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Physicists (143)


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Editor's Picks:

» PEERS - Physics Encyclopedia of E-Mail Records Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Searchable directory of physicists. From: The Institute of Physics Publishing, UK
» Physics Finder Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Compilation of physics authors that have published in American Institute of Physics journals.


» Alvioli, Massimiliano Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Perugia. Many-body-theories, Hadronic Physics. Parallel computation.
» Anton, Lucian Open in a new browser window
   Main field of activity is the statistical mechanics of non-equilibrium systems. Contains research, resume, and publications.
» Arbatsky, Dmitry A. Open in a new browser window
   Theoretical physicist. Research interests and publications. In Russian and in English.
» Aubrecht, Gordon Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Ohio State, Marion. Includes physics organizations, and information on energy and recycling.
» Avila, Marco A. Open in a new browser window
   Includes flash physics animations for students
» Bartlett, Al Open in a new browser window
   Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado; author of the book The Essential Exponential; presenter of famous talk "Arithmetic, Population and Energy" on exponential growth and sustainability.
» Baxter, Colin Open in a new browser window
   Research interests are in theoretical physics. Provides expert witness and scientific information service. Teaches at the University of Essex.
» Beloborodov, Igor Open in a new browser window
   Material Science Division at the Argonne National Laboratory. My research interests (Theoretical condensed matter physics with an emphasis on electronic properties of mesoscopic and disordered systems) and resume.
» Berger, Jens A. Open in a new browser window
   Information about the scientist's life and work.
» Boyden, Ed Open in a new browser window
   Research on physics of computation and neuroengineering.
» Browne, John Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Swinburne University of Technology. Introduces Mathematica projects, Grassmann algebra, programming for engineers, probabilistic and robust engineering design.
» Buth, Christian Open in a new browser window
   Louisiana State University. Contains research interests, curriculum vitae, and publications.
» COS Expertise Open in a new browser window
   Community of Science search engine to find home pages and contact addresses for scientists.
» Caceres, Elena Open in a new browser window
   Professor at University of Texas at Austin. Interests include string theory, gauge/string duality and QCD.
» Cantrell, C. D. Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. Includes background information, teaching, research, links to courses.
» Catledge, Shane Open in a new browser window
   Research interests (physics: synthesis and characterization of hard carbon films on metal surfaces) and resume, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
» Chaudhari, Ajay Open in a new browser window
   Postdoc at the National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. Includes a curriculum vitae, research interests, list of publications. Field of interest - Dielectric relaxation, heterogeneous catalytic reaction and Finite Element Method.
» Chen, Z. Q. Open in a new browser window
   Field of research is positron annihilation. Contains personal history, publication list and recent activities.
» Christov, Ivan P. Open in a new browser window
   Professor of Physics at Sofia University, Bulgaria. Includes biographical information, publications, teaching, and research interests in advanced methods for generation and amplification of ultrashort coherent pulses.
» Clare Quarman Open in a new browser window
   Particle Physics PhD student, Royal Holloway, University of London. Member of the ATLAS experiment. Current research and contact info.
» Cohen, Doron Open in a new browser window
   Ben-Gurion University. Research interests: Quantum mechanics, Quantum chaos, Theory of driven mesoscopic (nano) systems, Quantum irreversibility, Dissipation and dephasing. Publications.
» Cordier, Daniel Open in a new browser window
   Stellar evolution database and software. It also includes a "Funny Physics" page with downloadable videos (only in French for the moment).
» Crivello, Mike Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Mesa College. Includes lab materials and tutorials, links to Hubble space telescope and the jet propulsion laboratory.
» Curran, Arran Open in a new browser window
   School of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland. Exploring the interactions of light and matter on a nanometer scale.
» Curty, Philippe Open in a new browser window
   PhD in Theoretical Physics and Interdisciplinary Sciences, Switzerland. Website presents CV, publications, and research projects.
» De Lotto, Barbara Open in a new browser window
   Professor of Physics at the University of Udine, Italy. Provides useful information about scientific and teaching activity.
» Doubochisnki, Daniel Open in a new browser window
   Includes biographical details, research interests, patents and publications.
» Dr. Darkmatter Open in a new browser window
   Faculty member at the University of Oregon who engages mostly in observational astronomy. Contains many pictures of astronomical phenomenon.
