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People (70)

See Also:

» Aleiner, Igor Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the Department of Physics, Columbia University. Includes a profile of Aleiner's work in condensed matter theory, including a list of selected publications.
» Attaccalite, Claudio Open in a new browser window
   Researcher in CNRS (Grenoble). Theory and numerical simulation of electronic properties.
» Bailey, Louise R. Open in a new browser window
   Ph.D. student at the University of Warwick, UK, studying the surface and bulk electrical, optical and structural properties of highly mismatched semiconductor compounds. Includes CV, research and publications.
» Balents, Leon Open in a new browser window
   Theoretical physics research on strong correlation and quantum effects in condensed matter systems, including magnetism, superconductivity, nanoelectronics in specific structures and general conceptual problems in the field.
» Baulin, Vladimir Open in a new browser window
   Researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), ETSEQ DEQ. Conception and design of polymer drug carriers in form of block copolymer micelles, polysoaps, anion-cation complexes, hydrogels, nano-containers, vesicles etc. Drug delivery and controlled
» Bogoslovov, Radoslav Open in a new browser window
   Polymer electrolyte research on PEO-lithium salt for use as rechargeable batteries.
» Canals, Benjamin Open in a new browser window
   Researcher in the Louis Néel Laboratory, belonging to the CNRS site of Grenoble, France. Research interests: Kondo lattice systems; High dimensionnal spin liquid; Mesoscopic systems; Small magnetic systems; Self Organized critical systems; Magnetism in q
» Clougherty, Dennis P. Open in a new browser window
   Research on topics in theoretical condensed matter physics, including ultracold atom-surface scattering and quantum sticking, Jahn-Teller effects in molecules, clusters and solids, and properties of fullerenes and nanotubes.
» Cohen, Doron Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Ben-Gurion University. Theoretical research in quantum chaos and mesoscopic physics, in particular study of driven systems, quantum pumping, dephasing and dissipation.
» Coraux, Johann Open in a new browser window
   CNRS research staff at Neel Institute in Grenoble (France). Research on epitaxial Graphene on metals and on metallic nanostructures on epitaxial graphene.
» Dekker, Cees Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Provides comprehensive lists of current research projects, publications, a CV and personal info.
» Drabold, David Open in a new browser window
   Simulation of glasses and amorphous materials with links to current research on amorphous materials and electronic structure calculations.
» Durand, Marc Open in a new browser window
   Physicist in the MSC lab, Université Paris Diderot, France. Research interests include physics of foams, cellular materials, elastic and transport networks and vascular morphogenesis.
» Eisenstein, James Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Caltech. The main focus of his research is the exotic collective behavior of low dimensional electronic systems in semiconductors.
» Fernandez-Rossier, Joaquín Open in a new browser window
   Associate professor at the university of Alicante. Theoretical research on the magnetic properties of systems with reduced dimensionality and in the manipulation of these properties by means of electrical fields and currents as well as laser excitation.
» Figueiredo, Vitor Open in a new browser window
   Information about the Portuguese researcher Vitor Figueiredo (FCT-UNL), publications and scientific interests.
» Flensberg, Karsten Open in a new browser window
   Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen. Research interests: Solid state theory, mesoscopic physics, molecular electronics.
» Franz, Kale Open in a new browser window
   Post-doc at Princeton University. Research on quantum cascade lasers and other compound semiconductor heterostructure devices.
» Freericks, Jim Open in a new browser window
   Georgetown University, Department of Physics. Research interests include nanoscale electronics and nonequilibrium and nonlinear response work.
» Ghosh, Saptarshi Open in a new browser window
   Condensed matter research scholar in the theoretical division of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Provides information on research interests in geometrically frustrated correlated electron systems on the triangular lattice.
» Hemang Shah Open in a new browser window
   It describes my research project involving liquid crystals, carbon nanotubes, and ferroelectric polymers. Also, has my CV and useful research links.
» Hofmann, Stephan Open in a new browser window
   Lecturer at the university of Cambridge. research on nano-materials for electronics and subwavelength photonics.
» Hussain, Syed Arshad Open in a new browser window
   Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Tripura University. Includes details of research interests, publications and academic activities.
» Katanin, Andrey A. Open in a new browser window
   Application of modern mathematical methods (continual integration, renormalization group, bosonization, group theory, methods of topology) to actual problems of physics of strongly-correlated electron systems. Investigations of magnetism of strongly-corre
» Ketterle, Wolfgang Open in a new browser window
   Nobel laureate (2001). Research on ultra cold atoms. Contains Ketterle's biography, list of publications, interviews and photos.
» King, Philip D. C. Open in a new browser window
   Postdoc at the University University of St Andrews, UK. Research interests in the electronic structure and properties of emerging materials, including highly-correlated solids and novel semiconductors.
» Koch, Jens Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Northwestern University working on theoretical condensed matter physics, including strongly correlated systems, quantum information processing with solid-state devices and theory of quantum transport.
» Koch, Norbert Open in a new browser window
   Research on Conjugated Organic Materials for novel opto-electronic devices.
» Kuksenok, Olga Open in a new browser window
   University of Pittsburgh. Research interests are modeling of binary fluids within microchannels (morphological instabilities and periodic droplet formation) and modeling of ternary fluids with reversible chemical reactions.
» Kumada, Norio Open in a new browser window
   Researcher at Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Basic Research Labs (Japan). Research interest: Quantum Hall effect in single and multilayer electron systems, control of nuclear spins in semiconductors.
» Leggett, Anthony J. Open in a new browser window
   Nobel laureate (2003). Professor at university of Illinois. Research on low temperature Theoretical physics. Superfluidity, superconductivity and basic conceptual issues in the foundations of quantum mechanics.
» Li, Xiaoqin Open in a new browser window
   Assistand professor at University of Texas. Her research program focuses on the studies of quantum dynamics in various materials and nanostructures.
» Lieber, Charles Open in a new browser window
   Charles Lieber is a Professor at Harvard University. His research focuses on the synthesis of nanoscale wires together with demonstrations of applications of theses materials.
» Liss, Klaus-Dieter Open in a new browser window
   Condensed matter physicist and materials scientist, specialist in synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction
» MacDonald, Allan H. Open in a new browser window
   Professor at university of Texas. Theory of graphene, metal spintronics, cold atoms, quantum Hall systems and nanoparticules
» Mamaluy, Denis Open in a new browser window
   Faculty research associate at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University. Dr. Mamaluy works on quantum transport simulations in nanostructures.
» Mandowski, Arkadiusz Open in a new browser window
   Institute of Physics of the Pedagogical University of Czestochowa, Poland. Interests: luminescence, thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, Monte Carlo methods, trapping, recombination, traps, spatially correlated systems.
» Marques, Carlos Open in a new browser window
   Teaching and research in Soft Condensed Matterat LDFC-CNRS: physics of polymers, surfactants, colloids and other complex fluids.
» McBride, Carl Open in a new browser window
   Physicist and theoretical physical chemist. Research interests, in the area of soft condensed matter physics, and publications list.
» Meloni, Simone Open in a new browser window
   Contains information on our research, teaching and scientific software development.
» Moliner, Marion Open in a new browser window
   Research interests include condensed matter theory, including frustrated systems, quantum magnetism, spin phonon coupling and low-dimensional systems.
» Nadgorny, Boris Open in a new browser window
   Boris Nadgorny's Research Group at Wayne State University, Physics and Astronomy Department
» Nunes, Lizardo Open in a new browser window
   Research, courses, educational resources and profile. Associate professor at the Universidade Federal de São João del Rei, Brasil.
» Paricaud, Patrice Open in a new browser window
   Lecturer at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées, working on thermodynamics of polymer systems and molecular simulation of electrolyte solutions.
» Parrondo, Juan M. R. Open in a new browser window
   Physicist at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
» Pershin, Yuriy V. Open in a new browser window
   Research associate at Michigan State University. Pershin's webpage informs about his research interests, publications, and teaching.
» Phillips, Adel Helmy Open in a new browser window
