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Commuting and Advocacy (53)


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» An Un-American Activity Open in a new browser window
   A rather provocative article by Mark Jenkins that appeared in the January 2000 issue of Outside Magazine. The author promotes the benefits of choosing the bicycle as a vehicle to the benefit of both environment and health.
» Benefits of Bicycle Commuting Open in a new browser window
   A one page resource published by the Sacramento Transportation Management Association lauding the benefits of considering bicycle commuting by both workers and employers. Various tips and suggestions are offered.
» Bicycle Advocacy and Education Center Open in a new browser window
   From the League of American Bicyclists. Practical tips for safe and effective handling of many situations common to bike commuters.
» Bicycle Commuting Open in a new browser window
   Part of the Sierra Club's eFiles series, this site provides five tips for promoting the bicycle as an alternative means of transport.
» Bicycle Commuting - Bike to Work Open in a new browser window
   A Yahoo! Groups mailing list devoted to the discussion of transportational cycling to and from work. Subscribers are invited to share stories, photos, tips, and experiences.
» Bicycle Commuting Now Open in a new browser window
   A Harrisburg, PA, area bicycle commuter's bLog. Day-to-Day antics and views ranging from tool reviews to daily experiences.
» Bicycle Commuting Options for Cities Open in a new browser window
   Presented by Sustainable Enterprises, this article offers a brief survey of methods intended to reduce dependency on automobiles and remove them from the inner city.
» Bicycle Commuting Suggestions Open in a new browser window
   Personal anecdotes and suggestions from a seasoned bicycle commuter, Jennifer Hodgdon. Subjects include clothing and equipment.
» Bicycle Commuting and Lights Open in a new browser window
   A collection of articles focusing on the illumination needs of vehicular cyclists. Included are reviews and opinions with respect to various commercial systems. Recommended for any commuter who finds themselves cycling in the dark.
» Bicycle Fixation Open in a new browser window
   Essays and philosophy designed for the "New Urban Cyclist". Part of the Living Room organization which endeavors to cultivate the concept of sustainable, environmentally conscious communities.
» Bicycling Life Open in a new browser window
   A useful and relevant resource for those wishing to use their bicycles for touring and commuting. Includes many articles and links that will appeal to novice and expert alike.
» Bicycling and Walking Open in a new browser window
   Bicycle and pedestrian resources primarily aimed at residents in the Arlington County, Virginia, area. Nonetheless, there are many articles and resources that could benefit any bicycle commuter. A sub-site of the greater CommuterPage.com.
» Bike Commuters Open in a new browser window
   A gathering place for bike commuters from all over the USA sharing experiences and encouraging people to "bike their drive". Weblog-style format with reviews, polls and a gallery.
» Bike Worker Open in a new browser window
   An introductory resource for those entertaining the idea of bicycle commuting. Mission statement cites high fuel prices and traffic jams as reasons to consider this mode.
» BikeCommute.com Open in a new browser window
   News, reviews, and articles of interest to those who choose to commute by bicycle. Also home to a database of commuter profiles submitted from around the country.
» BikeCommuter.com Open in a new browser window
   Contains articles and information intended to promote awareness of the multiple benefits resulting from the development a more bike centric transportation lifestyle.
» BikeMap.com Open in a new browser window
   Maps and resources for using your bike for everyday transport. Information regarding transit access included. Primary focus is Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland.
» ChainGuard Open in a new browser window
   A Yahoo! Groups mailing list intended for those who believe that bicyclists have the right, should expect, and be prepared to demand, safe accommodation as vehicle operators on every road. Participants espouse the concept known as Vehicular Cycling.
» Citizens for Safe Cycling Open in a new browser window
   An Ottawa based organization whose stated goal is to facilitate "better, safer, environmentally-friendly cycling". Though primarily intended for Canadian audiences, the site offers position statements that may be useful to other groups and even individual
» Commuter Bicycles Open in a new browser window
   Features recommendations for bicycle designed and equipped specifically for commuting and transportation as opposed to recreation. The site is presented as a public benefit to support alternatives to the automobile. Includes links to example vehicles from
» Commuter Connections Guides Open in a new browser window
   Electronic handbooks produced by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to promote bicycle transportation in and around Washington D.C. Well crafted and containing useful illustrations, the guide is targeted to employees, but also has useful i
» Commuting Logistics Open in a new browser window
   A Topica mailing list for the discussion of operational bicycle transportation issues such as equipment, techniques, and methods. Subscription required; archives are available only to subscribers.
