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YWCA (44)

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» Hong Kong YWCA Open in a new browser window
   Provides information about its guest house and hostels and links to English speaking member services.
» Lebanon YWCA Open in a new browser window
   The oldest volunteer movement for women and girls in Lebanon. Includes milestones, links to branches, and information about development programs and community services.
» World YWCA Open in a new browser window
   The oldest international women's organization in the world working in 101 countries promoting justice and women's empowerment.
» YMCA & YWCA of Allentown, PA Open in a new browser window
   Offers information on child care, summer camp, adult fitness and activities.
» YWCA Boston Open in a new browser window
   Contains information about their programs and initiatives, giving and membership, affordable housing options and job opportunities.
» YWCA Canada Open in a new browser window
   A movement of women, girls and their families in all our cultural, racial, religious and ethnic diversity. Includes information in both English and French.
» YWCA El Paso del Norte Region Open in a new browser window
   The largest YWCA in the United States. It has been providing services to its community since 1909.
» YWCA Hamilton, New Zealand Open in a new browser window
   Provides services for the community including hostel accommodation, mobile meals, minimovements, school holiday programmes and scholarship. Also contains information on updated activities and organization introduction.
» YWCA North Orange County Open in a new browser window
   California. Non-profit community service organization providing programs and services to women and girls. Resources, events, and volunteer opportunities.
» YWCA at U.C. Berkeley Open in a new browser window
   Offers a variety of classes (dance, fitness and education), programs and resources for students and the community.
» YWCA of Aotearoa, New Zealand Open in a new browser window
   Contains information on accommodation, projects, and current campaining, focusing on young women.
» YWCA of Auckland, New Zealand Open in a new browser window
   Providing quality accommodation, a range of services and community programmes, and information for new immigrants.
» YWCA of Australia Open in a new browser window
   Provides opportunities for women's growth, leadership, and power to achieve peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all people.
» YWCA of Banff, Alberta, Canada Open in a new browser window
   A volunteer organization directed by women dedicated to improving the quality of life in Banff. Provides services and programs for the community and its visitors.
» YWCA of Boulder County Open in a new browser window
   Provides services for Boulder County families that protect children, empower women and girls, and work to eliminate racism. Has the only emergency, drop-in child care center in Boulder County.
» YWCA of Calgary, Alberta - Canada Open in a new browser window
   Includes information about their health and recreation, housing, advocacy, education, hotel and violence prevention programs.
» YWCA of Central Alabama Open in a new browser window
   Organization of women whose mission is to create a more caring community. Programs and services focus on three major areas: child care, domestic violence services and affordable housing.
» YWCA of Enid, OK Open in a new browser window
   Information on activities, programs and services.
» YWCA of Fort Worth and Tarrant County Open in a new browser window
   Focuses on the needs of economically disadvantaged women and children with the following programs: My Own Place, Supportive Living, AIM (Achievement, Ideals, Motivation) and Child Care.
» YWCA of Gettysburg and Adams County, PA Open in a new browser window
   Has two locations to serve the community.
» YWCA of Great Britain Open in a new browser window
   A force for change for women who are facing discrimination and inequalities of all kinds.
» YWCA of Greater Atlanta Open in a new browser window
   Describes their childhood education, teen, women in transition, and health and wellness programs.
» YWCA of Greater Los Angeles Open in a new browser window
   Includes information about child development program, personal skills classes, parenting, their residential and educational training program, aquatics, sexual assault and crisis program as well as other events and programs.
» YWCA of Greater Milwaukee Open in a new browser window
   A membership movement of women from diverse backgrounds and faiths, of different ages and experiences, committed to the empowerment of women.
» YWCA of Greater Toronto Open in a new browser window
   Provides employment and skills development, life skills and community support, affordable housing and shelter, camping and outdoor education.
» YWCA of Green Bay, WI Open in a new browser window
   Programs include dance, gymnastics, swimming, health and fitness, day care and youth programs. The site also describes many other services available there.
» YWCA of India Open in a new browser window
   Includes information about their educational, empowerment and training, children's rights, development and community based programs.
» YWCA of Lewiston, ID and Clarkston, WA Open in a new browser window
   Provides programs and services including shelters for abused families and/or homeless families, crisis intervention counseling, and legal advocacy.
» YWCA of Minneapolis Open in a new browser window
   Includes facility locations, description of programs and classes, hours of operation as well as membership information.
» YWCA of New York City Open in a new browser window
   Includes information about classes and programs; including fitness, child care, crafts, mentoring and employment services.
» YWCA of Niagara, NY Open in a new browser window
   Provides fitness and health services for women and children of all ages.
» YWCA of O'ahu Open in a new browser window
   Includes information about their classes, membership and leadership luncheon.
» YWCA of Palestine Open in a new browser window
   Working to build a Palestinian democratic civil society where peace, justice, tolerance, equality, respect for the rights and dignity of human beings, freedom of expression and cultural diversity are promoted. Features information about branches, hotel ro
» YWCA of Peterborough, Victoria and Haliburton Open in a new browser window
   Supports the rights of all women and their families to live free from violence, poverty, and oppression.
» YWCA of San Diego County, CA Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization geared to the advancing of womenand racial justice through DV programs, child care, legal advocacy and other services.
» YWCA of San Gabriel Valley Open in a new browser window
   Features information about senior services, domestic violence programs, child care services and a community calendar.
» YWCA of Santa Clara Valley Open in a new browser window
   Serves women, girls and families in Silicon Valley by providing child and teen assault prevention, child care, counseling, pregnancy prevention, rape crisis, parent education and employment preparation.
» YWCA of Seattle-King County Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on local YWCA programs, events and services.
» YWCA of Singapore Open in a new browser window
   Offers programmes, activities and facilities in areas including the following: child development, elder care, community projects and accommodation.
» YWCA of St. Paul Open in a new browser window
   Human services organization dedicated to developing women, girls, and their families. Located in St. Paul, Minnesota.
» YWCA of Tampa Bay Open in a new browser window
   Established locally in 1919, it is an autonomous women's movement that provides leadership for social change. Includes information about child care, services available, locations and a calendar of events.
» YWCA of Tucson, AZ Open in a new browser window
   Provides education, job training, health and counseling programs for women and is committed to fighting racism and sexism on every front.
» YWCA of Williamsport, PA Open in a new browser window
   Helping people in Lycoming County build better lives. Programs include family oriented cultural activities, drug abuse prevention efforts, playground programs teaching children life skills, and therapeutic exercise services.
» YWCA of the USA Open in a new browser window
   The largest and oldest women's organization in the United States. The YWCA represents more than one million women, girls and their families.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:36:43

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