   Transport properties of mesoscopic devices consisting of semiconductor- superconductor materials. Photo-assisted tunneling.
» Postawa, Zbigniew Open in a new browser window
   Interactions of low-energy particles with thin organic layers.
» Potty, Sankara N. Open in a new browser window
   Research interests and results in the fields of nanomaterials and nanoparticles.
» Prodan, Emil Open in a new browser window
   Fellow of the Princeton Center for Complex Materials.
» Quintanilla, Jorge Open in a new browser window
   A theorist working on quantum condensed matter and materials physics. Research subjects include superconductivty, strong correlations and ultra-cold atoms as quantum simulators.
» Raas, Carsten Open in a new browser window
   Physicist in the condensed matter theory group at the Saarland University (Saarbrücken/Germany).
» Radzihovsky, Leo Open in a new browser window
   Professor at the University of Colorado. Research interests include soft-condensed matter, superconductivity, quantum Hall effect, magnetism and general questions that arise in condensed matter systems, especially fluctuation phenomena, disorder, and phas
» Renard, Vincent T. Open in a new browser window
   Condensed matter physicist in Grenoble (France). Research interest: electron-electron interactions in nanosystems, silicon nanowire growth and graphene technology.
» Roukes, Michael Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Caltech. Research focuses on developing and using of nanodevices in the exploration of single-quantum and single-molecule phenomena.
» Sachdev, Subir Open in a new browser window
   Theoretical research on quantum phase transitions and their application to correlated electron materials like the high temperature superconductors and other complex oxides.
» Sanchez, David Open in a new browser window
   Universitat de les Illes Balears. Research interests: Semiconductor Superlattices; Quantum Dots; Spintronics; Many-body Theory. Publication downloads.
» Schmitt, Daniel Open in a new browser window
   Provides information about research, publications and teaching. At the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ulm University.
» Stormer, Horst Open in a new browser window
   Nobel laureate (1998). Stormer's website at Columbia University provides information about his research, teaching, and publications.
» Taillefer, Louis Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Sherbrooke University (Canada). Specialist in High Tc superconductors.
» Takashina, Kei Open in a new browser window
   Academic fellow in Bath University (UK). Interested in physics and applications of low dimensional systems. In particular electrons and hole systems at the Si/SiO2 interface.
» Thiel, Charles Open in a new browser window
   Resources, documents, and links related to research at Montana State University on the broad electronic structure and optical properties of rare earth activated luminescent materials for technological applications such as lasers, phosphors, and optical co
» Thywissen, Joseph H. Open in a new browser window
   Home page at the physics department of the university of Toronto, including research descriptions, CV, informative links, and positions available.
» Voznyy, Alexander Open in a new browser window
   Density functional theory modeling of thiols self-assembled monolayers on semiconductor surfaces (GaAs).
» Wang, Zhong Lin Open in a new browser window
   Professor at Georgia Tech. Research focuses on nanomaterials synthesis and their applications in energy science and biomedical science.
» Webber, Beau Open in a new browser window
   School of Physical Sciences, Kent, UK. Interests are nano-science, study of liquids in confined geometry and at surfaces, characterisation of porous materials such as porous silica/rocks/clays/sediments, gas hydrates/clathrates. NMR relaxation, NMR cryopo
» Werheit, Helmut Open in a new browser window
   Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Werheit, Semiconductor and solid state properties of boron and boron-rich solids
» Zhang, Zhenrong Open in a new browser window
   Assistant professor at Baylor University. Research aims at the synthesis of controlled inverse model oxide nanocatalysts and the atomic-level understanding of their structure-activity relationships in catalytic reactions for liquid fuel and automotive emi
» Zilberberg, Oded Open in a new browser window
   Condensed matter physics at the Weizmann Institute for Science. Includes a short biography, research interests and publications.
» von Klitzing, Klauss Open in a new browser window
   Nobel laureate (1985). Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for solid state research. His research focuses on the influence of quantum phenomena on the transport and optical response of heterostructures, quantum wells and molecular systems.

Category Editor: vincer

Last Updated: 2007-10-15 02:13:35

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