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» 101 Prophecies of the Last Days Open in a new browser window
   Lists 101 Prophecies of the Lasy Days with Scripture proof texts.
» A Grammar of Christian Faith Open in a new browser window
   Systematic explorations in Christian life and doctrine by Dr. Joe R. Jones, Professor Emeritus of Theology and Ethics, Christian Theological Seminary. Some essays are posted, but site mostly promotes the author's book by its title.
» A Techno-Theologian Blog Open in a new browser window
   The personal weblog of Michael Yates that deals with theology, technology, marriage, and college life.
» A Theological Inventory of American Jurisprudence Open in a new browser window
   Scrutinizes the American legal system by way of a biblical theology expounded in "Basic Jurisdictional Principles: An Investigation into the Biblical Undergirdings of Human Law".
» A Voice Crying in the Wilderness Open in a new browser window
   Articles on Catholicism, Promise Keepers, birth control, and America. Also features explanations of commonly misunderstood passages.
» Adventist Biblical Truths Open in a new browser window
   A large collection of Seventh-day Adventist theological writings, most of them by a single author.
» Adventures in Following Jesus Open in a new browser window
   Adam Ellis, husband, father, and youth minister in the churches of Christ, writes about theology, emerging church, and life in general.
» Al's Home Page Open in a new browser window
   Alwyn Lau's "glimpse into his Father's Heart and Word." Focus-themes include: general questions/objections to the Christian faith, the open view of God, and other Biblical topics.
» Alan Marshall Open in a new browser window
   A collection of doctrinal, biblical studies, and topical essays. Book reviews, some excerpts from the Early Church Fathers, family and travel photos.
» Art & Apologetics of Prof.M.M.Ninan Open in a new browser window
   Includes studies on Bible and subjects such as Baptism, Communion, I AM Symbols, Hinduism, history of Thomas Christians, Melchizedek, Angel of the Lord, Cherubim, Quantum Theology, and historical development of Mariolatory.
» Between the Worlds Open in a new browser window
   The personal weblog of a young Calvinist.
» Beyond Belief - Connecting Faith with Life Open in a new browser window
   This is the personal site for Jeff K. Clarke. It provides biblical and theological information from a Pentecostal perspective.
» Bible Doors Open in a new browser window
   A personal theology site.
» Bible Metaphors Open in a new browser window
   Explains some metaphors that are said to describe reality that is God based on reconciliations of religion with science and reason.
» Bible Truths for Today Open in a new browser window
   Short Bible articles and studies ranging from who are the modern day Israelites to law and grace.
» Bishop John Shelby Spong Open in a new browser window
   Essays, commentary, and thoughts from Bishop John Shelby Spong (former Episcopal bishop of Newark). Requires paid membership to login to content.
» Chrisendom Open in a new browser window
   A New Testament Tutor, Chris Tilling, discusses biblical and theological themes.
» Christ Only Open in a new browser window
   Thousands of articles by Steven Cook and others on numerous topics.
» Christ in You Ministries Open in a new browser window
   Articles on theological and biblical subjects.
» Christian Leadership Center Open in a new browser window
   Christian teacher training resources, Bible studies, exegetical sermons, daily devotions, and study tours of Israel.
» Christian Links - Links Cristianos Open in a new browser window
   Free video streams on a number of different Christian topics, introducing books and videos offered for sale
» Christian-oneness.org Open in a new browser window
   Presents a call to Christians to live consistently with the unity we already possess in Christ and the beginning of a systematic theology to assist in this process.
» Christianity Reformed From Its Roots Open in a new browser window
   Presents the main scientific, historical and biblical errors of traditional Christianity, and the need and possibility of a reformation from the roots. The web author, Jairo Mejia, is a retired Episcopalian minister.
» Christianity in the Roman Empire Open in a new browser window
   Explores Christian myths and philosophy offering an alternative theory that posits Jesus was crucified but deliberately removed from the Cross by Pilate while still alive.
» Christians Consider This Open in a new browser window
   Articles on the fullness of life in Christ.
» Connie and Harris Tate Open in a new browser window
   A family website with many questions and thoughts about the Christian Life and Reformed theology.
» Convergent Theology Open in a new browser window
   Personal weblog on emerging forms of Chrisianity in a post-modern world
» Creation Theology: The Good News of Redemption Open in a new browser window
   A study of creationism as the foundation for New Testament doctrine and theology.
» Cybertheology Open in a new browser window
   Theology in, of and for cyberspace
» David Linden's Theology Papers Open in a new browser window
   Theological lectures and Biblical studies.
» David Naugle Open in a new browser window
   Chair and Professor of Philosophy, Dallas Baptist University. Papers and essays, course handouts, and Paideia College Society information.
» Destiny of the Unevangelized Open in a new browser window
   Links to various sources explaining Inclusivism vs Exclusivism or Restrictivism, the 2 major evangelical views on what will happen to those who have never heard the Gospel.
» Digby Smith: Christian Doctrine Open in a new browser window
   Articles on Christian doctrine written by Peter Digby Smith with alternative biblical interpretations of incarnation, atonement, judgement and Trinity.
» DouglasKnight.org Open in a new browser window
   Resources for Christian theology, written by Douglas Knight of King's College, London.
» Dr. Ben Witherington Open in a new browser window
   Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Sermons, lectures, and poems.
» Dölf Weder Open in a new browser window
   Speeches, texts and photographs of the evangelical church president and former secretary general of YMCA Europe.
» Ebertblog Open in a new browser window
   Blog discusses Christology and Trinitarian themes.
» Essays in Theology and Ethics Open in a new browser window
   A series of articles from a liberal Protestant point of view by Kenneth Cauthen, a retired professor of theology, philosophy, and ethics. The site posits the existence of an impersonal, "limited, suffering, struggling" deity. This deity's creativity is sa
» Faith and Theology Open in a new browser window
   A blog for theological scholarship and contemporary theological reflection. By Ben Myers.
» Father Jake Stops the World Open in a new browser window
   A web log containing the musings of an eccentric and sometimes heretical Anglican priest.
» Free Full-text Online Theology Resources Open in a new browser window
   A list of full-text theology resources available online for free.
» Godshew.org - Revelations of Revelation Open in a new browser window
   Allegorical interpretations of Revelation and other Biblical topics.
» Grace Incarnate Open in a new browser window
   Theological and devotional writings, poetry, published books, Real Audio sermons, photos, links, and bookshelf of Rev. Gregory S. Neal, United Methodist pastor and theologian.
» Greg's Couch Open in a new browser window
   Christian theology and apologetics by a student of theology. Biblical issues examined, including creation/evolution, predestination, abortion, proof for the existence of God, evidences for the claims of Christ.
» Hauerwas Online: Unofficial Internet Archive Open in a new browser window
   Unofficial internet archive of articles by and about the (in)famous Methodist pacifist and theologian Stanley Hauerwas.
» Heather den Houting - I believe Open in a new browser window
   The weblog of an Australian feminist thinking about Christian theology, spirituality, ecclesiology, the diaconate and other things that capture her attention.
» Hildormen - Followers of the Way (Personal Religion Pages of the Rev'd Doug Morrison-Cleary, OSL Open in a new browser window
   Liturgy and Theology from a GenX presbyter: living the dialectic between necessary inculturation and essential Tradition.
» Home page of author Jane Kise Ed.D Open in a new browser window
   Home page of Christian author Jane Kise Ed.D. Includes a biography, speaking schedule, bibliography, newsletter, and a place for readers to share their story.
» HomeChristians.Net Open in a new browser window
   Supports home-based Christianity. Contains bible-based articles, an online handbook, advice, and music.
» Homepage of Rüdiger Heinzerling Open in a new browser window
   Introduction to quantitative structure analysis (qsa) of biblical texts. Site is partly in English and paartly in German.
» In Light Of Truth Open in a new browser window
   Apologetical and theological resources from the Reformed perspective.
» In Service of the Master Open in a new browser window
   A non denominational site showing my development as a Christian minister and as a resource for other young ministers trying to find their way.
» Information Gospel Open in a new browser window
   This site provides articles and letters intended to edify the Body of Christ, as well as links to other sites of similar nature. The site also invites authors to submit articles to be considered for publication on the site.
» John McDowell's Theology and Philosophy Page Open in a new browser window
   Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology, University of Edinburgh.
» Journeyist - tracking the one true path Open in a new browser window
   A journal of faith detailing one man's lifelong search for truth amid the maddening traffic of the political, religious and business highways of life.
» Ken Allen's Home Page Open in a new browser window
   Articles and resources on Christian Universalism.
» Ken Collins' Web Site Open in a new browser window
   Presents essays on a number of theological and Biblical issues by Ken Collins, pastor of the Garfield Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in McLean, Virginia.
» Koinonia Open in a new browser window
   A look at the significance of understanding the Holy Trinity in relationship to creation.
» Lawrence Hilliard Open in a new browser window
   Site presents 4 theological essays on various topics and contact information regarding its author, who offers his services as a seminar speaker.
» Life in Christ: Theology Papers and Articles Open in a new browser window
   Theology class papers and Plain Truth Magazine articles written by Michael Morrison for laity and scholars. Special attention given to Old Testament laws and New Testament texts dealing with those laws.
» Love of the Truth Open in a new browser window
   Articles on varied themes and a discussion forum.
» Manuela Kalsky Open in a new browser window
   Multilingual site features her work, with emphasis on her doctoral study on christology from the perspective of women in different cultures.
» Messiah's Kingdom Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to Historic Pre-Millennialism, Historica-Grammatical Method of Hermeneutics, and the Gospel. The site's authors are John Ludlum, Jr., Ph.D., who served over 40 years as a pastor with the Reformed Church in America, and Andrew Ludlum, M.Div., an
» Michael Joseph Brown Open in a new browser window
   Associate Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Candler School of Theology. Presentations, sermons, publications, courses, and travel photos.
» More, Please! Open in a new browser window
   Multi-contributor weblog detailing the sovereignty of God and his work of grace in the individual's life.
» My Study: humour and theology Open in a new browser window
   Studies of Dr BA Zuiddam's from Tasmania on theology and church history. Site also includes an online magazine.
» My Times are in Your Hand Open in a new browser window
   A blog focusing on the Bible and Christianity from a Reformed faith viewpoint.
» Mysteries of the Everlasting Kingdom Open in a new browser window
   Articles on the eschatological issues, Sabbaths and holy days, Israel's 12 tribes today, Jubilee 2030 A.D., and re-baptism.
» North Forest Open in a new browser window
   Christian articles with an unusual Catholic perspective. Seeks to reconcile Protestants to the Catholic church. Topics include end times, age of earth, sola scriptura, hell, and others.
» Observations on God, Life and the Human Journey Open in a new browser window
   Explores the infinity of God, the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ as the divine Logos, and the meaning of human life.
» Old Doctrines, New Light Open in a new browser window
   On-line book by a British layman on foundational Christian subjects. Comments on the cross, Jewish festivals, and commentaries on several Old and New Testament books.
» Per·Fidem Open in a new browser window
   A site on Christian Theology and conservative politics
» Process Theology Open in a new browser window
   A retired Methodist minister presents his view of "process theology".
» Progressive Theology Open in a new browser window
   Articles and poetry on political and cultural issues. Lectionary readings with homilies.
» Pursuing Oneness in Christ Open in a new browser window
   Argues that the oneness for which Jesus prayed is a harmonization of individual diversity in the Spirit, not organizational unity or rigid uniformity.
» Quo Vadis Open in a new browser window
   Joseph B. Howard II, an Anglican priest, comments on a variety of topics including theology and church history.
» Sam Metcalf's Blog - Under The Iceberg Open in a new browser window
   Sam Metcalf is the president of Church Resource Ministries. His weblog explores leadership development and the strengthening and expansion of the church worldwide.
» Scott M. Sullivan Open in a new browser window
   Articles on Catholic Theology, Philosophy, and apologetics.
» Searching for the Truth in Christianity Open in a new browser window
   The truth outside the church doctrine. Seeking for alternate interpretations of the Bible.
» Sound Doctrine Open in a new browser window
   Various articles about doctrinal and practical matters.
» Standing In The Last Day Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to bringing God's Word and reformation to the Church.God's people are spiritually perishing because of bad and wrong doctrine.
» StanleyJGrenz.com Open in a new browser window
   Information about theologian and author Stanley J. Grenz's books, teaching and other work.
» Sub Ratione Dei Open in a new browser window
   Numerous articles by the site author, a postgraduate student. Includes work on Wolfhart Pannenberg, Karl Barth, Feminist Christology, Postliberal Theology, and Radical Christianity.
» Teaching Minds, Changing Hearts Open in a new browser window
   This site is designed to encourage those around the world from a biblically faithful world and life view.
» The "Kingdoms" Explained Open in a new browser window
   The implications of the doctrine of baptisms in relation to the Kingdoms are shown utilizing extensive scripture references.
» The Harvest Herald Open in a new browser window
   Maintained by David J. Heintzman. Contains helpful books, articles and charts on various Biblical subjects.
» The New World Order Open in a new browser window
   Argues that the Catholic church is at the center of the evil New World Order.
» The Upper Register Open in a new browser window
   Contains original papers on biblical exegesis and theology by Lee Irons, an ordained minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
» The Wandering Christian Open in a new browser window
   Christianity in the third Millennium, from a progressive, Latin American and Anglican point of view.
» The Works of F. N. Lee Open in a new browser window
   Reformed theology and Biblical studies by retired Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History at the Queensland Presbyterian Theological College.
» TheologicalStudies.org Open in a new browser window
   News, information, articles, and announcements related to theology. Site author is Michael J. Vlach.
» Theology from a Bunch of Dead Guys Open in a new browser window
   Also known as the Hall of Church History. Directory of links, with introductions from a Calvinist perspective by Phillip R. Johnson, executive Director of Grace to You.
» Thinkman Open in a new browser window
   Articles from a calvinist perspective on theology and Biblical topics, letters and dialogue, recommended reading lists.
» To the glory of God Open in a new browser window
   Weblog of short articles by a believer aiming to foster faith in the Word of God and faithfulness to Him.
» Tom's Religion and Theology Page Open in a new browser window
   Thomas Talbott, Professor of Philosophy at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, provides a selection of his writings.
» True Gospel Ministries - Experiential Preaching Open in a new browser window
   A collection of sermons, resources and information from experiential preachers.
» Unity In The Body Of Christ Open in a new browser window
   Promotes unity in the body of Christ and presents exegetical Bible studies and topical studies on evangelism, prayer, Christian growth and church history.
» UnityWorld Open in a new browser window
   Network of people and organizations that teach unity with God and each other. Love and universal forgiveness are the central themes of the Christ Consciousness.
» Wesley Wildman's Weird Wild World Wide Web Site Open in a new browser window
   Biographies, notes, and essays on some prominent Christian theologians and theological movements. The author of the site, Wesley Wildman, teaches theology, philosophy, and religion at Boston University. He also directs BU's science, philosophy, and religi
» What Is Christianity? Open in a new browser window
   Brief informational essays on theological and cultural issues, apologetics, and evangelism.
» Willard, Dallas Open in a new browser window
   Philosophy professor, speaker, and author. Biography, articles on Christianity and on philosophy with an emphasis on Edmund Husserl.
» Ye Old Hall Castle Open in a new browser window
   Many articles concerning Christianity and the Holy Spirit by authors such as Charles Finney, D. L. Moody, R. A. Torrey, Smith Wigglesworth.
» Yeshua's Kingdom Open in a new browser window
   Articles on Christianity and Christian living.
» Yung Suk Kim's Journey Open in a new browser window
   Contains theological reflections, papers, online resources links, plus ordination exam study guide for Presbyterian Church USA students.
» axegrinder Open in a new browser window
   A weblog in which a Social Trinitarian discusses things substantive and ridiculous with humor, common sense and a little theology.
» john15.net - Faith, Theology, and Apologetics Open in a new browser window
   Essays covering some topics in theology, apologetics, and more practical aspects of faith.
» randomocities :: FAITH :: bruce reyes-chow Open in a new browser window
   My thoughts on faith, life and culture as i go through life as a total post-modern, culturally creative BOBO-fied Presbyterian follower of Jesus
» the Great Lands Open in a new browser window
   Weblog with news and thoughts from a Christian perspective. Included numerous links and an archive of articles.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:41:01

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