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Carbon Offsets (46)

See Also:

» 4MyPlanet Open in a new browser window
   Nonprofit company that offers solutions to individuals and organizations for offseting their impact on the climate. Includes information about carbon offsets, carbon calculator and green products.
» All Carbon Credits Workable Implications, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization working for America and offering its members carbon offsets and carbon trading.
» Andromeda Open in a new browser window
   Commercial firm offering education and support in climate change strategies for businesses.
» Balanced Footprint Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the carbon emissions made by people and businesses. Offers to purchase carbon offsets from projects in the United States, thereby reducing carbon emissions and investing in the economy.
» Big Tree Climate Fund Open in a new browser window
   Provides a blog and information on carbon footprints and offsetting and renewable energy certificates. Offers carbon offsets, RECs, and tree planting programs.
» Blue Ventures Carbon Offset (BVCO) Open in a new browser window
   A not-for-profit carbon offsetting programme helping communities by investing in carbon management projects with practical benefits.
» Buy Carbon Credits Open in a new browser window
   Offers carbon credits to individuals or corporations that are interested in reducing their carbon footprint in the world.
» CELB-Climate Change Open in a new browser window
   Carbon offset projects in tropical forests with combined carbon, biodiversity and social benefits.
» Carbon Advice Group Open in a new browser window
   Enables individuals and businesses to accurately calculate their carbon footprint, find out ways to reduce their emissions and offset the remainder.
» Carbon Catalog - Carbon Offsets Directory Open in a new browser window
   An independent directory of carbon offset projects and providers. Projects and providers are mapped and categorized.
» Carbon Credit World Open in a new browser window
   Carbon credit consultancy providing information and services for investors in renewables and energy technology, including Joint Implementation (JI) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
» Carbon Offset Open in a new browser window
   Wikipedia article explaining these financial instruments aimed at a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
» Carbon Offset Company Open in a new browser window
   Offers to lower the carbon footprint of businesses and individuals by reforestation and clean energy.
» Carbon Passport Open in a new browser window
   A service that lets individuals and companies calculate their carbon footprint and pay to offset their CO2 emissions by investing in Kyoto approved renewable energy, energy efficiency and other projects.
» Carbon Reduction Projects Open in a new browser window
   Carbon offset provider for business and individuals. Offseting carbon emissions through the sponsorship of CO2 reducing projects worldwide.
» Carbon Zero Canada Open in a new browser window
   Information about a Canadian carbon offset company.
» Carbonica Open in a new browser window
   Provider of guaranteed carbon offsets from rainforest projects. Includes a carbon footprint calculator.
» Clear Open in a new browser window
   Carbon offset company approved under the UK Government Quality Assurance Scheme. Allows individuals and businesses to calculate their carbon footprint and then make use of the offset schemes.
» Climate Positive Open in a new browser window
   Not-for-profit organisation working with businesses and households to measure, reduce and offset carbon emissions with accredited projects that have renewable energy components and additional forest restoration to go beyond neutral.
» Co2Balance Open in a new browser window
   Offers to help companies and individuals reduce and offset their carbon emissions ethically and credibly.
» Ditch Carbon Open in a new browser window
   Offers carbon offset programs designed to neutralize the carbon footprint of families and individuals.
» EcoAct Open in a new browser window
   European firm helping companies to quantify, reduce and offset their carbon emissions. Provides details of offsetting projects around the world.
» Emergent Ventures India Open in a new browser window
   A global consulting and finance firm focusing on providing services to mitigate climate change.
» Emission Statement Open in a new browser window
   Offers carbon management and offsetting to businesses and individuals.
» EnviroFX Open in a new browser window
   Offers Carbon Credits that go directly toward organizing labor and material to help plant trees, clean watersheds, and educate the public.
» Environmental Synergy, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   A service organization providing reforestation and carbon quantification services to corporate clients as a means to offset carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and promote sustainable forestry.
» Global Carbon Exchange Open in a new browser window
   A consulting company that helps organisations measure, reduce and offset their carbon footprint. Information about their services is provided.
» Greatest Planet Open in a new browser window
   Helps people to calculate their carbon footprint and offset their unavoidable emissions. Offsetting works by investing funds in forestry projects and renewable energy.
» Green EU Initiative Open in a new browser window
   Allows people to make donations to compensate for their carbon footprints. The donations will support reforestation projects that focus on planting indigenous trees in harmony with the existing vegetation.
» LivClean Open in a new browser window
   Canadian organization offering carbon offset products to individuals, communities and businesses. Includes information on offsetting and provides guidance on going green.
» MGM International Open in a new browser window
   Consultants offering complete carbon management or customized consulting services in the field of greenhouse gas emissions.
» OffsetCarbonFootprint.Org Open in a new browser window
   Organization dedicated to providing access to scientific information about the creation, distribution and impact of greenhouse gases. Includes a selection of projects that customers can contribute to in order to offset their carbon footprints.
» Sustain Our Planet Open in a new browser window
   Enables environmentally conscious individuals and organizations to calculate, offset and reduce their carbon footprint. Previous offsets are saved in a "Green Account" to track overall progress.
» T&M Carbon Farm Open in a new browser window
   Offset your carbon footprint and support family farming at the same time. Learn what you can do to combat global warming.
» TerraPass Open in a new browser window
   Allows consumers to easily and affordably eliminate the environmental impact of driving their cars by purchasing carbon emission offsets.
» The Carbon Credits Trust Open in a new browser window
   Services offered include carbon trading, carbon audits and carbon offsets.
» The Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management Open in a new browser window
   Independent consulting company that provides specialist expertise relating to climate change mitigation strategies and policies to businesses, governments and civil organisations.
» The Offset Carbon Company Open in a new browser window
   Provides advice and solutions for reducing personal and business carbon usage and raises funds for third world charities.
» Third Direction Open in a new browser window
   Information about reducing carbon emissions and an opportunity to purchase carbon offsetting certificates.
» Treasured Trees Open in a new browser window
   Treasured Trees enables individuals and companies to sponsor tree planting in deprived countries as conscience gifts, to mark special occasions or in memory of loved ones and in this way to offset their carbon footprint.
» Treeflights Open in a new browser window
   Offers to plant native species of trees in Wales and Peru for the purposes of carbon renewal and for bio-sustainability, offsetting CO2 emissions by planting a minimum of one tree for each flight taken.
» Witzara Open in a new browser window
   Offers to enable people to compensate for their carbon emissions by participating in an afforestation project. Includes information on the preservation of biodiversity, sustainability and development of the local community.
» World Clean Air Forest Initiative Open in a new browser window
   Offers a Clean Air Tree Kit to try to counter climate change, deforestation, pollution and anything else that has a negative effect on air quality.
» ZeroGHG Inc. Open in a new browser window
   How individuals and corporations can reduce their GHG emissions and offset their carbon footprint.
» carbon credit emissions CCE Open in a new browser window
   Offers an ethical fixed rate bond and carbon credit emissions projects in Africa for businesses and investors to offset their carbon CO2 footprint.
» e-BlueHorizons Open in a new browser window
   Offers greenhouse gas offsets and funds reforestation projects.

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Last Updated: 2009-11-17 15:18:58

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