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Philosophy of Mind (145)


See Also:
Editor's Picks:

» Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Thousands of entries, categorized by subject matter. From David Chalmers.
» Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   A collection of definitions and brief scholarly discussions of key terms in the Philosophy of Mind. Also includes brief biographical sketches of important figures in cognitive science.


» A Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind Open in a new browser window
   Survey articles on key issues in the field, and an annotated bibliography.
» An atheist philosophy beyond the "bright" attitude Open in a new browser window
   The naturalism of the Bright Movement is present in Real Dualism, but even an anthropologic analysis that get over the traditional materialism
» Argumentation Map: Do Computers Have to be Conscious to Think? Open in a new browser window
   Argumentation maps propose to map the detailed structure of major philosophical debates in graphical form. Portions of the map of the "Can Computers Think?" debate are now available online.
» Arts and Minds Open in a new browser window
   Contains theory and essays by Mayer Spivack. Primarily emphasizes human cognition, animal cognition, associative reasoning (syncretic reasoning), creativity, learning and learning disability.
» Behavioral & Prints Archive Open in a new browser window
   Articles on the subject of philosophy of mind.
» Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. Open in a new browser window
   The main institutional center for Consciousness Studies. Host of the Tucson "Toward a Science of Consciousness" conferences, and periodically stages on-line courses on aspects of Consciousness Studies.
» Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience Open in a new browser window
   Information on Centre personnel, research and activities including conferences, seminars and reading groups, which focus on philosophy of mind and perception.
» Cognitive Science Open in a new browser window
   The interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Paul Thagard..
» Computing Machinery and Intelligence Open in a new browser window
   The classic 1950 article by Alan Turing on machine intelligence, where he introduces the famous Turing test.
» Connectionism Open in a new browser window
   Movement in cognitive science which hopes to explain human intellectual abilities using artificial neural networks. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by James W. Garson.
» Consciousness and Intentionality Open in a new browser window
   Discussion of the connection between phenomenal consciousness and intentionality; by Charles Siewert.
» Daniel C. Dennett - publications and preprints. Open in a new browser window
   This page makes available online versions of many recent (1987-1997) published and unpublished articles, and reviews, by this influential and unusually readable philosopher (and by some of his associates).
» David Chalmers Chat Transcript Open in a new browser window
   Transcript from a live online chat with David Chalmers on September 25th 2002.
» Eliminative Materialism Open in a new browser window
   The view that some or all of the mental states posited by common-sense do not actually exist; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by William Ramsey.
» Epiphenomenalism Open in a new browser window
   Discusses the view that mental events are caused by physical events in the brain, but have no effects upon any physical events. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by William S. Robinson.
» Higher-order Theories of Consciousness Open in a new browser window
   Theories which explain conscious states by their relations to higher-order representations of them; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Peter Carruthers.
» Hyponoeticism - New Philosophy of Mind Open in a new browser window
   A New and Challenging Philosophy of Mind.
» Living philosophy from a modern thinker Open in a new browser window
   Includes a study of belief, mind, relativity, sign systems and matter. Philosophy is integrated with psychology and science.
» Mental Images: Philosophical Psychology Open in a new browser window
   Introductory and advanced material on the imagery debate, cognitive science, and metaphysical issues.
» Mental Representation Open in a new browser window
   A mental representation is a mental object with semantic properties. According to the Representational Theory of Mind, psychological states are to be understood as relations between agents and mental representations. Article from the Stanford Encyclopedia
» Mind and Body: Rene Descartes to William James Open in a new browser window
   By Robert H. Wozniak, Bryn Mawr College. History of philosophical and scientific reactions to "the Cartesian impasse". Spanish translation available.
» Mind and Mechanism - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews Open in a new browser window
   Varol Akman reviews this book by Drew V. McDermott.
» Multiple Realizability Open in a new browser window
   Discusses the contention that a given mental kind (property, state, event) is realized by distinct physical kinds. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by John Bickle.
» PCID Philosophy of Mind Issue Open in a new browser window
   A special issue of the Open Source online journal Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design (PCID) containing eight essays outlining non-reductive theories of the mind.
» Panpsychism Open in a new browser window
   The doctrine that mind is a fundamental feature of the world which exists throughout the universe; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by William Seager.
» Parsimony and the Mind Open in a new browser window
   The principle of parsimony and its application to the mind-body problem
» PhilosophyofMind.info Open in a new browser window
   An overview of the philosophy of mind. Explores the various theories of mind, and of how the mental relates to the physical.
» Reflections on Language and Mind Open in a new browser window
   Article by Daniel Dennett (1996).
» SWIF Philosophy of Mind Open in a new browser window
   Bibliographies by topic and author, event listings, online texts, new books (with links), and many links to online reference works, relevant institutions, journal home pages, and other sites.
» Simulation, Consciousness, Existence Open in a new browser window
   A view on consciousness, universal existence, nothingness, reality.
» Squashed Descartes Open in a new browser window
   Condensed edition of Descartes' 'Meditations', with study notes and glossary.
» Stanford Encyclopedia - The Computational Theory of Mind Open in a new browser window
   The philosophical theory that the mind is, or functions like, a computer; by Steven Horst.
» Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - The Turing Test Open in a new browser window
   Proposal due to Alan Turing for a criterion of the presence of mind or consciousness; by Graham Oppy and David Dowe.
http://www.personal.ceu.hu/students/03/Istvan_Aranyosi/Doomsday Simulation/The Doomsday Simulation Argument by I.A. Aranyosi.pdf
» The Doomsday Simulation Argument Open in a new browser window
   A compact response to both Leslie's doomsday argument and Bostrom's simulation argument, by I.A. Aranyosi
   http://www.personal.ceu.hu/students/03/Istvan_Aranyosi/Doomsday Simulation/The Doomsday Simulation Argument by I.A. Aranyosi.pdf
» The Experimental Philosophy Page Open in a new browser window
   Information about experimental data gathered by people working in the philosophy of mind.
» The Extended Mind Open in a new browser window
   This paper by Andy Clark and David Chalmers proposes an active externalist theory of mind - that when we use tools such as paper or computers to aid in our cognition, they become part of our minds.
» The Identity Theory of Mind Open in a new browser window
   Evaluates the theory that holds that states and processes of the mind are identical to states and processes of the brain. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by J. J. C. Smart.
» The Philosophy and Future of AI Open in a new browser window
   A personal perspective, with many links, from Artificial Intelligence researcher Mark Humphrys.
» The Pre-History of Cognitive Science Open in a new browser window
   An annotated bibliography of the models of human cognition of Berkeley, Burton, Hobbes, and Locke. (More figures from the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries are promised.)
» The Simulation Argument Open in a new browser window
   Site examining the hypothesis that we are currently living in an "ancestor simulation" run by a future, post-human society. Includes papers and research links.
» The Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP). Open in a new browser window
   The leading U.S. organization for discussion between (analytic) philosophers and (mainly cognitively oriented) psychologists.
» The Unity of Consciousness Open in a new browser window
   History and philosophical accounts of unity of consciousness; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Andrew Brook.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:49:46

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