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Online Services (179)


See Also:
Editor's Picks:

» Transcription Element Search Software (TESS) Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Very helpful software for locating and displaying transcription factor binding sites within DNA sequences - from the Univ. of Penn.
» Verbumculus Genetic Sequence Analyzer Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   An interesting tool to discover and visualize over- or under-represented words in genetic sequences. Requires Java support in browser. Also available as a downloadable program.


» Advanced Genetics Wizard Open in a new browser window
   Online program that calculates the distribution of offspring genotypes from dominant, codominant and recessive gene crosses, for up to 6 genes.
» BIOBASE Open in a new browser window
   The focus of the GBF project "Molecular Bioinformatics of Gene Regulation" are regulatory genomic signals and regions that govern transcriptional control based on TRANSFAC - The Transcription Factor Database. It compiles data about gene regulatory DNA seq
» Bacterial Identification Open in a new browser window
   Service for the identification of bacteria and fungi sequences by sequence alignment.
» BiNCO-wiki Open in a new browser window
   Provides a collection of information on data sources for biological networks, file formats that save biological networks and software to analyze the information of these sources.
» BioGRID Open in a new browser window
   Database of genetic and physical interactions. It contains interaction data from many sources, including several genome/proteome-wide studies, the MIPS database, and BIND.
» BioModels Database Open in a new browser window
   Resource for storing, searching and retrieving published mathematical models of biological interests. Models present in BioModels Database are annotated and linked to relevant data resources, such as publications, databases of compounds and pathways, cont
» BioMolecular Engineering Research Center Open in a new browser window
   Tools and methods for computational biology. Working on secondary protein structure prediction, providing reliable profiles, and developing new ways to study molecular biology through bioinformatics.
» Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND) Open in a new browser window
   BIND is a database designed to store full descriptions of interactions, molecular complexes and pathways.
» Bioverse Open in a new browser window
   Provides a framework for exploring the relationships among the molecular, genomic, proteomic, systems, and organismal worlds.
» Broad Institute: Software Open in a new browser window
   Scientists at the Broad Institute have developed a range of software tools for the analysis of increasingly large genome-related datasets. These are openly available to the scientific community.
» CUBIC: Columbia University Bioinformatics Center Open in a new browser window
   Features PredictProtein service for sequence analysis and protein structure prediction, META for single-page interface to validated sequence analysis, PredictNLS for prediction and analysis of nuclear localization signals, EVA for evaluation of automatic
» Canadian Bioinformatics Help Desk Open in a new browser window
   We provide bioinformatics support, services, servers, and software to Canadian researchers.
» Carnac Open in a new browser window
   A free software tool for analysing the hypothetical secondary structure of a family of homologous RNA.
» Center Structural Biology: Programs and Tools Open in a new browser window
   User guides and worked examples for software applications in structural and molecular biology - from Yale Univ.
» Center for Biological Sequence Analysis Open in a new browser window
   Offers more than 30 online services for DNA and protein bioinformatics analysis.
» DBD: Transcription Factor Prediction Database Open in a new browser window
   DBD is a database of predicted transcription factors in completely sequenced genomes. The predicted transcription factors all contain assignments to sequence specific DNA-binding domain families.
» Docking Server Open in a new browser window
   Provides an internet service that calculates the site, geometry and energy of small molecules interacting with proteins.
» ERGO Open in a new browser window
   Online service integrating biological data from genomics, biochemistry, genetics and high-throughput expression profiling, to achieve a pattern-based analysis of genes and genomes.
» Entrez Browser Open in a new browser window
   Retrieves molecular biology data and bibliographic citations from the NCBI's integrated databases.
» Functional Human Gene Network Open in a new browser window
   Consolidates evidence for gene-gene interactions from HPRD, BIND, Reactome, KEGG, GO, microarray co-expression and Y2H experiments. Beautiful site design.
» GenOuest Bioinformatics Platform Open in a new browser window
   Provides a complete set of bioinformatics tools and public databanks updated daily, and a range of links to seminars, training courses and platform news.
» Gene Expression Data Analysis Open in a new browser window
   Normalization tests for differentially expressed genes, clustering, bootstrapping, leave-one-out validation, cross-fold validation.
» Gene and Protein Synonyms DataBase Open in a new browser window
   Free service for retrieving all synonyms for a given gene or protein name.
» Gene2MeSH Open in a new browser window
   Web application that searches gene symbols or MeSH terms and displays resulting pairs of genes and MeSH terms that match the search term.
» GenePattern Open in a new browser window
   This platform provides over 100 methods for the analysis and visualization of gene expression, copy number, proteomic and other data. It enables biologists to add new analyses and create workflows that can be shared, edited and published.
» Genepop on the Web Open in a new browser window
   Online version of the program for populational genetics.
» Geneva Bioinformatics (GeneBio) S.A. Open in a new browser window
   GeneBio provides proteomics software tools and databases including SWISS-PROT, PROSITE, SWISS-2DPAGE and Melanie. We also offer a secure version of ExPASy molecular biology web server.
» IBM Bioinformatics Group - Tools & Content Open in a new browser window
   Several genomics and proteomics tools, including multiple alignments, gene expression analysis, tandem repeat and motif discovery.
