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Churches (37) Sites:
» All Hallows Church, Gedling
Contact information, news, forthcoming events and service times; also parish, belltower and church details and photo gallery. http://freespace.virgin.net/allhallows.gedling/ » All Hallows and St Albans Churches, Retford, Nottinghamshire
Details of this parish church's services, spirituality and history; plus gives information about forthcoming events, a photo gallery, help for those considering marriage or baptism or facing a funeral, and the annual report. http://www.ordsallparish.plus.com » Burton Joyce, St Helen
Details of the church building including history, archaeology and location, plus information about the church's interior fittings including organ, bells and clock; also church plans and photos. http://southwellchurches.history.nottingham.ac.uk/burton-joyce/hintro.php » Christ Church, Newark
Describes the people and activities of an evangelical parish church, including details of services and beliefs and how to contact the church. http://www.christchurchnewark.org.uk/ » Four Parishes
Vicar's contact details plus pictures and history of St George's Barton-in-Fabis, south Nottinghamshire. http://www.parishes.8m.com/ » Holy Trinity Church, Bulcote
Service times, forthcoming events, contact details, links and photo gallery; all accompanied by music. http://www.new.ac/Church/ » Holy Trinity and The Priory Churches, Lenton, Nottingham
Events and services; groups for adults, young people and children; Alpha course information; news and location details. Also a Quiet Corner page with a prayer focus for the month and contact details. http://www.lentonparish.org.uk » Holy Trinity, Lambley
Details of the church building. http://southwellchurches.history.nottingham.ac.uk/lambley/hintro.php » Nottingham (St Andrew)
Full details of the programme and activities of this parish church, plus information about a co-operative venture with Nottingham "Youth with a Mission" and some photo pages. Location information includes a list of bus routes passing the church building. http://www.standrewsnottm.org.uk » Nottingham City Centre Church Group
The united parish of All Saints’, St Mary’s and St Peter’s. Information about the clergy and congregation's practical, musical and spiritual life together. Includes articles and guides which detail history and church music. http://www.stpetersnottingham.org » Southwell Minster
The community, activities, future plans and past history of this Cathedral parish church. Includes photographic tour, organs, choir, education programme, concerts, and visitors’ information pages plus details of the historic Chapter Library. http://www.southwellminster.org/ » St Albans The Martyr - Forest Town
Built in 1911, a church for all. Provides a guide for visitors, faith, services, activities and notices. http://stalbans-foresttown.com/ » St Andrew's Church, Eakring
History, activities and leadership of this rural parish church, plus churchyard and £24,000 tower restoration project information. http://www.st-andrews-eakring.org.uk/ » St George the Martyr, Netherfield
Services and events, location and contact details. http://www.achurchnearyou.com/venue.php?V=2628 » St Giles Church, West Bridgford
Services, history, church magazine, uniformed organisations and events. http://www.stgilesparish.com » St Helen's Church, Selston
The people, services and forthcoming events of this evangelical community church, plus online magazine, groups information, weddings and baptisms pages, youth work pages, history and contact details. http://www.sthelenschurch.org/ » St Helen's Church. Trowell
The location, vision, online magazine and activities of this village church; also some photos and links. http://www.trowellchurch.com/ » St Leonard’s Church, Wollaton
The activities, events and services of what claims to be a growing church in a changing community; also contact details and information pages covering both a new Church Hall and a 550 year old Antiphonal, or huge and vividly illuminated book of services. http://www.stleonardswollaton.org.uk » St Luke's Church, Gamston
Services, clergy, contact details, wedding information, youth section, mission, activities and evidence; plus a special page for atheists and agnostics. http://www.st-lukes-gamston.org/ » St Mary Magdalene, Hucknall
Contacts, services, activities and forthcoming events, plus information about the "Eco-Congregation" programme taking spiritual and practical steps to care for God's creation. http://www.hucknall-parish-church.org.uk/ » St Mary and All Saints Church, Bingham
The parish Church of St Mary and All Saints in Bingham, Nottingham. The site allows visitors a virtual tour of the church and stunning QuicktimeVR panoramas. The service times and even the sound of the bells can be found. http://www.binghamparishchurch.org.uk » St Mary's Church, Arnold
Details of services, activities and uniformed organisations; news and a guest book. http://www.stmarysarnold.org.uk/ » St Mary's Church, Greasley
History of this church plus photo gallery, associated groups, service information, and a mailing list. http://www.greasleychurch.org.uk/ » St Mary's Westwood with Jacksdale
Events, contact information and activities at this evangelical parish church, plus guide to the Christian faith and information from the parish's strategic planning group. http://www.stmarys-westwood.org/ » St Mary's, Radcliffe-on-Trent
The people, forthcoming activities and past events of this parish church, including youth groups, house groups and bell ringing; also online magazine, contact details and annual reports. http://www.stmarysradcliffe.org/ » St Nicholas' Church, Nottingham
An evangelical Anglican church encompassing a broad range of spirituality and worship with an expectation and experience of charismatic renewal. http://www.stnics.org/ » St Peters Church, Toton
Service times, fellowship groups, staff profiles and event calendar; also contact details and information on groups to help people grow in the Christian faith. http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/stpeterschurchtoton/ » St Saviour's Church, Retford
The people, events and activities of this evangelical parish church, plus photo gallery, links and contact information. http://www.stsaviours.retfordteamministry.org.uk/ » St Wilfrid's Church, Calverton
History, people, events and photos of this congregation, plus contact details. http://www.stwilfrids-church.co.uk/ » St. Mark's Christian Church, Mansfield
A high Anglican tradition parish. Includes information on events, services, parish, history and contact details. http://www.stmarksmansfield.org.uk/ » StAnn With Emmanuel Church, Nottingham
Vicar's page, news, congregational profile, church photos and guestbook; also service times and contact information. http://saintannwithemmanuel.blogspot.com/ » Stapleford Parish, Nottingham
News, activities, staff, youth section and services for the parish church of St Helen and its daughter churches: St Andrew's and St Luke's. http://www.staplefordparish.org.uk » The Church on Rise Park
History, sermons, 'what's on?', prayer, Junior Church, people, fun, contact and devotional material for this ecumenical parish church in north Nottingham. http://www.risepark.org.uk/ » The Parish Church of St Georges Netherfield
Offers overview, mass times and contact. http://www.stgeorgesnetherfield.co.uk/ » The Parish Church of the Holy Rood, Edwalton
Vicar's letter and contact information, plus times of services and other activities for various age groups. Also information about bellringing, the church hall and the gardening club, plus details of church history and a photo gallery. http://www.edwaltonchurch.plus.com/ » United Benefice of Farndon with Thorpe and Hawton with Cotham
Church details, map of the parish, and news plus information about the clergy, groups and services on offer; also prayer page and contact details. http://www.farndon-hawton.org.uk/ » Wilford Church
Rector's letter, forthcoming events, and information about Jesus; plus location guide, photos of church and congregation, searchable directory of church groups, mission links information and details about St Wilfrid. http://wilford.org/church/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:41:20
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |