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Carbon Management (142)


See Also:

» Act on CO2 Open in a new browser window
   UK Government campaign with help and advice for consumers to help them reduce their CO2 emissions.
» Algalabs Open in a new browser window
   Developer of a process in which micro algae use carbon dioxide and produce both biodiesel and feedstock for animals.
» BBC: Carbon Emissions Show Sharp Rise Open in a new browser window
   The growth in global carbon dioxide emissions accelerated sharply around the year 2000, a new analysis shows.
» Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Partnership Open in a new browser window
   Addresses CO2 emissions and seeks the most suitable technologies, regulations, and infrastructure needs for carbon capture, storage and sequestration, both terrestrial and geologic.
» Business Gets Serious About Emissions Open in a new browser window
   BusinessWeek Online special report about business and global warming.
» CIRENE (Center of Initiative and Research on Energy and the Environment) Open in a new browser window
   Information about syntheses and studies to solve problems of industrial partners regarding greenhouse gases (including taxation, permits for carbon trading, technical-economic studies, feasibility studies for capture and storage of CO2, forecasting studie
» CO2 Capture Project Open in a new browser window
   Describes efforts by eight of the world's leading energy companies to reduce the cost of CO2 capture from combustion sources and to develop methods for safely storing carbon dioxide underground.
» CO2 Capture&Storage Open in a new browser window
   This website provides a collection of resources related to the capture and storage of CO2.
» CO2 Emissions Open in a new browser window
   Listing of emissions by country compiled by the UN.
» CO2nned Open in a new browser window
   New Internationalist Magazine special issue on carbon offsets.
» Car Emissions Information Open in a new browser window
   Information about carbon dioxide emission and fuel consumption of cars.
» CarboEurope Open in a new browser window
   A EU-funded research project designed to better understand, quantify and predict under current and future scenarios the carbon balance of Europe.
» Carbon Capture and Storage Open in a new browser window
   Carbon (dioxide) capture and storage (CCS) in geological structures is fast-emerging as a promising method for decoupling fossil fuel use and carbon emissions. This site provides information about the UKCCSC project.
» Carbon Mitigation Initiative Open in a new browser window
   Website providing information about a joint research project of Princeton University, BP and the Ford Motor Company into impacts of climate change and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Includes research papers that can be downloaded.
» Carbon Offsets Daily Open in a new browser window
   News about the international carbon market, emissions, trading and offsetting.
» Carbon Sequestration Open in a new browser window
   Information about the US Department of Energy's portfolio of research and development programs into Carbon Sequestration.
» Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum Open in a new browser window
   Information about the CSLF and its activities, including endorsed projects, papers and presentations.
» Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems (CSiTE) Open in a new browser window
   U.S. DOE research aimed at enhancing carbon capture and long-term sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems.
» Carbon Tax Center Open in a new browser window
   Organization launched in 2007 to give voice to Americans who believe that taxing emissions of carbon dioxide is imperative to reduce global warming.
» Carbon-Dioxide Sequestration in Geologic Media Open in a new browser window
   Texas Bureau of Economic Geology describes its research initiatives on the potential to sequester carbon in saline geologic formations and abandoned oil/gas reservoirs.
» Care Needed with Carbon Offsets Open in a new browser window
   BBC article discusses the finding that the benefits that come from trees reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide can be outweighed by their capacity to trap heat near the ground.
» Climate Safe Open in a new browser window
   The United States' first federally recognized certification mark for greenhouse gas neutral products and services. Helps businesses and consumers find carbon and greenhouse neutral products and services.
» DOE Center for Research on Ocean Carbon Sequestration Open in a new browser window
   United States Department of Energy (DOE) view of techniques for storing carbon in the ocean.
» DOE: Carbon Sequestration R&D Open in a new browser window
   U.S. Department of Energy program of research and other efforts to develop mid- to long-term solutions for reducing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, including sequestration in oceans, geologic formations, and terrestrial ecosystems.
» Eco Aid Open in a new browser window
   Aims to reduce human induced climate change by promoting corporate, governmental and personal social responsibility through education and empowerment.
» GHC Protocol Initiative Open in a new browser window
   Standards and guidance regarding corporate greenhouse gas accounting and reporting.
» GHG Trade Open in a new browser window
   Offers a brokerage services that matches companies looking for greenhouse gas products and services with companies that offer such products and services. Includes articles on solar and other renewable sources of power.
» Greenhouse Gas Technology Center Open in a new browser window
   Investigating the performance of technologies to mitigate and monitor greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
» Greenspace Research Open in a new browser window
   Description of a program that aims to reduce the carbon emission of buildings.
» How Coldplay's Green Hopes Died in the Arid Soil of India Open in a new browser window
   Telegraph.co.uk article discusses the outcome of a carbon offset environmental initiative by the rock band Coldplay.
» Hydrogen Production With Carbon Sequestration Open in a new browser window
   Research overview of the production of carbon sequestering fertilizer made during renewable hydrogen production.
» Land-Use Management for Carbon Sequestration Open in a new browser window
   Study of the potential for sequestering carbon from alternative land-use management options in SubSaharan Africa developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
» Lawrence Livermore National Labs - News Release Open in a new browser window
   Models show growing more forests in temperate regions could contribute to global warming.
» Low Carbon Knowledge Transfer Network Open in a new browser window
   Information about a KTN that acts as a national network connecting organisations such as universities and investors to form communities interested in exploiting low carbon and fuel cell technologies.
» MIT Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies Open in a new browser window
   Background information and details of research projects.
» Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium Open in a new browser window
   The MGSC will assess the potential for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide in the deeply buried unminable coal seams, depleting oil or gas reservoirs, and brine-filled rock formations found in the Illinois Basin.
» Ocean Chemistry of Greenhouse Gases Open in a new browser window
   Information about research by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) into ocean sequestration of carbon dioxide.
» Planting Trees to Save Planet is Pointless, say Ecologists Open in a new browser window
   This Guardian UK article discusses findings that most forests do not have an effect on global temperature.
» Safe Climate for Business Open in a new browser window
   A website dedicated to helping business of all sizes to understand and take action on climate change.
» Siberia II - Project Website Open in a new browser window
   Multinational study to demonstrate the viability of full carbon accounting on a regional basis using the environmental tools and systems available to us today and in the near future. Site provides news, data and other information.
» Sleipner CO2 project Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the separation process of CO2 and natural gas as used by Statoil prior to underground CO2 storage.
» Support CO2 Free Open in a new browser window
   Organization that aims to make the World a better and greener place by promoting a CO2 free future and by providing guidance and help to investors and innovators.
» The Carbon Fund Open in a new browser window
   The Carbon Fund is financing and promoting the protection, restoration and enhancement of forests all over the world through carbon sequestration, an important tool in preventing global climate change.
» The Carbon Trust Open in a new browser window
   The Carbon Trust is an independent not for profit company set up by the UK Government with support from business to take the lead on low carbon technology and innovation in the UK.
» The GEO-SEQ Project Open in a new browser window
   Describes U.S. public-private research and development on methods for capture and geologic sequestration of CO2.
» The Gold Standard Open in a new browser window
   An NGO-backed tool that generates premium carbon credits and promotes sustainable development. It is a source of information for all stakeholders involved in CDM/JI projects.
» Trends of Measured Climate Forcing Agents Open in a new browser window
   Paper by Hansen and Sato (PNAS 2001;98:14778) makes the case for an increased focus on methane and aerosols in the short-term in order to mitigate climate change.
» U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory: 1990-2001 Open in a new browser window
   A comprehensive assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks in U.S. agriculture and forests. Provides extensive, in-depth emissions and sinks estimates for livestock, cropland, and forests, as well as energy consumption in livestock and cropland agri
» US EPA Methane Voluntary Programs Open in a new browser window
   EPA methane and utility outreach programs are intended to reduce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
» What You Can Do: Go Carbon Neutral Open in a new browser window
   The David Suzuki Foundation provides tips for becoming carbon neutral.
» Zero Emissions Research and Technology: A National Resource for Geologic Sequestration Science Open in a new browser window
   ZERT is a research collaborative focused on understanding the basic science of underground (geologic) carbon dioxide storage to mitigate greenhouse gases from fossil fuel use and to develop technologies that can ensure the safety and reliability of that s

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Last Updated: 2009-11-17 15:02:04

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