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United States (127)


See Also:

» Another Mother for Peace Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit, non-partisan association dedicated to eliminating the use of war as a means of solving disputes among nations, people and ideologies. Includes activities and a newsletter.
» Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America Open in a new browser window
   Uniting and enabling Christians to make peace with justice in a warring world. News, events, listserv, partner congregations, resources, and suggestions for action.
» Beyond War Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to moving the world beyond war. Suggests ways to get involved, provides reading and online resources, and profiles the organization and its staff.
» Delaware Pacem in Terris Open in a new browser window
   Delmarva Peninsula-based group which seeks to help people understand through seminars, activities, and experiences that peace is not a dream, but a necessity. Site offers news, program information, and guest essays.
» International Committee for the Peace Council Open in a new browser window
   Group of internationally respected religious persons from many faiths working together in practical ways for peace and for the common needs of the whole community of life. They build bridges by the example of non-violence, compassion, human rights, and un
» Jeannette Rankin Peace Center Open in a new browser window
   Works to connect and empower people to build a socially just, non-violent, and sustainable community and world. Calendar of events, issue information, resources, and action alerts.
» Lawrence Coalition for Peace and Justice Open in a new browser window
   Includes history of the organization, peace calendar, membership and contact information.
» Michiana Peace and Justice Coalition Open in a new browser window
   Michigan and Indiana. Upcoming events, action alerts, letters to Congress and letters to the editor, issue positions.
» Military Families Speak Out Open in a new browser window
   Organization of people who are opposed to war in Iraq and who have relatives or loved ones in the military. Includes letters from members, news, photos, and transcripts of speeches.
» National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee Open in a new browser window
   A coalition of groups from across the US formed to provide information and support to people involved in or considering some form of war-tax resistance.
» No Nukes North Open in a new browser window
   Fairbanks-based Alaskan and circumpolar coalition against missile defense and the weaponization of space. Photo album, message archives, news, articles, events, and membership form.
» Not In Our Name Open in a new browser window
   Initiated at a meeting in New York City, the group worked to strengthen and expand resistance to the U.S. government's course in the wake of September 11, 2001. [Archive site: Project ended March 31, 2008.]
» Pax Christi USA Open in a new browser window
   Catholic organization that strives to create a world that reflects the Peace of Christ by exploring, articulating, and witnessing to the call of Christian nonviolence. Events calendar, membership information, and publications.
» Peace Action National Open in a new browser window
   Practical, positive alternatives for peace. Local chapter and affiliate contacts, press releases, fact sheets, articles, congressional voting record, email alerts, and upcoming events.
» Peace Roots Alliance Open in a new browser window
   Seeks to create a peaceful, just, and sustainable world for future generations by emphasizing our common humanity, promoting non-violence, and working to remove the root causes of war. Group's history, program information, listserv, and photos.
» South Dakota Peace and Justice Center Open in a new browser window
   Interfaith grassroots membership network of South Dakota households, institutions, and congregations. News, list of issues, and legislative information.
» Student Peace Action Network Open in a new browser window
   Tool for diverse student groups to obtain current information on the peace movement and a space for students to forge their own campaigns and visions. News, directory of local affiliates, event list, organizing guide, and activism resources.
» The Peace Alliance Open in a new browser window
   Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace. Includes proposed legislation, ways to get involved, resources and contact information for local chapters.
» United States Institute of Peace Open in a new browser window
   Independent, nonpartisan federal institution created and funded by Congress to strengthen the nation's capacity to promote the peaceful resolution of international conflict. The Institute meets its congressional mandate through an array of programs, inclu
» United for Peace Open in a new browser window
   Brings together a broad range of organizations throughout the United States to coordinate work against a U.S. war on Iraq. Events calendar, action alerts, local and national contacts, and resources for organizing.
» Veterans for Peace Open in a new browser window
   A non-profit educational and humanitarian organization of vets dedicated to increasing public awareness of the costs of war, the end the arms race and war, justice for vets and war victims, and restraining government from getting involved in violent confl
» War Resisters League Open in a new browser window
   Committed not only to eliminating war, but the causes of war. Offers on-line magazine, calendar of events, resources, and opportunities for individual involvement.

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Last Updated: 2007-10-01 17:37:52

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