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Resumes (34) Categories:
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» Ashworth, Malcolm
UK Hydrogeologist provides a summary of skills offered and a detailed resume. http://aqua3000.com » Chandna, P.R.
Resume of a zinc technologist with experience of more than 26 years in operation and maintenance, consultancy, detailed engineering, project management, commissioning and technoeconomic studies of Zinc extraction plants. http://prchandna.tripod.com/prc.htm » Chandra, P.R.
Zinc metallurgist with experience in operation and maintenance and project management from concept to commissioning. http://prchandna.tripod.com/resume.pdf » Dedieu, Stephane
Ph.D. Curriculum vitae, publication list, meetings and workshops, research activities, teaching activities, editorial activities, reviewing activities, online publications. http://stephane-dedieu.cabanova.fr » Dosuzheva, Elena
Applied Informatics and Economics. Website includes resume, publication, research, links, and guestbook. http://dosuzheva.webs.com/ » Dupont, Vanessa
Geologist looking for a job in France or in an English speaking country. CV, resume in French. http://cvvanessadupont.ifrance.com/ » Eric Cline: Profile
Eric Cline - History and Background. At this site you can view my bio and resume, or download a resume as a word document or .pdf file. Constructed Wetland http://www.msu.edu/~clineeri/ » Hall, Rosemary
M.S. in Marine Science. Seeking research or environmental analysis position in marine ecosystem management, conservation, or ecotoxicology. http://rosemaryhall.homestead.com/ » Henderson, Lolitha D.
Desired occupation: electrical and electronic inspectors and testers, electromechanical equipment assemblers. http://jacksonvilleflorida.tripod.com » Hook, John H.
Technical writer. Experience includes over twenty-five years as a technical writer in operations, maintenance, engineering and research and development environments. Work experience includes statistical methodology, trend analysis, computer hardware, soft http://www.technical-writer-resume.com » Jonte-Pace, Diane E.
Professor at University of Santa Clara, California. Page includes curriculum vita and publication list. http://www-relg-studies.scu.edu/facstaff/jonte-pace/ » Khadanga, Suchitav
Analog and RFIC designer. Website includes research papers, information on completed projects, and comprehensive links to other RFIC cmos analog digital resources. http://www.suchitav.com/ » Laurikko, Juki
M.Sc. Swedish, geological consultant to gold and base metals exploration industry with experience from Central and South America, Europe, Asia and Saudi Arabia. http://members.tripod.com/odontodentalpamplona/ » Lesturgez, Gregory
PhD in Soil Science. Experience in soil physics and tropical agriculture. Looking for a challenging position in research and development. Curriculum vitae and list of publications. http://gregory.lesturgez.free.fr/en/curriculum-vitae/ » Lieber, Michael M.
Ph.D. Plant genomics and developmental biology consultant / expert offering creative paradigms for scientific advancement in agriculture and medicine, with emphasis on plant genetics / genetic engineering and developmental biology, e.g., organogenesis. http://michaellieber.com/Michael-Lieber-Bio.htm » Martin-Benito, Dario
PhD student working on black pine forestry and dendroecology in Spain. Research interests, publications, and pictures. http://sites.google.com/site/dmartinbenito/ » Masseboeuf, Aurelien
PhD. Electron Microscopy and Micromagnetism. Research interests, CV, list of publications, and image gallery. http://aurelien.masseboeuf.free.fr » Moeys, Julien
PhD student working on soil variations and pesticides fate, with skills in data management and treatment. Bilingual (English and French) site with CV and a soil-pesticides directory. http://julienmoeys.free.fr » Obara, Boguslaw
Research and development of image analysis and processing methods for biological, medical and geological imaging science. http://boguslawobara.net/ » Oppl, Stefan
MSc in Computer Science, interdisciplinary research in human-centered work task modeling. http://www.oppl.info » Pobiega, Michael J.
Looking for opportunities in the meteorology, aviation or broadcasting fields. http://www.michaelpobiega.com » Prakash, V. V. S.
PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Microwave engineering, electronics and communication engineering. Provides information on education, awards, projects, and jobs. http://www.prakash.50g.com/ » Ravisankar, T.
Fisheries Economist: CIBA (ICAR), Chennai, India. http://members.rediff.com/trs65/ravisankar.htm » Redick, Eran
Lead high-power fiber laser technician with skills and knowledge of high power lasers and amplifiers. http://er3.com/resume.htm » Richmond, Alan
Resume and employment history. Seeking a leadership position in a scientific / technical company or academic / research institute, utilising strong background in scientific software and web development. USA or Europe. http://encyclozine.com/Richmond/Alan/resume.shtml » Robert Crescenzi Jr.
Market Research Analyst and Utility mapping Specialist. Esri, Arc8, GE smallworld. http://www.webspawner.com/users/rcrescenzi/index.html » Saha, Deepak
PhD, Material science. Site links to resume, personal pictures, publications, conferences, etc. http://www.deepaksaha.info » Shamiryan, Denis
PhD in Applied Sciences. Specialist on ellipsometric porosimetry with interests in semiconductor processing/material characterization. http://www.freewebs.com/shamiryan/ » Skubon, Bruce A
Geology graduate. Interested in fields of hydrogeology, GIS, and environmental geology. A detailed C.V. and current research topics are listed. http://www.bruceskubonjr.com » Stuetzle, Karien
Interested in pursuing immediate opportunities in marketing, product management, and business communications. http://www.karien.com/Karien%20Stuetzle%20Resume.htm » Timmermans, Jacques
Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences (Belgium) with professional experience in health care, hospitals, university and industry. Curriculum vitae and work background. http://www.jacquestimmermans.com/ » Trindade, Marcelo A.
Ph.D. Resume, research interests, and list of publications on vibration damping, piezoelectric actuators and structural dynamics. Links to related web pages. http://sites.google.com/site/marceloatrindade/ » Wells, Darren M.
Postdoctoral plant physiologist. CV, publications, background and contact information. http://www.darrenwells.org This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2009-07-02 20:24:42
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |