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Make A Wish Foundation (71)

Editor's Picks:

» Make-A-Wish Foundation Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Grants the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Provides testimonials, eligibility requirements, volunteers, fundraising, history, and links.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation International Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Non profit organization established to grant wishes to children around the world who are living with life-threatening illnesses.


» Make a Wish Foundation Argentina Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes of children with life threatening illness.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation Singapore Open in a new browser window
   Desires to bring sunshine to children with life-threatening illness by granting their heartfelt wishes. Includes ways to give, volunteers, stories, and referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation UK Open in a new browser window
   Charity granting wishes of children and young people aged between 3 and 17 living with life threatening illnesses.[United Kingdom and Northern Ireland]
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Alaska, Montana, Northern Idaho and Washington Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes to seriously ill children. Features information about referrals, news, events, how to donate, chain letter, and wish list.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Arizona Open in a new browser window
   Mission is to grant the wishes of seriously ill children. Features information about volunteering, giving, referring a child, news, and facts.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Australia Open in a new browser window
   Grants seriously ill children their most cherished wish. Features supporters, volunteers, events, shops, and national wish day.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Canada Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes of children with serious medical conditions. Includes stories, donations, events, promotions, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central & Western North Carolina Open in a new browser window
   Site features wish stories, information on how wishes are granted, current fundraising efforts, staff and contact information.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central California Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. Includes history of chapter, photographs, how to refer a child or volunteer.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central New York Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to granting special wishes to children under the age 18. Features history, sponsors, volunteers, events, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and Northern Florida Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of local children with life-threatening medical conditions. Includes information on how to volunteer, donate, calendar of upcoming events, and how to refer a child. [Florida]
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and South Texas Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. Includes information on local events, news, donations, pending wishes, volunteers, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Colorado Open in a new browser window
   Organization that grants wishes to children with life threatening illnesses. Includes information about events, volunteering, resources, publications, and referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Connecticut Open in a new browser window
   Provides children with life threatening illness a special wish. Includes information about referrals, stories, how to volunteer or donate, news, upcoming events, and community programs offered.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of East Tennessee Open in a new browser window
   Regional chapter that grants the special wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Includes stories of past wish kids from the area, how to refer a child, volunteer opportunities, and how to donate.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern North Carolina Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit volunteer organization that grants the favorite wishes of terminally ill children. Information on programs and services.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles Open in a new browser window
   Fulfills the wishes of children between the ages of 2 1/2 and 18 who are living with life-threatening illnesses.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of critically ill children. Information about how to give, volunteer, resources, history, events, and contact,
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Pennsylvania and Southern West Virginia Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of children who have life threatening medical conditions. Provides wish process, stories, referral form, FAQ, calendar, how to volunteer and give, and a guestbook.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Guam Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of local children who have life threatening medical conditions. Features information about current events, wish referral, giving, volunteering, and a bulletin board.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Hawaii Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to enriching the human experience by granting wishes for children with serious illnesses. Includes giving, volunteering, calendar, news, gift shop, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Idaho Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes and support to children suffering from life threatening diseases.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of India Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to helping seriously ill children realise their hearts desire. Includes history, FAQ, wishes fulfilled, donations, how to help, and contact information.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Iowa Open in a new browser window
   Granting the wishes of seriously ill children throughout the state. Provides information on volunteering, stories, committees, sponsors, calendar, news, and how to make a referral.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Kansas Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes to children with life threatening illnesses. Features information about events, contributors, speakers, and personnel.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Louisiana Open in a new browser window
   Striving to share the power of a wish for a child the organization involves parents, volunteers, and the community. Includes stories, history, events, giving, and how to make referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Maine Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. Provides information about upcoming events, news, and referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Massachusetts Open in a new browser window
   Nonprofit foundation that grants the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Contains information about volunteering, donations, eligibility, and details of some granted wishes.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro New York Open in a new browser window
   Granting the wishes of children with life threatening illnesses. Provides information about the chapter, privacy policy, news, giving donations, volunteering, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan Open in a new browser window
   Organization dedicated to granting the wishes of seriously ill children. Features information about volunteering, events, giving, calendar, eligibility requirements, wish process, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Middle Tennessee Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Information about special events, volunteering, news, stories, and referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Minnesota Open in a new browser window
   Organization that grants the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. Provides information about wish process, referrals, volunteering, giving, and an event calendar.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mississippi Open in a new browser window
   Organizations goal is to enrich the human experience by granting wishes to children with serious illnesses. Includes information about referrals, events, news, and stories.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Missouri Open in a new browser window
   Granting wishes to children whose lives are in jeopardy from life threatening illness. Includes event calendar, history, how to donate or volunteer, wish stories, and contact information.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Nebraska Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to granting the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. Includes pictures, event calendar, chapter, newsletter, donate or volunteer, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Hampshire Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Event listings, volunteer opportunities, donor information, board of directors, stories about wishes granted, and referral instructions.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to giving back laughter, strength, hope and joy to children who are battling life threatening illness by granting wishes.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Mexico Open in a new browser window
   Fulfills the fondest wish of any child who has a diagnosed life-threatening illness.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Dakota Open in a new browser window
   A wish-granting organization for children. Features special events, volunteering, news, and referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northeast New York Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to granting wishes to special children with life threatening illnesses. Information about how to adopt an angel, giving, volunteering, and making referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northern West Virginia Open in a new browser window
   Local chapter of wish-granting organization for children. Features information on how to refer a child, calendar of events, volunteering, board, and staff.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northwest Ohio Open in a new browser window
   Mission is to grant wishes to children who have serious medical conditions. Includes history of organization, referring a child, fundraising, volunteering, and events.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Orange County and the Inland Empire Open in a new browser window
   Fulfills wishes for children between the ages of 2 1/2 and 18 who confront life-threatening medical conditions. Includes information about history, volunteering, donating, events, press, and wish kids. [California]
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses living in Oregon and Southwest Washington. View photos, read stories, learn about scheduled events, sign up for newsletter, learn how to volunteer or donate.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Philadelphia and Susquehanna Valley Open in a new browser window
   Granting the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses to enrich the human experience.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Quebec Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to fulfilling the special wishes of children from ages 3 through 17 who have a life-threatening illness. Includes chapters, stories, events, and how to refer a child. [Canada]
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Sacramento and Northern California Open in a new browser window
   Local chapter wish-granting organization for children with life-threatening illnesses. Includes information on how to refer a child, events, volunteers, supporters, and ways to contribute.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Carolina Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of children with life threatening illnesses. Provides a newsletter, how to volunteer, wish stories, giving, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Dakota Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to making special wishes come true for South Dakota children facing life-threatening medical conditions. Includes events, news, driving for dreams, adopt a wish, stories and contact information.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Florida Open in a new browser window
   Learn how they make wishes come true for children with serious medical conditions. Includes a media kit, mail, FAQ, events, volunteer opportunities, and a gift shop.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Nevada Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to granting the special wishes of children up to the age of 18 with life threatening or terminal illnesses.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Suffolk County, New York Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to granting wishes to seriously ill children. Features stories, how to make referrals, fundraising, and upcoming events.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Utah Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes for children with life-threatening conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy. Includes information about how to volunteer, stories, family fun, giving, and referring a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Vermont Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes to children who are living with a life-threatening illness. Features information about volunteering, fundraisers, donations, newsletter, events, and referrals.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Washington State Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes of children with life threatening illnesses.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Western New York Open in a new browser window
   Organization dedicated to providing a wish for children with serious illnesses. Features the stories of wish kids and parents, how to refer a child, donations, and contact information.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Wisconsin Open in a new browser window
   Organization dedicated to granting the wishes of seriously ill children. Includes history, staff, board, news, events, stories, and how to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of Wyoming Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Features information about referrals, volunteering, the adopt a wish program, and who to contact.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Hudson Valley Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to enriching the human experience by granting special wishes to seriously ill children. Features information about giving, volunteering, upcoming events, and how to refer a child. [New York]
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic Open in a new browser window
   Fulfills the wishes of children facing life-threatening illnesses. Calendar, special events, wish list, wishes fulfilled, and information to refer a child.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Mid-South Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Provides history, stories, how to help, and events.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Rio Grande Valley Open in a new browser window
   Grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Susquehanna Valley Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to granting the wishes of seriously ill children up to the age of 18. Includes volunteer opportunities, events, how to give, wish stories, and contact information. [Pennsylvania]
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana Open in a new browser window
   Nonprofit, volunteer organization whose purpose is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Photos and stories of granted wishes, with how to volunteer or donate.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Texas Plains Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. Includes event schedule, stories of wish kids, volunteer opportunities, and information about corporate and individual giving.
» Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Tri-Counties Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes of children with life threatening illness. Provides information about how to donate, volunteer, or refer a child. [California]
» Make-A-Wish of Metro Saint Louis Open in a new browser window
   Includes information on the types of wishes granted, a newsletter, current events, how to volunteer, referring a child, and stories of hope. [Missouri]
» Make-a-Wish Foundation of San Diego Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. Vision, history, policies, and stories, plus contribution and volunteer opportunities.
» The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois Open in a new browser window
   Grants wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses to enrich the human experience. [Illinois]

This category needs an editor

Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:36:43

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