» INCBI Irish National Centre for BioInformatics Open in a new browser window
   Hosts Irish embnet node, Gives links to Database browsing and interrogation at SRS, European (EBI) servers, Blast server for parasite genomes (EBI), US (NCBI) servers, Protein structure prediction, PredictProtein Server in Heidelberg, Gene identification,
» Informatics Tools in PubMed Open in a new browser window
   The PubMed search system provides access to the MEDLINE and PREMEDLINE databases.
» Information Génomique et Structurale (CNRS) Open in a new browser window
   Online services including T-Coffee, El-Nemo, Casper and FeeBack.
» InstaSeq Open in a new browser window
   Google-based search engine for DNA, RNA or Protein sequences.
» Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Database Open in a new browser window
   LGICdb is a curated repository of genes coding for subunits of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels.
» LongTrace DNA Sequencing Service Open in a new browser window
   A commercial service for improving the read length and quality of ABI 3730, 3130 and 3100 DNA sequencing traces. Works via reprocessing of the raw peak data before re-base calling. A free trial is provided.
» Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad Open in a new browser window
   MGRC provides contract genomes services, sequencing services and data and access tools.
» Metab2MeSH Open in a new browser window
   Web application that searches biological substances or MeSH terms and displays resulting pairs of substances and MeSH terms that match the search term.
» Michigan Molecular Interactions Open in a new browser window
   MiMi Web provides an interface to a NCIBI data repository for conducting systems biology analyses. This repository includes the MiMI database, PubMed resources updated nightly, and text mined from biomedical research sources.
» Mobyle Open in a new browser window
   Framework and web portal specifically designed for the integration of bioinformatics software and databanks. Provides a tutorial and an interactive guided tour.
» Molecular Informatics Resource for the Analysis of Gene Expression Open in a new browser window
   Information methodologies, tools, and technologies relating to the study of gene expression and signal transduction from the Institute for Transcriptional Informatics.
» Molecular Interactions Database (MINT) Open in a new browser window
   MINT is a database designed to store functional interactions between biological molecules (proteins, RNA, DNA).
» Mulan Open in a new browser window
   Performs single-coverage local multiple DNA sequence alignments of finished and draft-quality genome sequences. It also provides with an option to predict transcription factor binding sites evolutionarily conserved across multiple species.
» NIH BioInformatics and Molecular Analysis Section Open in a new browser window
   Numerous computational tools and resources to unite advances in biology with those in computers, informatics, and networking for the genomic and genetic analysis fields of BioInformatics; division of the Computational Bioscience and Engineering Lab at the
» PANDORA Open in a new browser window
   Protein ANnotation Diagram ORiented Analysis service that extracts biological information from user supplied sequences.
» ParAlign Open in a new browser window
   Service using the ParAlign algorithm to compare genetic sequences. Apparently it is as fast as BLAST and as sensitive as Smith-Waterman.
» PathCase: Pathways Database System Open in a new browser window
   An integrated software system for storing, managing, analyzing, and querying metabolic pathways at genetic, molecular, biochemical and organism levels.
» PubCrawler Open in a new browser window
   An online service for periodically performing predefined searches at NCBI, reporting new results by email or on the web.
» Searching GenBank Open in a new browser window
   Text and similarity searching, provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
» Sequence Analysis (Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Server) Open in a new browser window
   Collection of sequence analysis tools.
» Splice Center Open in a new browser window
   Suite of user-friendly tools that evaluate the impact of gene splicing variation on specific molecular biology techniques.
» Splice Miner Open in a new browser window
   Tool for querying Evidence Viewer Database (EVDB), a comprehensive, non-redundant collection of splice variant data for human genes.
» Systems Biology of Photosynthesis Open in a new browser window
   Open web platform for modeling and reverse engineering of photosynthetic dynamism.
» Transterm Open in a new browser window
   Interactive database of mRNA regions and motifs from all species and genomes. Users can browse the pre-computed data tables, search the sequence databases or search their own sequences.
» UEA Plant sRNA Toolkit Open in a new browser window
   A suite of tools for the analysis of sRNA datasets from high-throughput sequencing experiments.
» WebACT Open in a new browser window
   A database of sequence comparisons between all publicly available prokaryotic genome sequences, allowing the on-line visualisation of comparisons between up to five genomic sequences, using the Artemis Comparison Tool. User can perform their comparisons o
» YMF - DNA Motif Finding Program Open in a new browser window
   Finds novel transcription factor binding sites by searching for over-represented (most significant motifs) motifs in DNA sequences.
» Your Lab Data Open in a new browser window
   A free web-based Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), aimed at a typical small molecular biology laboratory allowing members to have their own private forum, events, Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) and a LIMS area.
» Zinc Finger Tools Open in a new browser window
   Helps users design zinc finger transcription factors.
» gp2fasta Open in a new browser window
   Converts gp files from NCBI GenPept format to fasta. Its main purpose is to create fasta files with short, but still accurate headers for sequence.
» iHOP Open in a new browser window
   Uses the network of genes and proteins as a natural way of accessing the millions of biomedical abstracts in PubMed.

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Last Updated: 2007-10-14 20:22:46

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