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Medical (52)


See Also:

» Agape in Action Open in a new browser window
   Organization that provides health care and ministers to the spiritual needs of Mayan individuals in the Quiche province of Guatemala.
» American Leprosy Missions Open in a new browser window
   Christian organization provides care to people around the world with leprosy and disabilities. View medical case histories and service opportunities.
» Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship Open in a new browser window
   Sharing God's Word through medical and dental missions all over the world.
» CMDA - Christian Medical & Dental Associations Open in a new browser window
   Provides educational resources and networking opportunities, medical missions, and a public voice for Christian doctors, healthcare professionals and students.
» Christ for Humanity Open in a new browser window
   Christian organization providing humanitarian aid and short-term medical trips, focusing on needy people living in the 10/40 window.
» Christian Medical Missions Open in a new browser window
   A nonprofit organization traveling to Central and South America to provide medical aid to poor and needy people.
» Churches United Against HIV/AIDS Open in a new browser window
   Ecumenical organization working in several African nations to fight the HIV virus. Contains information on programs, photos, forum, and contacts.
» El Salvador Health Mission Open in a new browser window
   A nonprofit Catholic volunteer medical ministry reaching out to individuals in rural areas.
» Emas Evangelical Medical Aid Society Open in a new browser window
   A Christian charitable organization based in Canada and Hong Kong, involved with church-based healthcare and short-term missions, plus providing food and medical supplies.
» Episcopal Medical Missions Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Nonprofit organization augmenting the support of Episcopal missionaries as they deliver medical and spiritual aid on the field.
» Evangemed Open in a new browser window
   A Methodist-church affiliated evangelistic organization in Brazil reaching out to the poor, and providing for health care needs.
» Eye Care We Care Foundation Open in a new browser window
   A Christian foundation that establishes permanent clinics in the Philippines providing free eye examinations, eyeglasses and treatment for eye diseases for indigent people.
» FAME Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to bringing help and hope to people in underdeveloped nations through medical evangelism.
» Flying Doctors of America Open in a new browser window
   US based group supplying physicians, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, and non-medical support volunteers to care for people worldwide who otherwise would never receive professional medical care.
» Global Health Ministries Open in a new browser window
   Charitable organization that provides medical supplies and funding for Lutheran health care missionaries. Includes several missions related church projects as well as public health news from around the world.
» Guatemala Mission Open in a new browser window
   Medical mission sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.
» HCJB Global: Healthcare Open in a new browser window
   Christian organization working in South America to provide integrated patient care and medical education, and unmet community needs.
» Haiti Medical Mission Open in a new browser window
   Team of volunteer medical staff travels from Fargo-Moorhead to Haiti each year to provide free medical care. Overview, become involved, photos and announcements.
» Heal the Nations Open in a new browser window
   A Christian medical missions organization providing community based health care for needy people in Africa and India.
» Health Outreach to the Middle East Open in a new browser window
   A Christian interdenominational organization providing medical care and education to needy individuals in several countries of the Middle East.
» Healthcare Ministries Open in a new browser window
   As the Assemblies of God Worldwide Medical Missions Outreach, this ministry sends volunteer medical teams to extend Christ's touch of compassion to the sick and needy all over the world.
» Healthserve Open in a new browser window
   UK based organization offers healthcare and medical mission vacancies in the developing world. Also provides grants and funding for UK student course electives.
» Horizon International Medical Missions, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Nonprofit organization provides free medical care to rural areas in developing African and Caribbean countries. Yearly mission trips offered.
» Hospitals of Hope International Open in a new browser window
   U.S. based medical-evangelical organization offering short-term mission trips to Vinto, Bolivia.
» International Children's Medical Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Non profit Christian organization linking volunteer medical teams, donated medical equipment and host families.
» International Nepal Fellowship Open in a new browser window
   Christian mission working in Nepal among people with disabilities, leprosy, tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS, poor communities, refugees, and displaced people.
» King's Kids Ministries Open in a new browser window
   Providing medical, spiritual, and physical support to the forgotten children of the world.
» LifeWind International Open in a new browser window
   Christian health and evangelism ministry promoting community development, partnering with nationals, and ministering to the whole person. Offers training in community health evangelism, news and links. [Formerly, Medical Ambassadors International]
» Light of the World Charities Open in a new browser window
   A non-profit Christian organization that primarily sends surgical volunteers to third world countries to provide health care for the poor.
» Marine Reach Open in a new browser window
   Formerly Mercy Ships - Pacific. A ministry of Youth With A Mission serving in the South Pacific and Southeast Asian regions. News and information on various projects.
» Medical Ministry International Open in a new browser window
   Sends volunteer health care teams and supplies to run clinics in countries around the world.
» Medical Mission International Open in a new browser window
   Volunteer Christian Healthcare Professionals provide a combination of medical and dental care, teaching, evangelism, and construction to the poor.
» Medical Missions Directory Open in a new browser window
   Searchable listings of Christian medical mission opportunities, short and long term.
» Medical Missions Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Provides reconstructive surgery for children with cleft lip and cleft palate, and trains local nurses and physicians in needy communities worldwide.
» Medical Missions Response Open in a new browser window
   Links volunteer healthcare workers with short-term healthcare opportunities around the world, specifically targeting unreached people groups in the 10/40 window.
» Medical Teams Worldwide Open in a new browser window
   A Christian medical relief organization that provides medical supplies, personnel and food. Currently involved in Sudan, Nicaragua and Cambodia.
» Mercy Ships Open in a new browser window
   Ocean vessels providing health care to the poor in port areas around the world.
» Mercy Works Open in a new browser window
   Christian relief and evangelism organization providing disaster relief and community development in domestic and worldwide locations. Affiliated with YWAM-Tyler organization.
» Mission: Moving Mountains Open in a new browser window
   International Christian mission organization matching unreached people groups with teams of well-trained, qualified individuals.
» Missions for Medical Students Open in a new browser window
   Christian short term mission trips for medical, dental nursing, and EMT students. Specialty training for medical missions, plus sources of financial aid.
» New Foundations Open in a new browser window
   Christian Charity in Cambridge, England, established to resource Medical projects in areas of the Third world where no treatment and facilities are currently available.
» PET Tampa Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit ministry offering mobility devices to disabled individuals in poor communities worldwide.
» Project Compassion Open in a new browser window
   Christian medical relief organization which utilizes volunteers to network with established worldwide missionaries in order to provide medical care where none exists.
» SIM Windows of HOPE for AIDS Open in a new browser window
   International Christian outreach enabling churches in Ethiopia and Botswana to provide institutional care to HIV/AIDS victims, and promoting HIV prevention.
» Saluda Charitable Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Provides medical assistance and relief for the poor, needy, and displaced.
» The Leprosy Mission Open in a new browser window
   An international Christian charity that works for people affected by leprosy in 29 countries.
» The Luke Society Open in a new browser window
   Supports indigenous Christian health professionals in providing medical care, health education and the gospel to the poor on five continents.
» Volunteers in Medical Missions Open in a new browser window
   Christian organization ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of children and adults in developing countries throughout the world.
» Window of Hope Open in a new browser window
   Assembles teams of health professionals, counselors and support staff to sponsor free medical clinics around the world.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:44:44

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