» Cycle Facility of the Month Open in a new browser window
   Provides photos and descriptions of poorly-designed bicycle routes, primarily in the United Kingdom, but containing information of use to all vehicular cyclists. Includes a news archive and information on joining.
» Cycling Advocacy Works by Fred Oswald Open in a new browser window
   An interesting and insightful collection of original articles addressing the topic of vehicular cycling. Features include analyses of state laws related to bicycling, tutorials and reform movements.
» Encouraging Bicycling Open in a new browser window
   Part of the Sierra Club's "Stop Sprawl" series, it is the summary of an article based on a nationwide, aggregate analysis as well as detailed case studies of cycling trends and policies in seven case study cities.
» Guide to Bicycle Commuting Open in a new browser window
   Though published by the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, this resource provides a general overview of tips and techniques that could benefit any bicycle commuter.
» Human Transport Organization Open in a new browser window
   Based in North Carolina, deals with a variety of political and engineering topics related to human powered transport. Most of the content focuses on universal access policies and vehicular cycling issues.
» International Bicycle Fund Open in a new browser window
   Topics addressing bicycles and bicycling as a means of transportation. Includes articles and analysis related to economic development, urban planning, non-motorized transport, the environment, travel, and international understanding.
» International Mountain Biking Association Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to the promotion of off-road bicycling through education in environmentally sound, socially responsible riding practices and land management policies.
» John Forester, M.S., P.E. Open in a new browser window
   Forester is the father of the vehicular cycling concept. An experienced Planning Engineer, his site brings many years of VC knowledge and expertise to the web in the form of his personal web site. Articles and consultation resources are available.
» Ken Kifer's Bike Pages Open in a new browser window
   A personal site with information on lifestyle, touring and camping, health and fitness, traffic safety, and advocacy. Touring travelogues, technical analysis, and cycling humor are among the offerings.
» MassBike Open in a new browser window
   The home of the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition. Though primarily dedicated to improving the conditions for bicyclists in Massachusetts, this site contains useful information for all bicycle advocates. Notable are sections on policy, law, and intermodal t
» Messenger Memorial Open in a new browser window
   An online memorial to members of the international bike messenger community. Includes stories, artwork, and poetry.
» Modalshift.org Open in a new browser window
   Promoting sustainable transport resulting in the improvement of health, the environment, and society. Encourages a modal shift away from cars to walking, cycling and public transport.
» MyBikelane Open in a new browser window
   Tattletale site listing vehicles parked in bike lanes. Allows for comment and discussion of each post; registration required.
» North American Velomobilist Open in a new browser window
   A web resource for those interested in the velomobile: self-contained, fully (or semi-) enclosed bicycle-based vehicles. Information includes commercial acquisition sources as well as roll-your-own designs and construction techniques.
» Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Open in a new browser window
   Well crafted site for information on bike commuting by a San Francisco cyclist and activist. Includes views, reviews, and How-To articles.
» Portland Bicycle Advocacy Group Open in a new browser window
   A Yahoo! Groups mailing list created for the purpose of discussing bicycling issues in the Portland, Oregon, area. Special emphasis is placed on bicycles as a legitimate form of transportation; not just recreational vehicles.
» Power Pedal Pushers - Commuting with Clear Conscience and Arteries Open in a new browser window
   An interesting article published in the July 2000 edition of VIA; the bimonthly magazine of the California State Automobile Association. Presented as a profile article, it also contains some useful general information and links.
» ProBicycle Open in a new browser window
   Formerly ChainGuard.org, an authoritative source for bicycle advocacy on the 'Net. Visitors will find links to many relevant sites and stories pertaining to rights of vehicular cyclists everywhere.
» Re~Cycle Open in a new browser window
   A nonprofit organization based in the United Kingdom, which sends bicycles to poor countries such as Haiti and South Africa; including training people how to repair and maintain the vehicles.
» Self-Propelled City Open in a new browser window
   Informative site containing many articles on the choice of a bicycle as one's preferred means of transport. Includes a sections on product reviews and Critical Mass as well.
» The Vehicular Cyclist Open in a new browser window
   Provides a 'bLog style survey of recent news related to vehicular cyclist topics. Individual topics of study include helmets, fatality trends and research

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Last Updated: 2007-12-15 22:17:40

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