richard Clegg's ancestral history including the Dewsbury and Mackness families of West Ham, London.
» Cleggett Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Sam Cleggett with roots in Bearsted and Maidstone, Kent ENG.
» Clement Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of William Clement (d.1760) of Amelia County, VA USA.
» Clendennen and Ehlers Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Orea Alvin Ehlers, Junior and wife Norma Jean Clendennen Ehlers. Includes member photographs, awards won, and related surnames.
» Clifford Open in a new browser window
   Family history with special reference to the descendants of Charles and Jane (Gordon) Clifford. Focus in on Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania and Hunterdon County New Jersey.
» Clift: Tilling the Soil to Find My Roots Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors and descendants of Julie Clift. Focus is on the lineages from England to Australia.
» Cloustons of Tyneside Open in a new browser window
   Family history as displayed by Peter Clouston. Features the ancestors and descendants of Joseph Storer Clouston (1866-1944).
» Clyburn Family News Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Franklin (Frank) L Clyburn, Northern California USA.
» Coath One Name Research Open in a new browser window
   Registered with the Guild, documenting the name worldwide.
» Cohn Family: Netherlands Open in a new browser window
   Nicholas Cohn's ancestral history as well as a private area for family and friends.
» Coig Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history stretching across Scotland, France, Spain and the USA.
» Colagrosso Ancestry Open in a new browser window
   Yahoo group for all Colagrosso and relatives worldwide. Primary aim is to discuss roots and determine whether a common lineage is shared.
» Colehour and Kreger Ancestry Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors and descendants of John and Henry Kohlhauer who arrived in Philadelphia, PA USA in 1804. Compiled by Bill Colehour.
» Collins Open in a new browser window
   Family history and reunion information for the descendants of Jeff and Phyllis Levert Collins.
» Colton Family Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of Quartermaster George Colton, who arrived from Sutton Coldfield, England to the Salem, MA USA in 1640. Includes generations chart, name index, individual biographies, and a guest book.
» Combs Open in a new browser window
   Preserving the history of the Combs Cemetery in Izard County, Arkansas. Provides a record of the 600 plus burials at the cemetery. Also features the family history of Robert Combs (b.1827) and wives Edna Elizabeth Campbell and Famie Dixon.
» Cone Open in a new browser window
   History and descendants of William Cone (b.1745)in the Pee Dee area of North Carolina. Includes photographs, a guest book, and the related surname of Miller.
» Connett Connections Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of Nicholas Connett as compiled by Lynn Proud. Features general history, records and associated links.
» Coolbaugh and Related Families Database Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to the Coolbaugh surname and associated branches.
» Coombs Family Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage of Ron Coombs including the surnames Aylward, Birch, Farrell and Stitson. Features Census data, French and Australian connections, BDMs and Coombs surname study.
» Coon Open in a new browser window
   Connecting unknown family members of Coon and applicable variants using the non-recombining Y study.
» Coonrod Open in a new browser window
   Information and links on the Coonrod family including ancestral history. Also features details on the Hunger Project.
» Corbould Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of Richard Corbold born circa 1395 in Suffolk, ENG. Includes worldwide branches and associated links. Also features information on Corbould artists and their correspondence.
» Cordner Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors of Alan Cordner including the surnames Renny, Fairbridge, Armstrong and Davison; largely in the North East of England. Lineages by marriage include Veasey and Murton.
» Corfield Family Tree Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of Richard Corfhull and Abigail de Lutwyche of Corfhull, Longvill and Chatwall in Shropshire, UK.
» Corley Open in a new browser window
   Family history and personal interests of Jim Corley of Manchester, GA USA. Includes family tree, biography, generation report, hobbies, and photographs.
» Corson Open in a new browser window
   Family ancestry and research compiled by Michael Corson. Includes information on the DNA project, charts, related surname Beyer, and research links.
» Corson/Colson Family History Association Open in a new browser window
   Uniting family members worldwide including all spelling variants and regardless of lineage.
» Cory Family Society Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to the research and publication of information about the name and its many variants, including ancestors and descendants. American based with English roots. Features family DNA Project.
» Corzilius Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history of Brian Corzilius including family lineages; the variant Corcilius; and musings on pottery.
» Cosgrave Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Jim and Marlene Cosgrave. Includes database and general history.
» Cosgrif Open in a new browser window
   Researching the name and its application worldwide. Currently focusing on the UK and USA family branches.
» Cosman Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage of Donald Joseph Cosman from Mabou, Nova Scotia, CAN. Features the descendants of James Cosman who settled in Sissiboo circa 1783; married Catherine John(s) in 1785.
» Costen Family Open in a new browser window
   Researching the family history as compiled by Mark Costen. Includes family tree, census record information and members only section.
» Cotgrove Family History Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of Benjamin Cotgrove from Leigh on Sea, Essex ENG. Includes history, family tree, newsletter, distribution map, and guest book.
» Cotter Family of New Farm Brisbane Open in a new browser window
   History of two Irish immigrants arriving separately in Australia in the 1800's, marrying, establishing a family home in New Farm Brisbane and raising six children. Includes photographs from 1896 to 1930's as well as a map of the area circa 1895.
» Couch: USA Open in a new browser window
   Researching the name and its application in North America. Includes information on the Couch DNA project, mailing list and associated forum.