» Dr. Iitaka Open in a new browser window
   Research on computational physics, quantum physics, earth sciences and mineralogy as well as links to other physics sites.
» Dudley, John M. Open in a new browser window
   Personal research pages, including CV, publications, and resources on nonlinear optics, supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear and photonic crystal fibers.
» Dunn, Andy Open in a new browser window
   The research and ponderings of Andy Dunn, including his PhD thesis on tau lepton identification.
» DyVernois, Michael Open in a new browser window
   Former Professor of Physics at the Universities of Minnesota and Hawaii. Astroparticle physics, cosmic rays, landmine remediation and consulting.
» Elitzur, Avshalom Open in a new browser window
   Senior Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University. Includes an autobiography, a curriculum vitae, and a list of publications in quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, evolutionary theory, philosophy of mind and psychoanalysis.
» Endresen, Lars Petter Open in a new browser window
   Postdoc at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Includes education, cooking, fishing, science, pressemelding.
» Falkovich, Gregory Open in a new browser window
   Department head of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science. Contains research interests and publication list.
» Famous Physicists and Astronomers Open in a new browser window
   Several pages containing brief biography and accomplishments.
» Faris, Farouk Open in a new browser window
   Research interests in physics, biophysics, biomedical engineering and medical physics. Also provides CV, publications, downloads and software.
» Giacomazzo, Bruno Open in a new browser window
   Relativistic astrophysicist, specialist in GRMHD and developer of the WhiskyMHD code and of the exact solution of the Riemann problem in relativistic MHD. Includes information on research, CV and biographical details.
» Giannattasio, Armando Open in a new browser window
   Physicist and material scientist, now working at MEMC Electronic Materials on silicon single crystals grown by the Czochralski method.
» Gilson, James G. Open in a new browser window
   Emeritus staff at the School of Mathematics at Queen Mary University of London. Explanation of the motivation behind discoveries which include a formula for the fine structure constant and quantum physics high energy applications.
» Gleser, Marcelo Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Dartmouth College. Contains research, teaching, public understanding of science, and public lectures.
» Graps, Amara Open in a new browser window
   Research at the Max Planck Institute studying circumplanetary dust physics, astronomical signal and image analysis.
» Halpern, Paul Open in a new browser window
   Professor at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Includes contact information, courses taught, press, awards, organizations, book reviews, recent articles, and a complete list of books.
» Harp, Gerry Open in a new browser window
   Senior Software Scientist on the Allen Telescope Array for SETI. Contains curriculum vitae, and links to old graduate students.
» Hobson, Art Open in a new browser window
   Professor Emeritus, Kansas State University. Includes information on published books, journal and conference papers, a resume and related links.
» Holmes, Dan Open in a new browser window
   Particle physics student. Contains galleries of photos.
» Hossain, Golam Mortuza Open in a new browser window
   Post-doc at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. Research interests are in the field of cosmology, mainly its quantum aspects but also some classical aspects.
» Hudson, Stephen D. Open in a new browser window
   Graduate student in physics at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. CV, research interests, awards and publications.
» Hugtenburg, Richard Open in a new browser window
   School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham. Publications in the following subject areas; anomalous Rayleigh scattering, Monte Carlo (MC) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), Synchrotron based XRF, High resolution dosimetry diamond detectors
» Igoshin, Oleg Open in a new browser window
   Assistant professor, Department of Bioengineering, Rice University. Contains research interests and experience, curriculum vitae and list of publications.
» Imamura, James Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Oregon interested in observational and theoretical astrophysics.
» Inopin, Andrej Open in a new browser window
   PhD in Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory. Recipient of DOE and BMBF grants.
» Jany, Benedykt Open in a new browser window
   student at Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics Jagiellonian University Kracow
» Job, Stephane Open in a new browser window
   Assistant Professor in Acoustics (Supmeca, Paris, France). Research interests (granular material acoustics, aeroacoustics, thermoacoustics). List of publications and preprints. Description of teaching area.
» Jordan, Stephen Open in a new browser window
   Postdoc in quantum computation at Caltech. Homepage containing research information and publications.
» Kaku, Michio Open in a new browser window
   Professor of theoretical physics, best selling author and populizer of science.
» Kannike, Kristjan Open in a new browser window
   Graduate student of particle physics. Includes a program to run renormalization group equations, chosen links to science and culture resources (includes textbooks), and a LaTeX tutorial.
