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California (26)

See Also:

» Alameda County Community Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   A clearinghouse for donated food. Other programs include nutrition education, hunger education and advocacy, and a hunger hotline. General information and directions, how to organize a food drive or donate food and money, and volunteer and job openings. P
» Community Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Distributes food in Fresno, Madera, and Kings Counties. Includes facts about hunger, list of programs, calendar of events, newsletters, and how to help. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Elk Grove Community Food Bank Services Open in a new browser window
   Calendar of events, wish list, and how to help.
» Farm to Family Open in a new browser window
   Statewide network coordinating donations from produce growers with local food banks. Information about how and why to donate.
» Find Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Providing food assistance and basic essentials to those in need in the local community through a network of agency members. Calendar of events, information on their programs, and a list of agencies. Cathedral City. Part of America's Second Harvest network
» Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County Open in a new browser window
   Charitable food source for hunger relief agencies including churches, group homes, community feeding sites, senior citizen centers, and social service agencies. INformation on their programs and how to get involved.
» Food Bank for Monterey County Open in a new browser window
   Calendar of events, news, financial information, and descriptions of programs. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Food Bank of Contra Costra and Solano Open in a new browser window
   Program descriptions, financial information, calendar of events, and volunteer opportunities. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» FoodLink for Tulare County Open in a new browser window
   Nonprofit food bank serving Tulare and King Counties. News, list of agencies in their network, and program descriptions. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» FoodShare Open in a new browser window
   Solicits, stores, and distributes surplus food to certified agencies who serve hungry Americans. List of programs, news, and related links. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Foodbank of Santa Barbara County Open in a new browser window
   Provides emergency food assistance referral based on geographic location, describes how volunteers can help, and provides information on hunger advocacy and foodbank events.
» Foodbank of Southern California Open in a new browser window
   Serves hundreds of certified charitable community agencies daily. List of the types of agencies they support, news, and how to help.
» Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Private, nonprofit, charitable organization. Part of a network that includes over 950 charities in local area. Includes publications, activities, charity center, and employment links.
» Los Angeles Regional Foodbank Open in a new browser window
   News, list of drop-off points for donated food, information on upcoming events, hunger statistics, and policy and advocacy efforts. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Marin Community Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Provides emergency food for low-income seniors and families in short or long term crisis, and holiday food boxes. Describes programs, how to help or donate, and upcoming events.
» Orange County Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Feeding hungry children and seniors in Garden Grove and all of Orange County. Includes wish list, program information, and how to help.
» Redwood Empire Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Serves Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. General information and ways to donate or volunteer. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Sacramento Food Bank Services Open in a new browser window
   Newsletter, calendar of events, eligibility requirements, and how to help.
» San Diego Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Aims to eradicate hunger and its negative impact on the quality of life in the community. Includes hunger facts, donation and volunteer information, events, and description of programs.
» San Francisco Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Collects donated food from growers, manufacturers and grocers and distributes it to food pantries, soup kitchens, childcare centers, homeless shelters, and senior centers. Virtual tour, events calendar, press releases, hunger education, and guidelines on
» Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County Open in a new browser window
   Special events calendar, ways to help, program highlights, and a description of who suffers from hunger. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Second Harvest Food Bank of San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties Open in a new browser window
   Volunteer needs, list of their board of directors, newsletter, and how to become a member agency. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties Open in a new browser window
   Rallies community resources to assist hungry people in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties in California. Information on programs, services, publications, and how to donate or volunteer. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties Open in a new browser window
   List of supporters, news, giving options, and an overview of local hunger. Part of the America's Second Harvest network.
» The Food Bank of Nevada County Open in a new browser window
   Calendar of events and program information.
» Westside Food Bank Open in a new browser window
   Calendar of events and how to help. Santa Monica.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:36:38

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