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Churches (50)


» All Saint's Church, Walsoken Open in a new browser window
   Offers an introduction to the activities, architecture, worship and bells of this parish church, plus gives photo gallery and contact information.
» All Saints Church, Milton Open in a new browser window
   The worship, people, groups and resources of this evangelical Cambridge parish church, plus contact details and links.
» All Saints' Parish Church, Sawtry Open in a new browser window
   Location, mission and service and activity details plus online magazine.
» All Saints, Little Shelford Open in a new browser window
   The mission, aims, activities, programme and contact details of a growing and lively Anglican church which is located near Cambridge and is in the Evangelical tradition.
» All Saints: The Parish Church of Saint Ives Open in a new browser window
   Services, news, contact information, location map and church guide including photo gallery, together with some notes on the work at the church of the architect Sir Ninian Comper.
» Bassingbourn Parish Church Open in a new browser window
   Details of services and meetings; events, activities and groups; children’s and young people’s activities; contacts and location; missions and giving and the church weekly bulletin, plus photo gallery and information about Francis Holcroft, a previous
» Ely Cathedral Open in a new browser window
   History and interactive map with photographs and details. Visitor information includes service times and related links.
» Ely Parish Church, St Mary's Open in a new browser window
   Contacts, services, youth work, Home groups and courses, testimonies, news, diaries and notices. Also music information and links.
» Fowlmere Church Open in a new browser window
   Contact information for the Rector, Wardens and PCC Secretary of St Mary's Fowlmere, plus a brief history of the church building.
» Great St Mary's Church, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Including the history of the church, service times, and a list of the clergy.
» Holy Trinity Church, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Describes the services, other activities and church family life of this evangelical church which includes Charles Simeon among past vicars; also includes a virtual tour of the church plus contact information.
» Holy Trinity, The Parish Church of Haddenham Open in a new browser window
   Clergy and service details, diary, organisations, history and information about a newly completed meeting room within the church and available to the whole community.
» Parish Church of St John the Evangelist, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Includes clergy and officers, news, and service times. A Sunday School section includes photo gallery and details of activities and objectives.
» St Andrew's Church Open in a new browser window
   Kimbolton parish church: profile and information about services with guided tour, history and local links.
» St Andrew's Church, Chesterton, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Includes welcome page, service details, location map, online magazine, information about the Friends organisation, history and contact details.
» St Andrew's Church, Girton Open in a new browser window
   Service times; history of the church; baptism, wedding and funeral information and details of supported projects in Malawi and Bangladesh.
» St Andrew's Impington Open in a new browser window
   Service times, contact details and churchyard wall appeal.
» St Andrew's and St Etheldreda, Histon Open in a new browser window
   Describes the services, beliefs, music, groups (including Alpha) and mission involvement of this parish church, plus details of publications and the building.
» St Andrew's, Cherry Hinton Open in a new browser window
   Vision, contacts, worship and other activities of this village church together with history and architecture notes. Also music, online magazine and a bulletin board.
» St Augustines Church Open in a new browser window
   Wisbech. Provides service information, events, Bible study, location and contact details.
» St Barnabas, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Information on the church and its activities including service times, youth and children's work, church family news, community work, baptism, funeral and marriage information and staff profiles.
» St Bene't's Church, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Service times, history and a few photographs of the building.
» St James' Church, Hemingford Grey Open in a new browser window
   Vision, contacts and service details for this parish church plus information about prayer and teaching; mission involvement; and groups for young people and adults.
» St John the Evangelist, Waterbeach Open in a new browser window
   Mission statement, contact details for the clergy, service times and some online notice sheets.
» St Margaret's Church, Chippenham Open in a new browser window
   The history, people, choir and bells of this parish church, plus flower festival photo gallery.
» St Mark's Church, Newnham Open in a new browser window
   Details of future events and past history of this Cambridge church community, plus Vicar's letter, community centre information and particulars of young people's work and music, drama and other artistic activities.
» St Martin's and St Thomas's, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Describes the mission, location, services, day centre and leadership of this evangelical parish church plus gives contact and men's group information.