» Karadimitris, Nikolaos Open in a new browser window
   M.Sc.in electronics and radiocommunications. Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
» Kareem, Sulaiman Open in a new browser window
   Graduate Student at Ohio University. Contains personal information, research interests in single molecule forced unbinding, and links to sites pertinent to biophysics.
» Kavoussanaki, E.D.M. Open in a new browser window
   Personal site with info about past and current research.
» Keller, Stephane Open in a new browser window
   Ph.D in theoretical high energy physics. Curriculum vitae in English and French.
» Kinsler, Paul Open in a new browser window
   Physicist at Imperial College. Contains research and professional interests, past and present.
» Koenenkamp, Rolf Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Portland State University. Includes research interests, publications, cv, nano-devices, and electron optics.
» Kolb, Rocky Open in a new browser window
   Cosmologist at Fermilab, working in the theoretical astrophysics group. Also professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Chicago. Contains selected talks, and academic lectures.
» Krasnoholovets, Volodymyr V. Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the National Academy of Science, Kyiv. Contains description research in conventional, applied and fundamental physics. Also deals with the submicroscopic construction of nature, quantum mechanics is combined with gravity.
» Kress, Holger Open in a new browser window
   Ph.D. candidate in the Light Microscopy Group at Heidelberg. Includes a curriculum vitae, thesis and list of publications. the EMBL,
» Kundra, T.K. Open in a new browser window
   Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Author of many technical papers and books.
» Lasio, Giovanni Open in a new browser window
   A former high energy physicist turned into a medical physicist. This page contains some of the previous research as well as some other non-physics material, like pictures and links to other sites.
» Leff, Harvey Open in a new browser window
   Professor Emeritus at the California State Polytechnic University. Includes teaching, research, and family information.
» Levantino, Matteo Open in a new browser window
   Assistant professor at the University of Palermo. Includes information about research and teaching activity in the field of condensed matter physics and biophysics.
» Levy, Stephen L. Open in a new browser window
   Steve Levy is a member of the CDF (Collision Detector at FermiLab) collaboration and is working on problems of "top" physics and "new" physics.
» Liu, Chang and Deng, Na Open in a new browser window
   Teaching assistants at Rutgers University and New Jersey Institute of Technology. Personal description, photo album, research, and favorites.
» Lominé, Franck Open in a new browser window
   Postdoctoral fellow at the Research Institute of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, currently researching internal erosion, granular materials and wave breaking. Includes personal information, interests, publications and links.
» Lottermoser, Thomas Open in a new browser window
   Ph.D at the University of Dortmund in 2002 about the magnetic and electric ordering of hexagonal manganites.
» Lummerzheim, Dirk Open in a new browser window
   Research Professor at the University of Alaska. Research interests include aurora, aeronomy and atmosphere. Page contains personal information and publications.
» Lushnikov, Pavel Open in a new browser window
   Associate professor, University of New Mexico. Interests include plasma physics and laser fusion, free surface hydrodynamics, nonlinear optics and optical communications, pattern formation, wave collapse and singularity formation.
» Lynds, Peter Open in a new browser window
   Information and links on the author's work on the subject of time and physics, cosmology and Zeno's paradoxes.
» Mallinckrodt, A. John Open in a new browser window
   Professor of Physics, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Includes a number of links to course materials, simulations and presentation materials.
» Matthews, Rick Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Wake Forest University. Contains information on teaching, research, and personal life.
» Mendes, Jose Open in a new browser window
   Information about research, namely on random networks. Also presents classes online: Statistical physics, computational physics, and mechanics and relativity.
» Menke, Sven Open in a new browser window
   Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institut for physics in Munich. Contains my recent works in experimental high-energy physics on OPAL, BaBar and ATLAS. Calorimetry, B-physics, tau-physics and QCD are the main topics.
» Mishra, Kishore Open in a new browser window
   A scentist working in IPR, DAE towards research and development of fusion energy. Engaged in edge plasma phenomena for India's tokamaks.
» Mitnik, Dario Open in a new browser window
   Research fellow Rollins College. Contains research on atomic physics, electron impact ionization, excitation and recombination, parallelization of the R-matrix codes, distorted waves method, and time dependent method.