» Couck Family Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Bruno Couck, includes variants Coeck, Koeck, Kouck, Coucke, Coecke, Koecke and Koucke.
» Coulter Family Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors and descendants of Robert Coalter (b.1785) from VA, USA. Features message board and surname study including spelling variants Coalter and Colter.
» Courtnage Site Open in a new browser window
   Descendants of William Courtnage featuring photographs, immigration to Canada, letters from 1837, churches and communities, plus a family forum.
» Coville Open in a new browser window
   Family history of John and Dora Coville including the surnames Arscott, Bell, Mayne and Main.
» Covington History Open in a new browser window
   Researching the name and its various derivatives. Maintained by Martin H Covington of Coventry.
» Cowie and Shields Open in a new browser window
   Family history including Cowie, Duncan, Shields, and Smith. Features stories, generation charts, a guest book, and related links.
» Coxon Open in a new browser window
   History of the name and its application. Includes origins, monumental inscriptions, census data and associated links.
» Crabbe Open in a new browser window
   Worldwide one-name study of Crabbe families including all variant spellings. Database and newsletter.
» Craddock Open in a new browser window
   One name study and its variants in England and Wales. Maintained by Larraine Williams.
» Craggs Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Chris Craggs, Addlestone, Surrey, England. Includes descendants of Joseph Craggs.
» Craycroft, Bresnahan and Bresnan Open in a new browser window
   Researching the family lineages of Craycroft and Bresnahan from IRL and AUS; and Bresnan from the USA. Includes photographs, documents, gedcoms and associated links.
» Creech: USA Open in a new browser window
   Researching the roots and descendants of Richard Creech, the first known Creech to come to North America. Includes reunion information and family photographs.
» Creevy Family History Open in a new browser window
   History of the name and its application including the spelling variants Creavey, Creavy, Creevay, Creevey, Crevie, Crevey and Crevy.
» Creller Family Tree Open in a new browser window
   Ancestors and descendants of James S Creller.
» Cribb Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral heritage of Bill Cribb featuring records and data for a number of families, cemeteries and high school yearbooks.
» Cridland Family Open in a new browser window
   Providing ancestral information and assistance to those researching the name, including variants Credland and Criddle.
» Crispell Family Association Open in a new browser window
   Aims are to pursue and maintain connections among Crispells everywhere and to document and preserve the family history in America. Includes Huguenot origins and heritage.
» Crossland and Crosslin Open in a new browser window
   Researching the name and its variants worldwide. Includes general history, origins, database, selected records and resources.
» Crouch Family Heritage Association Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit society formed by the heirs of Ralph Waldo Crouch to maintain the family farm and to preserve buildings and landmarks connected with the Crouch family. Includes grave preservation and the strengthening of ties via the family tree.
» Croucher Family Tree: UK Open in a new browser window
   Family research including surnames Heathfield, Knott and Munday.
» Crundwell Family History Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral research including surnames Horvath, Kerr, Madej, Schemine, Silva and Sliwinski.
» Cryer Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history compiled by Pat Cryer. Includes surnames Best, Boult, Clark and Web. Also features an illustrated overview and descendens of the key individuals associated with the Cole Potteries in Tottenham, UK.
» Cubberley Open in a new browser window
   Family history of Steven Cubberley from West Ham, London UK. Includes surname origins and general history.
» Cullison Family: USA Open in a new browser window
   Forum for Cullisons and associated family investigators, providing a contact point, information exchange, and promoting fellowship through kinship. Maintained by Jeffrey R Cullison.
» Culpepper Connections Open in a new browser window
   Researching and documenting all known Culpeppers, Culpepers and Colepepers. Includes worldwide family tree, archives, historical stories, biographies, research contacts, family album and general news and information.
» Culpin Family Name Study Open in a new browser window
   Variants include Culpan. Birth, marriage, burial and census records plus family trees.
» Cunningtons Family History Open in a new browser window
   Single name study started in the UK in 1989, now extending internationally with data for various regions. Includes BDMs, census and parish records. Maintained by Dave Cunnington from Middlesex, ENG.
» Curness Family Tree Open in a new browser window
   Ancestral history of Tony Curness including the descendants of Edward Curniss (b.1791) in St Leonards, Shoreditch, UK. Includes UK to Australia lineage. Dedicated to the memory of Ceridwen Robyn (Kerry) Curness, nee Roberts.
» Curson Open in a new browser window
   Family history and general interests of Greg Curson. Includes the surnames Elsbury family, Parish, Theobald, Jackson and Holbrook.
» Cushman Open in a new browser window
   Documenting the ancestry and general interests of Janice and Brien Cushman. Surnames include Andrews, Booth, Brayford, Burrell, Edge, Groves, Houghton, Johnson, Malthouse, Osgood, Avery, Biggs, Crabb, Harrington, Houtz, Rofe, Strang and Wright.
» Custance Open in a new browser window
   Research and resources hub for those interested in the name and its application throughout the world. Includes UK census and will indexes.
» Czaplicki Open in a new browser window
   Collection of references pertaining to the name and its application. Includes origins, history, heraldry and peidgree. Also features the Polish clans of Lubicz, Kierdeja, Grabie, Kotwicz and Grzymala.

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Last Updated: 2008-01-01 07:40:42

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