» St Mary Magdalene, Brampton Open in a new browser window
   Service times, contacts, church history, service arrangements bells and bell ringing information.
» St Mary and All Saints' Church, Willingham Open in a new browser window
   Details of church youth work and other activities; Vicar's page; leadership contact information, online news sheets, history of the building, photo archive and links.
» St Mary the Virgin, Eynesbury Open in a new browser window
   The services, people and activities of this parish church plus location map, parish profile, history of the building, details of the bells and organ and photo gallery of views from the tower.
» St Mary the Virgin, Godmanchester Open in a new browser window
   Details of the staff team and services; plus news, online church guidebook and list of activities; also extensive archive of sermons, questions and letters.
» St Mary the Virgin, West Walton Open in a new browser window
   Church building and worship details, including architecture, organ, furnishings and a £130,000 conservation project. Also information about Miss Agnes Blencowe: highly influential in the late 19th Century in the design of English Church Embroidery.
» St Mary's Church, Comberton Open in a new browser window
   The history and future plans of this parish church.
» St Mary's, the Parish Church of Buckden Open in a new browser window
   Mission statement, location details, service times and details, leadership team details, virtual church tour and information about an ambitious £575,000 extension project for this church situated on the Great North Road (A1).
» St Matthew's Church, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Lists the location, services, staff, activities and history of the building, plus gives contact information and brief details of the church's organization and management, and supported overseas missionary work.
» St Neots Parish Church Open in a new browser window
   Information about the leadership, services and Christian teaching of the church plus a photograph, detailed history and description with glossary of the late medieval building, and notes on plans to restore the organ built by George Holdich in 1855.
» St Peter and St Paul Parish Church, Chatteris Open in a new browser window
   Contains news and information about the church as well as worship videos, local events and history.
» St Peter's Church, Coton Open in a new browser window
   Service times, description of the life of the congregation, village and school details and parish profile.
» St Philip and St Stephen, Romsey Town Open in a new browser window
   Lists the clergy, Sunday activities and community events (including home groups) of this evangelical Cambridge church, plus gives location guide and contact details.
» St. Mary's Church, Orton Waterville Open in a new browser window
   Photo tour, history and bell ringing details, plus information about staff, services, events, groups and the PCC.
» The Anglican Parishes of Arrington, Barrington, Croydon with Clopton, Orwell and Wimpole Open in a new browser window
   Church news, diary and service information plus details of the church schools at Petersfield and Barrington.
» The Centre at St Paul's, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Community centre and church on Hills Road, central Cambridge. Rooms for hire, local events, church community, regular activities, volunteering.
» The Church of the Good Shepherd Open in a new browser window
   Includes extracts from the monthly newsletter, and a parish directory. Located in Cambridge.
» The Papworth Team Ministry Open in a new browser window
   The people, churches, services, vision and activities of this thirteen parish team entirely composed of villages running west from Cambridge.
» The Parish and Church of St Mary the Less, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Includes schedule of services, church ethos, brief history, clergy and officers, Friends organisation, future programme, mission link group and details of a Christian meditation group and facilities for children.
» The Round Church at St Andrew the Great, Cambridge Open in a new browser window
   Details of services, location and activities for adults, students, internationals and young people; also contact information, transcribed recent sermons and an invitation to a group for those exploring the truth or otherwise of the Christian faith.
» The Vicarage Website Open in a new browser window
   Service details, forthcoming events, online magazine, music and benefice information for the United Benefice of Fen Drayton with Conington and Lolworth and Swavesey; also children's work details, contacts and glossary of churchy words.
» Upwell St Peter Open in a new browser window
   Covers the history of the building and lists regular and special events in the life of the congregation including the annual flower festival.
» Walpole St Peter's Church Open in a new browser window
   Some details of this large and famous village church which holds an annual flower festival.
» Warboys with Broughton and Bury with Wistow Open in a new browser window
   Service information, location details, vision statements and history for the four churches of this Cambridgeshire benefice.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:41:22

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