» Movahed, Hanif Bayat Open in a new browser window
   M.S. Candidate in Physics, Guelph University, Guelph-Waterloo Physics Ins. Interested in modeling and simualtion of complex systems such as society modeling, liquid crystals, biomathematics and financial mathematics.
» Mukhi, Sunil Open in a new browser window
   Faculty member at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Includes string theory and quantum mechanics articles, classical Indian music and culture, also photos and music links.
» Nattermann, Thomas Open in a new browser window
   Professor of theoretical and statistical physics.
» Nesi, Francesco Open in a new browser window
   CV, scientific interests in the environment, Quantum computing and Bose-Einstein condensation, and publications.
» Niederriter, Chuck Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Gustavus Adolphus College. Includes contact information, research and academic interests, and personal information.
» Norton, Andy Open in a new browser window
   Research in the fields of High Mass X-ray Binaries and the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables known as Intermediate Polars
» Okulov, Alex Open in a new browser window
   Ph.D. in Laser Physics: P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia. Scientific interests: quantum optics, path integrals, chaotic dynamics, superluminality, solitons, quantum wells/dots, phase conjugation, stimulated scattering, microchip lasers, cold atoms.
» Osborne, A. R. Open in a new browser window
   Contains overview of research on nonlinear wave motion, references, conventions and events.
» Pace, David Open in a new browser window
   Graduate student in physics at UCLA. Current research involves experimental plasma physics in the UCLA Tokamak Laboratory.
» Peralta, Guy Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Costa Rica. Curriculum vitae and recent publications focused on the properties of the nuclear forces, high energy proton collisions, and the group structure of grand unified theories.
» Piccione, Andrea Open in a new browser window
   High school physics teacher. Includes a curriculum vitae, a diagram of deep inelastic scattering and related links.
» Prysyazhnyuk, V I Open in a new browser window
   Provides details of publications and metallophysical investigations at Lviv National University, including metallic films, compounds, alloys, electrophysical properties and structure.
» Ramirez-Gomez, Ricardo Open in a new browser window
   Guest engineer at Fermilab, D0 experiment. Information about trigger DFE firmware.
» Randall, Lisa Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the Harvard University Department of Physics. Model builder and research er in the areas of extra dimensions, cosmology, string theory and Grand Unification Theory. Includes articles, media appearance schedule, and book reviews.
» Ray, Michael Open in a new browser window
   Graduate student at University of Massachusetts. Contains sections devoted to physics, programming languages, Linux, book reviews, and personal writing.
» Redish, Edward F. Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Maryland. Contains projects, classes, activities and resources.
» Reitz, Doug Open in a new browser window
   Computational physics PhD student at George Mason University. CV, publications, research and resources.
» Rodriguez, Jerome Open in a new browser window
   Astrophysicist at the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Service d'Astrophysique. Research focus on the X-ray Gamma ray emission form compact object in Binary systems(X-ray Bianaries, microquasars).
» Rubiola, Enrico Open in a new browser window
   Research interests include noise, phase noise, amplitude noise, frequency stability and noise, oscillator stability and noise, precision electronics and related issues.
» Rudzick, Oliver Open in a new browser window
   Researcher at the National Institute for the Physics of Matter. Includes research interests in the field of nonlinear dynamics.
» Rueff, Jean-Pascal Open in a new browser window
   Researcher at the Center for Radiation. Contains information on x-ray scattering, cryptography, and contact information.
» S. V. K. Kumar Open in a new browser window
   Researcher at the Tata Institute. Research interests include excited molecules, biophysics, dissociation dynamics and experiment software. Contains information about collaborators, a list of publications and paper abstracts.
» Satir, Ahmet Open in a new browser window
   Academic Consultant. Resumé of the webmaster.
» Schultz, Howard Open in a new browser window
   Senior research scientist at the University of Massachusetts. Research projects include environmental monitoring, 3D terrain reconstruction, assimilating existing 3D information, and using 3D texture to improve classifier performance.
» Sergeev, Alexey Open in a new browser window
   Postdoctoral Researcher in UMass Dartmouth, Department of Chemistry. Developing quantum-mechanical perturbation theory for atomic and molecular problems. Documents, publications, pictures.
» Shankar, Balaji Open in a new browser window
   Talks about work in CFD, university and personal interests.
» Siew-Phang Ng Open in a new browser window
   Research interests on supersymmetry breaking, particle cosmology, grand unified theories, neutrino physics and other topics. Also CV and publications.
» Sijbers, Jan Open in a new browser window
   Main interests: MR image processing; in particular, signal and noise estimation.
» Smith, Roger Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Alaska. Includes recent papers, and details on the GI space physics undergraduate intern program.
» Soper, Davison E. Open in a new browser window
   University of Oregon; theoretical elementary particle theory.
» Space Physics Group at U Washington Open in a new browser window
   Faculty, students, and staff of the space physics groups at UW
» Stefan, V. Alexander Open in a new browser window
   Provides biographical details, research activities, publications, art and contributions to society.
» Steinberg, Aephraim Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Toronto University. Research interests include experimental laser cooling and quantum optics. Includes curriculum vitae and publications.
» Stepanov, Misha Open in a new browser window
   Working on turbulence theory, optical telecommunications and data clustering. Contains publications, CV, and notes.
» Swift, Dan Open in a new browser window
   Researcher at the University of Alaska. Includes links to research projects.
» Tokunaga, Kiyohisa Open in a new browser window
   Contains entire paper entitled Total Integral for Electromagnetic Canonical Action.
» Tomaszewski, Waldemar Open in a new browser window
   Publications and research into the dynamics of chains, ropes and cracking whips.
» Troost, Jan Open in a new browser window
   Theoretical physicist working at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique. Includes research interests and education along with lists of references on string theory and quantum field theory, and course notes.
» Tureci, Hakan Open in a new browser window
   Postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Quantum Electronics at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland. Includes research interests, CV and publications.
» Turner, Matt Open in a new browser window
   Graduate student at the University of Washington. Includes contact information, resume, publications and undergraduate thesis.
» Tyson, Neil deGrasse Open in a new browser window
   American astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium, and popularizer of science. Includes biographical information, articles, and audio and video media.
» Verdes, Pablo F. Open in a new browser window
   Researcher at Instituto de Fisica Rosario. Includes personal information, interests, publications, journals, and links.
» Vincent Langlois Open in a new browser window
   Assistant professor at the Department of Earth Sciences in Lyon. Research interests: sand ripples, sediment transport, foams, bubbles, plankton locomotion.
» Viswanathan, A. Open in a new browser window
   Head of science, SRM institute of science. Find about solid state ionics, energy physics and answers to it.
» Vogelsang, Roger Open in a new browser window
   Letters on his views on contemporary topics in this subject.
» Watkins, Brenton Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Alaska. Includes research interests and graduate students.
» Willingale, Richard Open in a new browser window
   Lecturer in physics and senior undergraduate admissions tutor. Contains course notes, reference manuals and other topics associated with the author.
» Wilson, Richard Open in a new browser window
   Research Professor at Harvard University. Contains published papers, arsenic project, chemical carcinogens, radiation, human rights, elementary and particle physics.
» Wubs, Martijn Open in a new browser window
   Assistant professor at DTU Fotonik, Denmark. Research interests: theoretical quantum optics, quantum information, photonics, plasmonics. Website includes publications, presentations, curriculum vitae, and contact information.
» Yamilov, Alexey Open in a new browser window
   A member of Condensed Matter Theory group in Queens College. Interests include general questions of localization of light, polariton optics of disordered crystals and quantum heterostructures.
» Young, Matt Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Colorado School of Mines. Lists courses taught, science and religion, optics, optical communications, metrology, biography, books and publications.
» Yu, Zhi Gang Open in a new browser window
   Research physicist studying spin-dependent transport in organic materials and devices, DNA and proteins, conducting polymers, and high-temperature superconductors.
» Zaitsev, Oleg Open in a new browser window
   Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Contains contact information, CV, list of publications, and details of research interests.
» Zukaitis, Anthony Open in a new browser window
   Resume of Ph.D. in Physics.
» van Bergen, Ard Open in a new browser window
   Theoretical physicist working as independent scientific consultant. Contains curriculum vitae and publication list.
» van Elst, Henk Open in a new browser window
   Provides links to recent as well as classic research and review papers in relativistic cosmology and related fields, and also makes available notes with relevant equation systems.
» van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan Open in a new browser window
   Contains scientific research and personal information.

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Last Updated: 2010-07-19 17:27:55

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